37. Crossing the thin line

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Althea squinted her eyes with anger at Nicholas, who also stood up and crossed his arms across his chest. “Now, I would like to hear your apology and you might as well just make your way out of this room.” Althea’s face hung open, her jaw hanging down at how rudely Nicholas demanded for her to apologize to him. “By the way, don’t you have basic manners, you are supposed to knock on someone’s door when you visit someone’s room. And being the director, I think I should let you know that I would prefer for someone to teach you to knock before entering my room, specifically.” “Oh, actually I was the one to open up the…” Fiona began defending Althea, as everyone stood stunned over the fact that Nicholas was being openly and abundantly crude towards Althea. “I think, she has a tongue and a mouth and moments ago, she seemed to be speaking quite clearly, didn’t she?” Nicholas cut Fiona off, even leaving her stunned. “She seemed to be quite curious about asking what her dish was doing here and didn’t seem to hesitate back then but somehow, she seemed to be hesitating now, that before saying a simple sorry.” Nicholas made it quite clear that he wanted nothing more than to listen to Althea apologize to him. Althea on the other hand felt nothing but stagnantly disrespected and thrown down just like everyone else in her past tried to do to her. Her face was turning redder by every passing second, as Nicholas continued scolding her and taunting her. She felt angered by his condescending tone but above all, she was hurt. She came to his room, with nothing but good intentions and all she got from him was rudeness and a repugnant attitude. “I still don’t hear a sorry.” Nicholas challenged, making Althea fume even in more agony. “Because I am not here to apologize.” She abruptly burst out, making Fiona’s eyebrows lift up. “But you just earlier…” “I didn’t say anything earlier. I came here to talk to Mr. Salva.” Althea falsified Fiona’s statement as well, making her feel jumbled at Althea’s words. “Me? What did you want to say to me?” Salva asked, stepping in and Althea shook her head. “I forgot because Director Nicholas wouldn’t stop demanding an apology from me. Gosh! I really thought you were a man of great prestige but didn’t know you were so petty and so desperate for a simply apology. What do you want me to say? I am sorry? Sorry for what? I was simply mistaken and misunderstood the entire situation. So what? Any girl would’ve done the same thing.” “Any girl?” Nicholas’s eyes widened this time. Now, he was the only left flabbergasted by Althea’s audacious and bold words. “Yeah! Any girl.” Althea nodded and shrugged casually. Serena, Martha and Anthony stood back amused at the conversation, noticing Nicholas’s changing expressions and realized that after so many days, they were seeing the man act so normally angered, instead of being so cold and unbothered by anything at all. Nicholas scoffed, shaking his head at Althea and her words. “Just so you know, any girl would’ve died to be in your place that day.” Althea scoffed back at Nicholas’s words, “Okay then, next time try saving another drowning girl and if she doesn’t do what I did, then maybe I will apologize to you and finally admit that I was wrong.” With that Althea turned over on her heels and walked out of the room, leaving Nicholas nothing but purely burning in rage. “How… how dare she talk to me like this? I saved your life.” He called her out, that made Althea turn back, just as she was about to exit the office. She shrugged as she looked back at him and c****d an eyebrow. “Maybe, thanks for that.” With that she finally left him all alone, breathing in anger and flaring with angst. “How dare she…” He complained, as everyone in the room continued laughing and one by one exited the office room. “She actually came here to apologize but your cockiness made her get cockier.” Fiona informed Nicholas and everyone simply laughed even louder. “Oh, this will be fun.” Anthony stated, as everyone exited the office and Nicholas was left fuming in his agony. Althea also entered inside her bedroom, slamming the door shut with irritation. She slumped down on the bed and picked up a pillow, smothering it close to her face and screamed out loud in it. “What the hell does he think of himself?” she complained and at the same time, Nicholas also paced inside his office, stunned at Althea’s audacity. “She called me petty for an apology? I saved her and she slapped me and instead of saying sorry, she called me petty?” He cried in anger, slamming his hand on his desk. “What the hell does she think of herself? Doesn’t she fear me? Doesn’t she know why is she even brought here? Doesn’t she know that I can make her life miserable and turn her entire life upside down? Doesn’t she know who I am? I am Nicholas Santiago. No one has ever dared to talk to me like this. How can she even talk back like that. Doesn’t she have any manner? She needs to be taught some good manners. Well good for her, she is not directly under my control. Besides, she is here on this island because of me. She doesn’t have anywhere to escape. So, lets have some fun with her while I tone her attitude down a bit as well.” Nicholas smirked, determined to teach Althea a lesson. “I just hope that I don’t have to run in to his again.” Althea sighed, as she finally laid down on her bed, ready to rest for the night and hoping to have a better day when she was going to wake up the next morning. “I will just continue making better food and work hard towards achieving my goal. I will make sure to never go anywhere near that Headache of a director ever again.” As Althea settled with the decision of staying far away from Nicholas, the man squinted his eyes sharply, looking at the empty plate of pasta in front of him, that reminded him of Althea. He grinned viciously, “Althea! You are in for a long ride now. No one can save you now.” --------------------------------- Well, things just took an interesting turn. What do you think Nicholas would do with Althea? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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