47. Hope is there to hold onto....

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45: Irene filled the water from the kettle in to the cups, preparing coffee for everyone who sat in her small living room. She picked up the tray with those coffee mugs and placed it on the small center table, putting it in front of Jacob and Detective Lana. Seb and Lur sat on the single couch, right angled to the double seater one. Monique sat on the small round cancan stool, that Althea had made as an arts and crafts hobby of hers, with her own hands. Irene stood beside her mother and gently patted her shoulder, trying her best to console the disturbed soul. “We received word back from the Secret Chef Hunter’s Society.” Jacob announced, making Monique even more stressed than she already was. She held back Irene’s hand on her shoulder and squeezed it tightly, getting ready to receive any information that may come her way. But no matter how much mentally prepared she was, there was nothing that could ever sooth her soul or prepare her for the loss of her beloved daughter, who was her strength, her pillar and her shield, after she lost her Romeo. “They said that she was there with them. They told us that, they had previously sent a rejection letter but then one of the contestants fell out of the competition and got disqualified because of some ethical issues.” Monique sighed in relief. “But why hasn’t Althea contacted us? Why is her phone turned off and…” “Well, they said that for this year, they have a policy that they are not allowing any phones on the island.” “But that was never the rule and…” Seb began but Jacob held his hand up and stopped Seb from speaking any further. “Yes, we know. I knew that those bastards over there won’t be honest to us. I don’t know, I could feel it. That’s why, I decided to send a man of mine and follow them to the island.” “What?” Irene and Lur asked, surprised just as everyone else at the revelation. Lana cleared her throat, as she sipped on the coffee and straightened up. “When we contacted the society asking that we would like to visit the island for an investigation, they stated that they can not allow anyone on the island because of their jurisdictions, but then told us, that one of their representatives would visit us. And they did.” Lana stated. She took out a file from her bag, placed by the bottom of the couch and opened it up, spreading it out, next to the coffee tray. Monique’s eyes widened as she saw the photographs placed in front of her. Irene immediately stepped forward and piked up a bunch of pictures, with Seb and Lur going after the other pictures. They were photographs of Althea cooking in a kitchen, smiling, focusing and preparing dishes as part of the competition. “They even gave us proof that Althea was fine and safe.” “Are you sure these are not photoshopped?” Seb asked and Lana nodded. “We had checked with forensics and we also have something checked from the forensics that also shows that it was not photoshopped or AI generated.” Lana took out a USB and her laptop. Connecting her USB to the laptop, she played a video, turning the screen a little farther, as everyone scooped around the laptop and watched a video, where Althea was cooking in a challenge and everyone now and then, the camera would cut from other contestants to her and show her creations. Lana paused the video and sighed, still holding her coffee mug in her hands. “Well, what we don’t have a word to doubt these fuckers.” She stated. “I guess, the evidence is enough to show that Althea is alright? she looks pretty okay, to me.” Lur stated and Irene nodded. Monique also felt slightly relief, to see her daughter alive and in peace. “So, when can we contact or, if we can contact her. I mean, they must know that we have been worried sick for Althea, so they must create an exception and have us talk to her so…” “We did put in a request but their representative said, no to us. They said that since they provided proof, they wouldn’t want any disturbance further upon the contest.” Lana informed everyone and Monique still couldn’t help but feel worried. Her worries were not going to go anywhere, unless and until, she wouldn’t get to talk to her daughter at least once. Jacob got up from his seat and walked out of the house, circling around it and stood at the back side of the house, looking out in the open fields. “You don’t believe any of this, do you?” A soft voice spoke behind him, making him turn around and find Irene standing in front of him. She had followed him out, recognizing the strain that the man held back through his expressions. Jacob sadly shook his head. “So, what are you going to do about it?” she asked him, crossing her arms across her chest and Jacob sighed, finally revealing a little trick that he had pulled back on the Secret Chef Society. “Their representative, who had come to visit us. I sent one of my guys after him. but you are not to tell anything to Monique or anyone. Just have them keep believing that Althea is fine. from the pictures and the forensic reports, we got from Rome, the video is real and from her expressions as well, Althea looks stress-free. It looks like she is not being hurt. All of this could be a part of some sort of underground or dark web racket s**t, for all we know about. That’s why, we are going to keep it a secret from everyone else for now. I am letting you know this, in case I have any progress and have to share any news with you. I trust you would be able to handle Monique.” Irene scoffed sadly, “No one can handle Mom like Althea but I can promise to do my best and be there for her if worse comes to worst.” “I have my hopes high that Althea is fine and wherever she is, she is not being hurt but I just hope that…” Jacob was in the middle of speaking when his phone began ringing inside his pocket. He immediately picked it out and answered the call, as soon as he saw the caller ID. A knot of anxiety formed around Irene’s guts, telling her that it might be a call related to Althea or her whereabouts. “Yes!” There was a moment of a long pause from Jacob’s side, where he took his time listening to the man on the other side of the phone. “Okay! If I need you again, I will let you know, thanks.” With that Jacob cut the phone off and looked at Irene and by the expressions on his face, she could tell right away that Jacob had some sort of bad news. “Just like expected, the representative that they had sent, was a local guy. He got on a train to Sicily and is actually a small time actor, paid by someone and given all these pictures and videos to deliver to us.” Irene’s forehead wrinkled, as she was rendered even more confused. “But why is someone doing all of this? Putting in so much money and how are they even able to do all of this? I mean, The Secret Chef Hunter’s society contacted you guys back on their own, right? Like you guys got in touch with them through their verified and authentic website and everything. So, how come and why would they…” “Somebody else is controlling the Chef Hunter’s Society and whoever it is, they are the actual ones who have Althea and there could be chances that even Althea might know anything or maybe she does and maybe, she is held against her will. We can not say anything for sure but one thing that I am sure about is the fact that someone powerful and rich is involved in all of this and they are having everything controlled.” “So, what do we do now?” “I am going to continue my investigation on my own.” Jacob inferred. “But I need you to promise me to keep this between you and me and let everyone else believe that Althea is fine and let them believe on the pictures and videos. It is only for the best. It is best in everyone’s interest. When are you leaving for Rome?” Irene fell silent at his question. There was no point for her to go to Rome. Her college was finished and she had broken up with Peter and besides, she couldn’t leave her mother alone anymore. She sighed, shaking her head, “I am not going to Rome anytime soon.” She stated, a reflection of sadness in her tone and Jacob also noticed her empty ring finger. “Hope whatever decision you made is the best for you.” He told her and she nodded. “I guess it is! Althea wanted me to do this, so I am trusting her. I will do whatever she wanted me to do and then, she will have to come back, only for me to either be happy and be thankful to her for making me choose a successful life or yell at her and scold her for making her choose a pathetic one.” Jacob smirked at Irene’s confidence and gently patted her head. “Don’t worry! She will come back! We will bring her back.” ------------------------------------- Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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