130. Forgive Us

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129: The only thing that Althea brought with her, when she first came to the island was her backpack and that was exactly what she was leaving with. Keeping that bag, latched on to her back through her shoulders, she smiled, walking down the staircase and saw the entire row of people, who considered themselves as her culprits, standing in the main foyer, with their heads perched down in shame. But she didn’t feel saddened at the thought of leaving. If anything, she knew that only walking away form that place was going to help her bring peace in her life. As she finally went in to the main foyer, she found Fiona as the first one to jump ahead and hug her. “I am sorry! Please, forgive me. Please, just don’t hate me.” Althea smiled softly, as she rubbed her back and pulled her away, so that she could look in to Fiona’s face. “I don’t hate you.” She then turned to look at everyone else and tried to remain as positive and as calm as she could. “I don’t hate any one of you as a matter of fact. I think, I have to understand that somewhere, you guys were desperate and found me as your only solution to help Nicholas out of depression and when people have resources and find themselves in desperate situations, they use those resources. Of course, it was wrong but sometimes, some things go beyond right or wrong and the bond that I felt with you guys, was the realest thing I had ever felt. So, I will try my best to comprehend your situation, just like you guys did and are okay with me going away.” Althea’s words obviously came from a much calmer place. The mere thought of going back home, had made her achieve a different level of peace in her mind and she had started to already look at things from a different perspective. “You are a genuine angel, I can see why Nick, fell in love with you.” Martha walked forward and slowly touched Althea’s cheek. Fiona passed her pink stuffed toy to Althea, that she could never sleep without. “Keep it! it will make me feel like you have me near you.” “Wouldn’t that disturb your sleep? To sleep without it?” she asked, as she grabbed the pink toy from Fiona. “She has me now.” Andrew notified her, holding Fiona in his arms and rubbed her shoulder soothingly. Althea smiled at him and moved further towards the door but Selena stepped out and offered her a small flash drive. Althea looked down at the drive for a moment and Selena simply pushed it forward for her to take, urging her to have that drive with her. “It contains a lot of pictures, that I could capture, ever since I came on this island. None of these contain pictures of the cook offs and only the ones I got when we were all just hanging around. Whenever you feel like remembering us in good moments, just go through these pictures.” “But I don’t have a laptop or a device in which I could attach these.” Althea retorted back, not knowing if grabbing that drive would be a nice idea or not. “You will find one.” Selena grabbed Althea’s hands and placed the drive in her palm, enclosing her fingers around it and held it firmly, making sure that Althea didn’t lose it. She didn’t know how exactly she was supposed to feel about leaving the place on such a bittersweet note but she was still going to hold to the hope of the best and wished that after a certain time had passed, she wouldn’t turn around and hate those people. She walked out of the house but paused when she felt that something was missing. She sighed as met with Gigi at the very exit of the mansion but she couldn’t have just left the house like that. She kept her feet frozen to the ground by the entrance of the house and at the same time, Gigi noticed her hesitation to move out. “Is everything alright?” She shook her head at him. “No!” With that she turned back towards the house and sprinted inside, refusing to leave without saying goodbye to the person who mattered the most to her. Nicholas stood on the balcony, where he and Althea had created many valuable and wonderful moments. Had it not been that very place and their everyday meet ups, the two would never had fallen in love to begin with. He felt his eyes filling with tears, as his heart felt heavy. The same orange pink sky that gave him a sense of tranquility, didn’t seem to do so that very day. Instead, the appearance of the broken and grey clouds in the sky, that spotted the firmament just like his life seemed spotted and dull, represented his feelings perfectly. Even the sky looks exceptionally beautiful when Althea was with him. maybe, it never was that pretty but Althea made it look beautiful, Her presence in his life, not only enchanted him but everything around him. “Won’t you come to see me off?” A soft voice spoke behind him and he didn’t need to turn around to find out who it was. He closed his eyes, as he was reminded the one thing that he didn’t even want to think about. He remained silent and Althea walked up to stand next to him, placing her hands over the cement railing of the balcony. “I am sorry, I