Chapter 20 - Remembering the first day

1358 Words

You haven't said anything yet?" Olima asked Leah, and Leah smiled and replied "Boss said I should take care of you while he's away. Come drink your tea now, it's getting cold, and here I brought you the new toothbrush and toothpaste, I'm going out now, to continue with my work." "Okay, thanks," Olima replied, and forgot that she didn't even ask Leah how old Leah was. She sighed as she saw that Leah had hurriedly left her room. Olima sat on the wooden chair in the room that has a leather seat on top of it, and she slowly drank her hot tea, feeling at home and at peace. She wondered how her life will resume from where it stopped after losing her parents. Olima blinked her tear drops away from her eyes and slowly loosened the bread to eat it with the tea. Cutting the bread into smaller pi

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