13. The Plan

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“I tried to make him understand that this is a stupid plan.” Serena tried her level best to paint herself as a sane one in the entire scenario but Anthony and Martha were much less bothered by her self defense rather were quite much worried about the girl that was present on the floor right above them. “I still don’t get it, why can’t we tell Nicholas about this.” Fiona rose a valid point to which Anthony and Martha shook their heads. “Because he will never agree to letting that girl stay on the island. He would drive her out on his own when he would find out that she is here to help him move on from Cheryl.” Anthony explained, understanding the entire situation. Serena and Gigi were stunned to find out that Anthony was actually backing up Salva’s logic and was willing to act along with him. “We can tell him but not right now. The situation is very delicate. First we have to make sure that Althea has cooked enough food to make Nicholas addicted to her taste. Once that has happened, we can tell him and maybe perhaps, he can himself come up with a solution or at least understand, how hard we are trying for him to move on.” Salva added on. “Screw that b***h, who put my poor baby in such a condition.” Martha cursed Cheryl for being the one because of whom Nicholas, was in such a despair condition. “Well, so it is done for now.” Salva chimed getting ahead of everyone who was present in the dining area. “We are all pretending to be a part of a cooking competition. Now, Uncle Anthony and Aunt Martha, you two and Siri here would be the judges. Gigi and I, are already organizers and recruiters according to her. We can hire some of the guys from the security team to be the camera men, and pretend to record the cook offs and…” “Wait! How do you have all the information?” Gigi asked. “They have a website you dummy!” Salva informed, “Also, I joined the f******k group that Althea was talking about. They have all the information in that group. I joined as an anonymous person. And oh! On a side note, make sure to keep Althea away from all of your phone devices. In fact, Garry, collect everybody’s phones! You guys can not be trusted and I am pretty sure many of you are going to end up screwing this up for me even before we tell Nicholas.” Garry nodded and began taking everyone’s phone away. “This is not fair!” Fiona complained, as she handed over her device to Garry. “This is only fair if we all want to get out of this depression island in the next few weeks or months but we are going to get out of here and that girl is our key to escape.” Salva reminded everyone. “Now, remember, you guys are a part of The Secret Chef Hunting Society. Siri and I, will assign each and every one of you, your roles. But for now, I would need some volunteers for cooking. We already have the French Chef…” Salva pointed towards Andrew, who squinted his eyes tightly, knowing that he was obviously going to be the first one to be put in that role. “We can also have the other cooks and helpers around the kitchen and…” “We are still short on two people.” Serena informed Salva. “We need twelve but that only makes ten people and…” “I can volunteer.” Garry rose his hands up, making Gigi look at him begrudgingly. “You are supposed to be on the security team , which is your job and…” Gigi tried to keep his brother focused on his job that he was going to get paid for, since Gigi was a man of firm principles. He had no problem with Garry cooking in his free time or whatever he would do after he would retire but he just wanted Garry to work for the job that he was going to get paid for and that was to protect the Santiago family. “Nobody is attacking the island, relax.” Salva told off Gigi. “Besides, you will be overlooking the security responsibilities and yes, Garry can be on the cooking team but we are still short on another cook…” “Me! I know how to cook as well.” Fiona chimed and smiled as she looked at Garry, who also smiled back at her. Serena grunted lowly and simply rolled her eyes at Fiona, understanding why the girl was so enthusiastic about getting on, in the fake cooking competition. “Well, then it is decided! We have our competitors but remember, we all have to play our parts very carefully. Althea knows about the rules of the competition. She had been following the entire thing for a while now. She knows what will happen next and how things will unfold. I will send you guys the rules and regulations and everything else. Be keen to remember them and keep them in your mind. I don’t want a single person screwing this up for me or for Nicholas.” Salva extended his hand forward, urging everyone to pool in and take an unsaid oath. “Now, are you guys with me?” Everyone sighed as they placed their hands on top of each other. “This isn’t going to be easy.” Anthony commented. “This is absurd.” Said Gigi. “I really hope my poor boy comes out well and healthy at the end of this.” Stated Martha. “I am going to call it mission suicide.” Serena stated. “I am so excited, I will finally get to cook during my time on duty.” Garry snickered in to Fiona’s ears, as all of them stood in a circle. Fiona giggled, as she also felt excited that she would get to cook with Garry, who was her crush. “For Nicholas.” Salva concluded and all of them flew their hands up in the air, determined to fool Althea and to help Nicholas move on from his hurt and depression. ----------------------------------- Do you think their plan would work? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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