“I know I shouldn’t have said anything. That you weren’t ready for more of the family to know.” Jackson said as he pulled his seat closer to my hospital bed. “I was just so angry that something had happened to Britt and I wasn’t close enough to even do anything. I hate being so helpless.” ‘And yet he doesn’t apologize for being a jerk to you. How did I not know how self-centered our dad was?’ Britt linked glaring daggers at our dad. ‘I am sorry you have to deal with this. You did nothing wrong.’ Erin linked as he slapped Jackson on the back of the head. “Where did I go wrong with you?” Erin scolded Jackson. “You have two damn daughters even if one was lost to us for years. You think you have any right to treat one better than the other? To worry less about one or to treat one like s**t