Thirty-One - Desperate Efforts

1410 Words

“AS IN RIGHT HERE?” I asked, horrified. My eyes swept from the robed man to the war chief and the huntress. Lyana and Magat did not look as terrorized as I was, but they shared the same serious expression. All around was silence, broken here and there by the occasional gusts of wind blowing through the barrenness like a wailing ghost. “This is insane!” “Indeed,” agreed Amias. “However, we have no choice. It’s either we open the rift or we summon the Legionnaire.” “Which is more dangerous, Amias?” asked Lyana as she locked gazes with Amias. “Both are immeasurably dangerous, huntress,” answered the old man. “If we open the rift, we would be entering the Legionnaire’s domain where a whole army of demons awaits. If our intrusion would be successful, there is a slim chance that we would be u

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