Chapter 27

1720 Words

Blake may have been disappointed with Indi's reaction to his problem, but maybe he needs to give her a moment to adjust. Maybe talk about the loss when it is just the two of them, maybe explain it in more detail. Maybe he is expecting too much of her too quickly. She hasn't even had a chance to process it. Just because Thea believed him right away doesn’t mean Indi will. Thea was there, Thea saw it all. Maybe that made it easier to process. Blake making excuses for the fact a stranger cares more than his lifelong love. Vance leaves Indi's side and walks towards the bedroom wing after Thea, seeing no point being in the middle of the lovers fight. Vance may sleep with Indi, but he has no interest in getting in the middle of the relationship, only taking what he can get to feed his own eg

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