Chapter — 1

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The night was dark and the moon was full when Sophia woke up with a sharp pain in her belly. She writhed in pain and soon realized that something was not right. She tried to stand up, but her legs were weak and she almost collapsed to the floor. That was when she heard a strange sound coming from outside. It was a sound of wings flapping, as if a giant bird was hovering over the house. Sophia knew that there was nothing good out there, but her curiosity led her to crawl to the door and open it. She saw a giant, scaly figure approaching slowly, dragging its tail on the ground. It was a dragon, but not like any she had ever seen before. It had shiny black scales, sparkling yellow eyes, and horns so sharp they seemed to cut the air. "Who are you?" Sophia asked, trying to keep calm as the dragon approached. "I am your guardian," the dragon said in a deep, resonant voice. "I have been sent by the Goddess of the Moon to aid you on your journey." Sophia furrowed her brow. "Journey? What journey?" "You are pregnant, my dear," the dragon said with an enigmatic smile. "And your life will change forever from now on. You will need help to face the challenges that will come." Sophia looked down, remembering how alone and vulnerable she had felt since discovering her pregnancy. But she still didn't trust the dragon. "How can I be sure that you're really a guardian sent by the Goddess of the Moon?" The dragon nodded. "I understand your distrust. But please, observe." It extended its paw and a glowing symbol appeared in the palm of its hand. It was a sacred symbol, which Sophia recognized as a sign of protection from the Goddess of the Moon. Sophia looked at the dragon in amazement. "Is that... is that real?" "Yes, it's real," the dragon said. "The Goddess of the Moon has recognized your courage and determination in raising this baby alone. She wants you to know that you're not alone on this journey. And I am here to help you." Sophia was still uncertain about the situation, but she knew she didn't have many options. She needed help and there was no one else around who could help her. "Alright," she finally said. "I'll trust you." The dragon nodded and extended its paw to help her up. "Let's go, then. There's much to be done." Sophia hesitated for a moment, but she eventually placed her hand in the dragon's paw. She felt a jolt of electricity run through her body as she made contact, but it wasn't a painful sensation. Instead, it was a warm and reassuring feeling, as if the dragon was sharing some of its strength with her. The dragon lifted Sophia up and placed her on its back. "Hold on tight," it said, before taking off into the sky. Sophia felt the wind rush past her as they soared above the trees. It was an exhilarating feeling, but also a terrifying one. She had never been on a dragon before, and the idea of falling off and plummeting to her death was not a comforting thought. But the dragon was a skilled flyer, and Sophia felt herself relax as they flew higher and higher. She looked down and saw the small town where she had lived her entire life shrinking in the distance. It was a strange feeling, as if she was leaving behind everything she had ever known. As they flew, the dragon began to speak. "My name is Arcturus," it said. "And I have been entrusted with the task of helping you raise your child." Sophia was surprised. She had never heard of dragons having names before. "Arcturus?" she repeated. "Yes," Arcturus said. "It means 'guardian of the bear' in ancient dragon tongue. It was my mother's name, and it was passed down to me when she died." Sophia felt a pang of sympathy for the dragon. "I'm sorry for your loss," she said. Arcturus shook his head. "It's alright. Dragons live a long time, and death is a natural part of life for us. But let's not dwell on that now. We have a more pressing matter to attend to." Sophia nodded, suddenly feeling nervous again. "What is it?" she asked. "We need to find a safe place for you to stay," Arcturus said. "Somewhere where you'll be protected from those who would harm you or your child." Sophia felt a knot form in her stomach. She knew that Arcturus was referring to the Alfa, the father of her unborn child. She still remembered the night they had spent together, a moment of passion that had led to this unexpected pregnancy. But when she had told him the news, he had rejected her, telling her that he could never be with a human and that their encounter meant nothing to him. She had been devastated by his rejection, but had quickly made up her mind to raise the child on her own. She didn't want to be tied to a man who didn't love her or their child. But now, with Arcturus talking about the need to protect her from harm, Sophia began to worry. What if the Alfa wanted to harm her or the baby? What if he came looking for her? As if sensing her thoughts, Arcturus spoke again. "Don't worry, Sophia. I won't let anyone harm you or your child. You have my word." Sophia looked up at the dragon, grateful for his reassurance. "Thank you," she said softly. Arcturus flew on for a while longer, until they reached a clearing in the forest. He landed softly on the ground, and Sophia dismounted from his back. As she looked around, she saw that they were in the middle of a circle of trees, their branches interlocking above them to form a dome. In the center of the clearing was a small pond, its surface reflecting the moonlight like a silver mirror. "This is our home for now," Arcturus said. "It's a safe place, hidden from prying eyes. You'll be protected here." Sophia looked around, taking in the beauty of the place. It was peaceful and quiet, and she felt a sense of calm wash over her. Maybe, just maybe, everything would be alright. But as she looked up at Arcturus, she knew that there was still much to be done. She had a child to raise, and a dragon as her protector. It was a strange new world that she was entering, but one that she was determined to face head-on.
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