123. Exiling Serena

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“So, how are you going to make this work?” Anthony asked Salva, once he informed everyone standing in the dining room, about the organizer’s cook off that they were going to have to hold only to appease to Althea’s memories and demands. “None of the ‘so-called’, organizers, are good at cooking, except for Serena, here.” Martha pointed out towards the soured woman, who kept a firm and poker expression on her face, just like she had been for the past entire week ever since, she caused a whole debacle in the house, even got away with it but she did not succeed in her plans, because Althea was still at the house and everyone was working hard towards pleasing and pacifying the situation for her. Salva looked at Serena for a moment but fell completely silent, he did not want to say a single word in either her favor or against her. “Well, you said it yourself that each contestant, get one organizer to try their food and we will give Serena to Althea, problem solved.” Martha concluded and Salva immediately blurted quite out loud. “No!” His heart was still in turmoil towards Serena, ever since what she had tried to do the last time. No one in the house knew that Serena was the one who had ignited the fire by filling poison in Salva’s heart against Nick and Althea by pretending to slip the information about the two dating intentionally to Salva. Salva wasn’t a kid who had not realized what Serena had tried to do and why she was so adamant at trying to extract Althea out of the island. Of course, she made Fiona a different girl, an independent one and it did not sit right with Serena simply, who liked having control over things. Salva could also tell that Serena had reached a point where she was simply going to play along with everyone else and wait till the three months were over so that she could have Althea and everyone else gone from the island. But Salva still remained awry of her. he knew that she could transpire to let out the truth to Althea, about who they were and that’s why not only did he keep a close eye on her but also did not trust her anymore. Not even for a task as simple Everyone was taken aback by his reaction, wondering what had made him act out so abruptly and Salva immediately covered himself. “Well, I mean, giving Serena to Althea would be too obvious.” “Obvious? How?” Nick asked, not quite satisfied with his reasoning. “Aunt Martha, you are a good cook as well, right?” Salva rose the question, ignoring Nick’s at the same time. Martha nodded to his question. “You will be given to Althea.” Serena kept an obnoxious look on her face, as she threw daggers with her eyes at Salva. “Well, do I have to cook?” Nick asked and Salva only nodded. “Unfortunately yes! You uncle Anthony, Gigi…” “Wait!” just as the man’s name was spoken, Gigi became alert and highly conscious. “Why do I have to…” “You’re also one of the organizers, right?” “Yes! But there are supposed to be only four contestants, so you, Anthony, Nick and Martha and…” “Who said, I will be cooking?” Salva scoffed, earning a delirious look from everyone. “Oh, wait! Gigi is actually a part of the security team. You are the head organizer, aren’t you supposed to be?” Nick c****d an eyebrow at Salva, who rose his hands up in the air. “Yes! And I will be organizing this cook off as well and…” “Why don’t we leave this matter to Gigi? You would be better off behind a silver counter than Gigi will be.” Anthony announced, making Salva throw his fist down and punch the air. Everyone only scoffed and laughed at his obnoxious behavior, turning to leave towards their rooms after things had been decided but Serena rose her voice. “Wait! I am the only one who is actually a trained cook and will I not be participating in this cook off?” she asked, offended for being left out and left behind. Everyone except for Salva, stood confused at Serena’s question. She was right. Being the only trained cook and not being allowed to participate in that cook off, didn’t make any sense. Salva immediately took a step closer to her, hiding his face away from everyone and only making his expression visible to Serena. “It’s better you take some rest from now on.” He told her, making her look back at him with quite an astounded expression. “What?” “You should rest! In fact, if anything I will ask Gigi and he will take you and drop you by at the town. You should get some rest.” He gently patted her shoulder and turned to walk away but Serena was in no mood to be humiliated in such a lamentable manner. “But…” “You should!” Salva rose his hand and prohibited Serena to speak any further. Serena was left flabbergasted and staggered at Salva’s words and his actions. She swallowed hard and her expressions turned stiff, as she looked at the man with sheer astonishment. Everyone was rendered stunned at what Salva had ended up doing. “Gigi, make sure you get Serena out of here before evening.” He ordered the security head, who also had been institutionalizing Serena’s actions for the past few weeks. He understood why Salva was actually extracting Serena out of the island and that’s why he also did not argue any further and simply nodded. “You can not do this to me.” Serena yelled out loud, taking everyone by quite the surprise. Salva remained unfazed, as he simply smirked, realizing that Serena was finally showing her true face. He turned towards her and squinted his gaze, scrutinizing her evidently. “If you can go about the house, trying to sabotage relationships and create hostile environment, then I very much can send you off.” Serena’s eyes widened at Salva’s claims and she realized that he had gotten to her and understood her little tricks, no matter how much sly she had tried to act. “I shall go to your parents and inform them about this.” She threatened and the face off between Salva and Serena only horrified and scared everyone in the house. “Oh! You are more than welcomed to do so. In fact, before you try and go to anyone, I should perhaps try and tell my parents how you tried to sabotage my relationship with Nick by telling me about him and Althea.” “What? She told you about Althea and Nick?” Anthony asked, making Salva nod his head. “How did you even know about me and her?” Nick directly rose the question, making Serena immediately steal her gaze away. “Wow! You look quite guilty.” Martha was the next one to make a comment. “You guys can not see this now but I can tell that the girl is a menace and she needs to be extracted out of this island.” Serena finally spoke in her defense but her words only acted as a trigger to Nicholas, who immediately stepped ahead and warned her with a stern gaze. “Listen Serena, I don’t know what your problem with Althea is. But she has never spoken a single word against you or in your defiance, ever since she has stepped on this island. She