Chapter 4-The Adventure of the Jade Dragon

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Chen Yuxing is in a good mood today. After finishing his seven-day trip to Lishui, his seven-day journey to find his first love has also ended. During these seven days, although his heart was deeply stung by memories from time to time, he survived like a phoenix rising from the ashes. He has decided to give up the relationship he had five years ago and start a new love life. In the past four or five years, his parents have been worried about his marriage. His mother mobilized almost all her relatives and friends to introduce him to his girlfriend. Every time he goes on a blind date, he always goes to the appointment on time. When he meets and communicates with the girl, he is polite and polite, but when he turns around, he refuses to continue the relationship on the grounds that he is not suitable. His parents knew very well that he couldn't let go of Xiaoqing. But parents don’t want their only son to carry such a heavy burden. They must use their efforts to reduce the weight of their son’s burden until one day their son can put down this heavy burden in his heart and start a new life. love life. They worked hard for four or five years without any regrets, but with little success. They never talked about Xiaoqing in front of their son, and they never complained about his son. They did not dare to confront Yuxing's emotional problems, and they prayed that their My son suddenly figured it out at some point. Yuxing's parents were full of curiosity about Li Xiaoqing. What kind of outstanding girl could make their precious son miss her for four or five years? They tried to get to know Li Xiaoqing, but they couldn't touch Yuxing's scar. Her mother, Zhang Rongrong, had to send her husband Chen Ning to use the opportunity of a business trip to go to SH Hong Kong Road to find Xiaoqing. However, due to the demolition of Hong Kong Road, they could not find their whereabouts. . They didn't want to complain about Xiaoqing's ruthless departure and disappearance. If they wanted to complain, they could only blame Yuxing for inheriting their good qualities - dedication and responsibility. Yuxing didn't want to disappoint his parents anymore. This journey to find his first love was his attempt to put down his burdens. His parents also thought of this before setting off and gave him a lot of encouragement and comfort. He also told him that Xiaoqing's home is no longer on Hong Kong Road. Yuxing believes that this journey to find his first love will also be a journey for him to let go of his burdens. Human emotion is a very strange thing. When you pay attention to it persistently, it binds you tightly like a magic spell; when you give up your attachment to it, it will dissipate bit by bit until there is no trace. No trace, as is the case with psychopaths. Yuxing understands this. He is too focused, just like a person with a mysophobia who always wipes the spotless dining table. There are many girls prettier than Xiaoqing among his blind date partners in the past five years. Whenever he wants to try to love and pursue this girl, Xiaoqing's voice, smile, and every detail of being with her will appear in his mind. This is not to say that Xiaoqing is so outstanding, so cute, so impeccable, but in the seven days she has been dating Yuxing, she has shown her best, purest and most lively side to Yuxing. The kindest side. He also kept telling himself not to think about it, not to think about it, but he really couldn't do it. To be honest, he was still holding on to hope that one day Xiaoqing would call him and tell him that I was right outside your door. He is a passionate person, and can also be said to be a mildly persistent psychopath. He was harmed miserably by Li Xiaoqing. It has just entered March, the weather is early spring, and the temperature is still very low. But Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is still crowded with tourists. Tourists all wear their own thick clothes and walk in groups of three or five to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the snow-capped mountains. In such an environment, Chen Yuxing, who was walking on the mountain trail alone with a hiking bag on his back, stood out. After all, although there were many tourists traveling on their own, there were not many individual travelers like Chen Yuxing who were alone. Yuxing walked among the laughing tourists, leaving the loneliness and lovelorn feelings behind. While admiring the strange scenery of the snow-capped mountains, he followed the figures of beautiful girls with his eyes, secretly commenting on their breasts and buttocks, but he was also content with it. happy. He thought with some self-deprecation that if he develops such a bad habit to relieve emotional pain, one day he will become a real pervert. But he also had to admit that this method was indeed a good cure for his lovelorn syndrome. Using this method, he walked all the way from Yunshanping to the mountainside, and he really gradually forgot the pain in his heart. Walking in front of Yuxing were three couples. They knew each other very well. They joked and played with each other, and they were full of youth. At this time, Chen Yuxing was envious. He secretly lamented that he was old and no longer had their passion. In fact, Chen Yuxing is only 28 years old and has just graduated from college five years ago. His so-called "old" does not only refer to his age, but mainly to his old mentality. "Wow, why are there mosquitoes in such a cold weather?" One of the six, a boy in an orange jacket, slapped his forehead hard. The girl next to him leaned forward and said doubtfully: "No way?" "Really, I won't lie to you." "Oh, it's true, I was bitten too." The girl had touched her cheek and forgot to care about the boy. She pouted with a look of grievance on her face, trying to please her boyfriend's sympathy. "Yes, yes, I was bitten on the face too. Why are there so many mosquitoes here?" Another fat girl also touched her cheek and looked around blankly, looking for the pest that caused the trouble. Chen Yuxing also secretly commented on this girl. She has a small waist and big hips, which is good for fertility. Her breasts are the smallest and D-shaped. She has a good body shape, but her thighs are a little thicker. "I also got bitten on my hand. It didn't seem like a mosquito." "I'll go, I got bitten too." "Grandma, what is this? Have any of you seen it?" "..." People around him echoed. In just this moment, more than a dozen people were bitten. In fact, many people have felt bitten before, but they didn't take this small thing that they often encounter as a serious matter. They would just rub it or scratch it and let it go. No one talked about it. as a topic. This young man in an orange jacket not only talks a lot, but is also very talkative. As soon as he singled out this trivial matter, it attracted a chorus of echoes from people who had experienced the same thing. Yuxing stopped staring at the buttocks of another petite woman and focused his attention