Grayson POV
I stared at the man in front of me, instantly disliking him. There was something about him that seemed off. I couldn’t say what, other than he was quite smug and had an air of arrogance about him that made one want to find an excuse to leave his presence. Unfortunately, I had agreed to do business with the man and so I plastered a smile on my face, and leaned forward in my chair, pretending to be interested in what Edgar Rosethorn had to say. My assistant remained standing, a look of unease on his face. It seemed as though Thomas also did not like the man or perhaps he felt intimidated in our current surroundings, Mr Rosethorns house being somewhat dark and the lighting dim for a mansion the size of his.
“Mr Drake, we’ve long been business partners with your company. Without your patronage, my company would suffer a great loss. I must say that I have every intention of supplying everything that you require at a fair and just price. You can count on me to deliver, just like I have never failed to deliver in years past with other companies. If you need references, I can provide those too” Edgar Rosethorn commented, leaning back in his chair and crossing his legs with a look of confidence on his face.
“Nevertheless, I have several companies bidding to do the same. What puts you above the rest?” I asked bluntly.
I wasn't a fool. His company had to have something that was unique or different from the others. Otherwise, what was the advantage of keeping his company on when there were others that claimed they could do the same as him?
He gave me a smirk. “My family lineage is old and highly respected. I have long been a person of let’s say, persuasive means and power that not even my competitors can boast about. There are advantages to continuing to use my business, Mr Drake, including elevating your own personal reputation and establishing a wider network of wealthy and influential families to invest in your business” he said.
The audacity. He was trying to bribe me. I looked at him with revulsion. I didn’t need to be introduced to wealthy and influential families. I was more than powerful enough as it was. I was about to rise out of my seat and dismiss myself when he cleared his throat.
“If you don’t believe me, take my upcoming wedding to Miss Raine Stockland, a respectable family, with impeccable lineage. Their company is currently in dire straits right now and I’ve agreed to help save it on the condition that she marries me.”
My disgust for the man grew even further. How he could use such an opportunity to force an innocent girl to marry him was beyond the pale. He didn’t notice the expression on my face as he continued, a smile curving on his lips.
“The wedding is to be very soon. It will be a small intimate affair” he continued smoothly “but it would be a great honor if you were to attend as my guest. Perhaps then, you might see just what kind of man I am and change your mind about me” he suggested silkily.
I doubted it. I was about to refuse when I paused. Raine Stockland. Where had I heard that name before? It wasn’t so much the first name but rather the last name that was tugging at my memory. I frowned, trying to place it but in the end was forced to give up. Edgar Rosethorn patiently waited and I looked at him sharply.
“Text my assistant the details and I will attempt to attend. We can discuss the details of your contract and the possibility of renewing it after that” I said tersely.
“Very well,” he said agreeably, rising to his feet “but I must say that if you choose not to renew, you might regret it in the end” he warned.
I would be stupid not to recognize that statement for what it was, even though he would try to deny it. This man was untrustworthy. No wonder Thomas had warned me about doing business with him.
“Is that a threat Mr Rosethorn?” I asked icily, not beating about the bush.
“Merely an observation. No other company compares to mine. To take a risk with another one, well, it’s simply asking for shoddy supplies and failure to deliver goods on time” he said silkily.
“That will be my problem to deal with,” I told the man firmly, standing up and refusing his handshake, nodding to Thomas “We’ll be in touch.”
It was my way of dismissing him and ending the conversation. I had no desire to continue it. He recognized this and merely inclined his head, a small smile on his lips. He looked amused by my desire to leave. If he thought it was because of his intimidation he was deadly wrong. I was simply growing fed up with his boorish attitude. The man was a despicable human being.
He saw us to the door. I breathed a sigh of relief as we exited the stifling house and quickly got back into the limousine. The fresh air that came through the windows was enough to shake off the feeling of dust and dreariness that we had felt in the Rosethorn mansion.
“That house feels stifling” Thomas commented dryly, beginning to steer the limousine into the main road, a look of relief on his face.
“Tell me about it. What do you know about this Raine Stockland?” I asked with interest. “Have you heard the name before?”
Thomas was well versed in most of the wealthy families who lived in this part of the country. If anybody had the knowledge of the Stockland family, it was him.
Thomas frowned, wracking his brain.“It sounds familiar. If I recall, the Stocklands are one of the wealthy and prominent families in the city, although I have not personally heard of a Miss Raine Stockland. Perhaps she’s the daughter,” he said, glancing through the rearview mirror “in which case I feel sorry for her having to marry that man.”
“It’s done all the time between wealthy families,” I said nonchalantly, even though I privately agreed with him.
I felt sorry for anybody that had to marry that man.
“True, but it seems terribly cold of him. He’s merely doing it to get his hands on her” Thomas said scowling “not to save the company. Do you suppose she’s the same age as him?” he asked moodily.
I shook my head. “I feel as though she might be younger, simply from the look on his face as he spoke about her. It gives me the shivers” I said with a grimace “for an older man like that to seek marriage with a younger woman. It’s predatory” I exhaled “and makes me nervous about doing business with such a man.”
“Does that mean that you will cancel his contract?” Thomas asked, sounding and looking hopeful.
I gathered he didn’t much like the man either. Thomas had been correct in saying my grandfather would never have done business with a man such as that. But I had the company to think of and not my own personal bias. It was dangerous to halt business with somebody simply because you did not approve of their personal lives. I did not conduct my business in that manner.
“Not necessarily. I did say his personal business was exactly that, unless it reflected on his business reputation, I have no desire to use it as a means not to do business with him.”
Even as tempted as I was to do so.
Thomas looked disappointed. “But sir, did he not seem a little” he hesitated and glanced over his shoulder at me,“Off to you?”
So, Thomas had felt that as well. Interesting. He was very observant. I tapped my chin. “Thomas, find me a suitable gift to bring to the wedding. Something appropriate, that’s not too expensive but expensive enough to make a good impression.”
“Are you intending to go to the wedding then?” Thomas asked with interest, “To see the poor girl being forced to marry the man?”
“I was invited,” I said calmly, looking out the window. “It would be rude to refuse such an invitation and yet” I paused “I am interested to see just what kind of girl or woman this Edgar Rosethorn intends to marry. I find I am curious, and I wish to satisfy that curiosity” I added, while Thomas nodded agreeably.
“Very well sir, I’ll do as you ask. I’ll find the perfect wedding gift” he promised.
I had no doubts he would. He was invaluable as an assistant. I had gotten lucky when I discovered this man and offered him work. I trusted nobody else to do the tasks I set him. Thomas was trustworthy and loyal, traits that were almost impossible to find in employees these days. He was also a close friend of mine.
“Make sure you find it quickly. I have a sense that the wedding is being rushed which also makes me feel uneasy” I admitted. “Unless the girl is pregnant, why the sudden need to get wedded so quickly?” I said thoughtfully.
It wouldn't be the first time a wedding was held hastily because the girl had gotten pregnant beforehand. However I doubted this was the case.
“Get as much information on Raine Stockland as you can” I instructed Thomas coolly “I want to know about the bride before the wedding.”
I wanted to be well informed about the bride before I attended. I didn’t like being caught unawares. To be informed was to be knowledgeable and to be knowledgeable was to have the power to take your enemies by surprise.