have to go like this…’ She spoke softly, looking at the foaming waves hitting the shore, as a soft gush of wind blew her hair on each side of her head. She turned to look at Nicholas and found his eyes intact, staring right on the front that faced him, refusing to look at Althea. “Nick! Please, I am already very tired and exhausted, I don’t want to leave with you being this way…” Althea spoke in small whispers, her voice threatening to break down any given moment. Nick finally turned towards her and accessed her facial expressions. She did seem tired and her eyes were submerged inside her skull, exhibiting the fact that she had been crying quite a lot for the past two days. He breathed out in frustration, groaning at the back of his throat as he hated himself for being extremely vulnerable towards Althea’s tears and also being the reason behind her cries. “Then, just don’t go!” He suggested the very same thing, he had been for the past two days, making Althea scoff a little. She sniffed her cries back, refusing to let another tear fall out of her eyes. “I told you I have to.” Nicholas rolled his eyes, looking away from Althea, “Let’s just go together then?” He made another suggestion and Althea shook her head. “I need to be alone for a few days. There is a lot in my head and I just need to clear all of that before I decide what I want from us and this relationship.” “So, what if you go back to Gragnano and you decide that you hate me? I can not depend on something where the outcome is not even sure.” “Have you always been sure about everything?” she rose the question, startling Nicholas for a second. “Of course! Any business that I have ever veered in to and everything that I have done, I have always been sure about it.” “Where you sure you would love me, when you first met me?” Nicholas chose to remain silent in return to Althea’s question. Of course, the first he met her, he found her vexing and irritable. Nothing about her seemed attractive to him and then he fell in love with her, in a moment and at a time in his life, when the last thing he was looking for and the last thing, he could’ve even felt was love. It wasn’t just Althea who changed him, it was his own heart that swell and fell in to her lap. Her words, her presence, her attitude towards life and everything about her just enchanted him all together and made him fall in love with her. “I would take that as a no.” Althea concluded from Nicholas’s silence and he only shook his head. “Of course, I didn’t know and…” “That’s why you can never say that unsurety is not what you don’t want to live on. When I first came on this island, I was sure that I would win the competition but here I am, having lost both my mind and my heart and I didn’t even win anything. The thing that I came for on the island, wasn’t even real. So, I lost everything here.” “You won my heart.” Nicholas added, making Althea smile a little. “Then let me take it with me to Gragnano and then come for me. Promise me you will?” Nicholas gulped hard and nodded his head. “Of course, I will come for you Althea. I am only letting you go now because you’re asking me to but I will come for you. I am not going to make the same mistake as I did in my past. I am going to come after you. You better not think about slipping away from me.” She scoffed gently, as she nodded at him. “I won’t.” She took a step closer to him and planted her hands around Nick’s neck, pulling him down and closer to her mouth. She needed that, to have one final taste of his mouth before she fell out of physical touch with him, for who knew how long. Reaching up on her tip toes, she brought her lips closer to his and kissed him softly at first. The hunger in Nicholas’s body devoured him, making him grab on to Althea’s waist tightly and he pulled her in to him, crashing their bodies together. If it were possible for him, he could had her absorbed in to his body forever. He opened up his mouth and asked for more, darting his tongue inside her mouth and she also happily allowed him to explore her mouth as well. She was also in desperate need of him and felt delighted at his touch and the sensations that she felt. The love that they had for each other seemed to be the biggest force that kept the two together. The sun darted low somewhere behind them, as the skies turned black but it didn’t matter to them, as their hearts glowed and the sparkling tentacles reached and connected their heart together. Their souls felt intertwined and their bodies elevated, whenever the two would touch each other. Their love felt occult and supernatural, something that could never be found on earth. Althea broke the kiss but rested her forehead against Nicholas’s cheek, as she tried to catch her breath but still spoke up, regardless of sounding breathless and meek. “Please come after me.” “I promise I will.” -------------------------------------- Do you think Nicholas would go after Althea? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3

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