had done nothing to you but all you have done is torment her, speak ill of her, complaint about her. you need to stop. Maybe Salva is right, you should not be on the island.” “Wow! That witch surely has cast a spell on you and not just you….” Seren turned towards Anthony and Martha and began yelling at them as well. “… she has surely bewitched you guys as well. She is a witch and she pretends to be all nice but she is sure as hell fake and…” “Enough!” Nick yelled at Serena but the woman, only took Nick’s words as nothing but a impulsive trigger that made her yell out even more, slurring Althea’s name. “I only wonder what her mother’s teachings can be to ever bring up a scornful woman like her. She is a w***e, who would open her legs for anyone…” “Shut up!” A loud feminine voice, made Serena’s voice disappear and everyone turned towards the door of the dining room that led in to the kitchen, where Fiona stood next to Selena. She had heard everything that her adoptive mother had been blurting out and about Althea and it did nothing but only hurt her and scathe her deeply to see how viciously Fiona imagined Althea to be. “How could you be so cruel?” Fiona yelled at Serena, as she walked towards her. “Cruel and me? Had I been cruel, I wouldn’t have ever adopted you and go through the torment of watching my life’s investment being flushed and fluttered away by some witch.” Serena finally unleashed her inner convictions, making everyone gasp in sheer horror and only wonder how truly delirious the woman was from the inside. Fiona held pure shock and horror on her face as she heard Serena’s words. Selena immediately went ahead and stood next to Fiona, grabbing her shoulders and held her up, so that she wouldn’t fall down due to the impact of Serena’s harsh words. Seeing Fiona’s stumbling condition, a sense knocked into Serena’s mind, that snapped her out of her daze and she placed her hands over her mouth, as the realization hit her, what she had ended up saying to the poor girl. “I didn’t mean…” Serena tried to reach out to Fiona but Selena was quick to snap Serena’s hand away and pulled Fiona in to her. Martha also rushed towards Fiona and hugged the poor creature tightly, feeling nothing but pure pity on her. “Fiona, please… let me explain…” As Serena walked after Fiona, who was walked out of the kitchen by Selena and Martha, Salva came forward and held his hand out, prohibiting him from walking any further. “You should really go back to the town.” With that Salva simply exited the room, followed by Nick and everyone else. “I will be waiting by the docks in about an hour.” Gigi informed Serena, giving her the deadline of when she should be ready so that he could sail her off to the town. Serena decided to not to give up and rushed out after everyone and caught up with them in the main foyer. “Please! You can not do this to me. Fiona…” She called the most vulnerable target out in the group, making everyone stop and turn to glance at the hysterical lady. “Fifi, you are my little angel, you can not do this to me. You must come with me. Remember, I am the one who brought you here and wherever I go, you come with me…” Serena offered her hand for Fiona to take and her heart did melt in that moment, remembering how the woman who actually wanted her had left her in the streets, at the mercy of someone else and had it not been for Serena, Fiona may have ended up on the wrong side of the world. “We get it! you brought her up, took her under your shade. You gave her a nice and warm life but Serena what you did for her was supposed to be selfless. It wasn’t meant for you to control and manipulate her life. You were supposed to bring her up and then she was supposed to be a person of her own.” Martha spoke nothing but sheer parental facts. “Every parent does what you did. You should not have taken the responsibility of being a parent, if you were not ready to be selfless because to be a parent or a guardian, you are supposed to cut a piece of your heart and present it to your child, without caring if they would even want it or not. You center your entire life around your children and yet they are still going to move out and away and they do not owe you anything at the end of the child.” Anthony finally broke his silence and tried to knock some sense in to Serena’s mind. “Even my parents adopted me.” Selena spoke up. “But they still let me be me. Even they centered their life around me and I know and I have seen how much they have cared for me. Serena, Fiona’s major expenses were handled by Uncle Alejandro anyways. You just had to nurture her and the kind of the upbringing and controlling parenting that you did, does not justify your selfish demands and behavior at all. I hope you can understand that Fiona never owed you anything and your hate towards Althea is not justified either. You know the girl Althea that you curse so much and think that she pulled Fiona away from you? She worships her mother and yet she has the sense and understanding to be an independent woman of her own. So, before you raise questions about the kind of the woman her mother must be, you should ponder and try to think the kind of the mother that you are. Having tormented and controlled your adoptive daughter for years. None of us ever spent that much time on the island to ever know what she must go through but it only took Althea a few weeks to actually understand what goes in and out of the girl’s heart. Fiona is actually happy because of Althea and instead of thanking her, you are cursing her name.” Serena stood ashamed of her wrong doings. “You should really leave.” Fiona cried softly at Serena and her words hit her like a sharp dagger, piercing right through her heart. Finally everyone scattered away and Fiona and Selena left for the former’s room, while Anthony and Gigi disappeared towards the surveillance room and Nick and Salva went inside former’s office. “What the f**k just happened to Serena, man?” Nick complained, as he rested against his desk and felt anxiously pitiful of the woman’s condition. “She used to be this loving woman and now…” Nick clicked his tongue in disappointment and hurt and Salva, only hummed softly. “People change when they tend to become insecure.” He stated, remembering how even he acted offensively when he found out about Althea and Nick and realized that he was also losing his love Althea to Nick. “I guess so!” “Have you thought about how you will be telling Althea the truth?” he rose the question that had been irking him for quite some time and Nick nodded in an affirmative response. “Really? What are you going to do?” “I will be buying the Secret Chef Hunters’ Society.” ----------------------------------------- Do you think everyone did the right thing by exiling Serena? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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