on the place about a foot in front of him. He was also attracted by the strange things in the cold weather and wanted to help them search for the perpetrator. Chen Yuxing observed intently for less than two seconds when he saw a small black shadow flash in front of his eyes and felt a slight sting on his forehead. He grabbed a handful in the air with his hands and caught nothing. He shook his arm, which was a little sore from the sudden exertion, and then helplessly dipped his right index finger into some saliva, smeared it on the bite area, and cursed: "His grandma really has bugs." At the same time, the data flow on the huge virtual display screen in the central control room of the integrated ship suddenly disappeared, and a line of blood-red data almost filled the entire screen. The prompt sound of "beep, beep,..." echoed through the central control room. 27°03’ 22″, 100°04’11″, 3211,52 The electronic synthesized sound from the central brain of the integrated ship also sounded at the same moment. "The candidate for captain has been found. The coordinates are determined to be 27°03'22", 100°04'11", 3211, 52." "Genetic match." "The brain electrical sensing factors match." "Carbon-based cellular interaction mirror coincidence." "The captain has been selected." “The captain’s three-dimensional coordinates are determined to be 27°03’22″, 100°04’ 11 , 3211, 52. " "Receive three-dimensional scanning information from Explorer 10." "Received." The huge virtual screen in the central control room is divided into three. Yuxing's ID card is clearly displayed on the right screen. The data stream on the left screen is flowing wildly. The middle part shows a three-dimensional static image of Yuxing's fingers kneading the center of his eyebrows. The image Constantly rotating, displaying images of Yuxing from different angles. The electronic synthesized sound of the central brain sounded again. "Captain Chen Yuxing, male, 28 years old, Earth Tu ethnic group, Chinese. The language is Chinese and the text is Chinese characters." "The entire ship system is updated, display text: Chinese characters, mission language: Chinese, cyborg and robot information exchange system is updated, communication language: Chinese." Instantly, the central intelligence of the integrated ship and the display screens of various parts were all changed to Chinese italics, and the intelligence of all areas of the integrated ship, all display screens and guidance signs were all changed to Chinese. The electronically synthesized sounds of the central brain became standard Chinese sounds. "The captain's pickup procedure is initiated." "The captain's escort team is formed. The members are tentatively designated as 100 cyborgs and 100 robots. Appearance: Asian traditional type. The ratio of male appearance to female appearance is 2:1; 1 captain's ship, 4 frigates, and explorers 1 to 10; Shuttle 10." Methodical mobilization began within the integrated ship. The escort team formed ships and gathered at the exit. After receiving the order, the cyborgs and robots took suspended transportation vehicles to gather at the captain's transportation ship and quickly boarded the ship. 90 seconds later. "The captain's escort team has been formed." The captain of the escort team, Cyborg No. 0001, reported. "The captain's escort program is activated, electromagnetic invisibility is enabled, and optical invisibility is enabled." A transport ship 200 meters long, 50 meters wide, and 20 meters high, four frigates 100 meters long, 30 meters wide, and 10 meters high, and 10 triangular shuttles the size of Earth's heavy-duty fighter jets rushed out of the sea to Flying towards YN Lijiang at the fastest speed in the atmosphere. In less than two minutes, they had reached the sky above Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Ten explorer micro-spacecraft suspended in outer space gathered towards YN. The mechanical sound of the central brain on the integrated ship sounded again. "The self-destruction program of the carbon-based life gene analysis mechanical unit is started." At the same moment, the same thing happened all over the world. In shopping malls, airports, subways, national parliament halls, family living rooms, bedrooms, or on the road, a small puff of green smoke appeared suddenly and quickly. disappear. "Dynamic display of the captain's image." The three-dimensional stereoscopic projection started to move. -------- Yuxing really saw a puff of green smoke appearing and disappearing about two meters away from him. He looked around and found that no one noticed what had just happened. The people around him were still discussing the mosquitoes' living habits. Chen Yuxing did not find any other abnormalities. He smiled to himself and pressed his thumbs to his temples. "I didn't sleep well last night, I was hallucinating." After comforting himself, he forced himself to observe the sexy parts of the beautiful woman. He didn't realize that just about 10 minutes after he was bitten by a mosquito, nearly a hundred burly men and beautiful beauties gradually gathered around him a hundred meters away. They moved in groups of three and two, following his movements. There are always one or two beauties and handsome guys following him around him. Whenever someone wants to approach him, these beauties and handsome guys will block in front of him intentionally or unintentionally. If it weren't for Yuxing's nerve, he wouldn't realize that at this moment even if he was beaten to death, he became the luckiest person in the world, and the person with the strongest force in the world. People with the most advanced technology in every industry. And surrounding him were his powerful bodyguards. It's not that he doesn't care about people always hanging out in front of him, it's just that his attention is focused on the buttocks of the beautiful woman in front of him. At this time, in front of him was a woman with a devilish figure. Her plump buttocks were wrapped in tight white pants. Her beautiful buttocks were very voluptuous. They swayed left and right with the woman's footsteps. Chen Yuxing had an impulse, Go up and touch it, it will feel good. Chen Yuxing's little brother also showed obvious reaction, but he was firmly restrained by Chen Yuxing's jeans. The woman in front seemed to realize it and turned around to smile at him, hehe, she is really a beautiful woman. His bones froze, and he quickly looked away, pretending to be nonchalant. The beauty waved her hands and walked away, and another beauty appeared in front of him. While feasting his eyes, he did not forget to sigh: "Yulong is a nice place, there are so many beauties!" This kind of lustful thought really made Li Xiaoqing completely forget about it. Although it was temporary, it was also a good thing. Not at first. Throughout the morning, Chen Yuxing walked around admiring the changing beauties in front of him. At this point, appreciating the scenery of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain has been put on the back burner.
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