54. Enjoy Simple Things in Life

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Nicholas gradually closed the bedroom door behind him, making sure to not to create any loud noise that could have him caught. But even in that state and condition, his mind was replaying back, again and again, the moment when Althea leaned forward and pecked his cheek. She kissed him… His excitement jumped out of the roof, as he slowly touched the very spot on his cheek, where Althea had kissed him and jumped up and down, rejoicing the sweet moment that he had just lived through. His smile stretched all the way across, from ear to ear, hurting his cheeks as well. But that hurt wasn’t anything that Nicholas was worried about because all the pain in the world that he had ever suffered through felt numbing to him because he had found a painkiller to suffer and go fight through his struggles. That painkiller, somehow turned out to be the least expected thing in the world. As he hopped towards his room, rubbing the back of his head, happy and excited, feeling something joyful making its way towards him, inside her room, still lying on the bed, Althea pulled the square box close to her chest and giggled childishly. She held the box closer to her chest, almost hugging the life of that thing and lifted her legs up in excitement, ecstatic at the little gesture that Nicholas paid to her. Nicholas also entered inside his room, taking his shirt and trousers off and threw himself on his bed, with his face down. He smiled brightly, nothing that could be done to wipe that stupid smile off his face. His arms planted across his bed like a hawk, as he breathed softly in to the sheets remembering the moment, when such soft sheets were wrapped over Althea, who brought him closer and the sense and the touch of those sheets, closer to his chest, made him feel elated and enticed. He turned around, keeping his hands spread across the bed and looked up at the roof, staring mindlessly at the chandelier, since all of his senses only reminded him of the moment when Althea made a soft and sweet movement. He touched his cheek again, to him it felt like that little soft spot on his face had a heartbeat of its own. Getting up from his bed, he walked up towards the bathroom but stopped when he saw himself in the vanity mirror. He touched that little spot on his cheek once more and then assessed the look on his face. Althea’s words then echoed through his mind. “The beard is a little irritating but I didn’t mind.” A little irritating? He thought, wondering what would happen if he got rid of it. It was never his look. He always carried a clean shaven look, unlike his brother, who had a beard grown every now and then and because of his look-alike brother and the hidden identity that Lucas carried, Nicholas at times had to grow a beard as well only so that whenever Lucas was in the city, people would not be able to different between the two brothers based solely on a stupid beard length. He did grow a little stubble when he was dating Cheryl, but that was only because she had asked him to do so, because that was how she liked it. But he wondered, what kind of taste Althea had in men. He wondered if she also like a clean shave look, just like he did. Sighing to his curiosities, he let his explorations and desire, take a good hold of him and went inside his bathroom, standing in front of the mirror and took out his electric shaver, turning it on at once and heaved a breath of thrill, as he finally began getting down at work. -------------------------------- The morning birds chirped inside the mansion, that stood isolated on the entire Santiago island. The beachy waves, hit the shore, as the cool summer breeze lifted them up and delivered them to the shore, where they wetted the sand and added more pleasant to the cloudy weather, that was being enjoyed by all the residents of the house. Althea sat by edge of the pool area of the mansion, that slowly faded and nixed with the rest of the beach. “When you get better, I will take you the other side of the island. This island has many beautiful places to explore.” Serena told Althea, who nodded in excitement. “Yeah! I have seen some videos of the old participants that they shared on social media but it was before when keeping mobile phones and recordings were allowed. I guess, they have a new rule now?” she asked Serena, who bit her tongue and shrugged, realizing that it was better if she didn’t take Althea anywhere on the island, since she might recognize the entire island to not to be the one, where the original competition was held. “Oh! Yeah…” With that Serena got up and moved away, joining the rest of the housemates, who enjoyed a good swimming in the ocean. Althea felt a slight tug on her side, that made her turn around to find Fiona slumping down in a swimming costume next to her. she had a shroud covering on top of her that prevented her from flashing too much of the skin that she wore underneath the skimpy yellow number, that Althea had specifically chosen for her to wear to the occasion. Due to Althea’s injury, she had informed that the competition will be postponed yet again for another two days and since it was yet another day off, everyone decided to take advantage of the good weather and jumped inside the cool, high rising water. And when Althea found out about everyone’s plan, she formulated one of her own. She knew that when it came to swimming, Garry was going to be the first one to throw on his swimming trunks and jump in to the water. He liked to show off his skills in every walk of life and also he liked when the women in the crowd praised him. Just like they were doing at that moment, when many of the girls, who also were participants in Althea’s point of view, were swimming in their little costumes, along with Garry, who held a drink in his hand and showed jesting energy at the crowd. Althea recognized the fact that the guy enjoyed being the center of the attention and that’s exactly what she was going to hit him with. For once, she was going to make him realize that he could never always be the center of the attention and all the attention that he ever had was a present given to him by Fiona and her loving and caring behavior that also made the other girls interested in him and once Fiona would show her back to him and show him that she could have anyone, that would be the moment when regret would hit Garry, the hardest. “Did you wear, what I asked you to?” Althea questioned Fiona, who nodded with a fearful gaze. “So, why are you wearing cloak?” she once again rose her concern and Fiona shrugged. “You’re also wearing a robe.” She pointed back at Althea, who wore a pink robe, over her swimming suit. Althea sighed and shook her head, “We are not looking here for me to move on and for my crush to feel some sense of laminating jealousy.” “But it is really skimpy, half of my ass is out.” “That’s the whole point. You need to show some ass, if you want to win back face.” “How does that even make sense?” Fiona asked, confused by Althea’s words and the girl simply grunted, getting annoyed by Fiona’s shying behavior. “Fine! but if I take my robe off, will you do the same?” she asked Fiona, wondering if that would act as a motivation. “Okay! Sounds fair.” Althea groaned, throwing her robe off her body, revealing her shiny tan skin and the bright pink triangle top that she wore, that held her perfectly ample round mounds together, forming a perfect crease in between her breasts. Her long toned legs, hung down from the edge that she sat on and Fiona only felt more envious of the girl. “Okay! You look like that! No way, I am ever taking my robe off.” She announced, getting up to run away but Althea immediately grabbed her arm and pulled her back and down towards her. “Listen! The whole point of all of this, is not just to make Garry regret not reciprocating your feelings but it is to make you, love yourself because nothing in this world matters more than that. If you won’t love yourself, you will never be able to find happiness beyond any means. Loving yourself, appreciating your beauty comes first and there is no guarantee to the fact that you will always feel loved or always feel like you love yourself first. That is life and life is supposed to hit you hard and that’s how you keep growing up, learning new experiences because every bad moment that hits you, makes you reflect on your behavior and where you are. So, right now you are on an island, young and bold and while many would wish for this moment, it is your time to take hold and take charge of your life and love yourself in your skin, stop comparing your life, success and your body to others. Start comparing the level of self love that you are practicing that your first day begins now.” Fiona couldn’t help but feel moved by Althea’s words. “I will most probably hate myself later on for taking the risk but your words are worth it anyways.” With that Fiona stood up, taking off her robe and revealed the neon yellow skimpy top that she wore, that revealed her ample breasts, only covering her n*****s. Her heavy molds rested perky on her chest, while the bottom of her suit, was a small piece that covered her front folds and ran in to a thin strap in the back, revealing her entire bare butt. The small piece was held together on the sides of her hips with two thin straps, tied in to knots on each side. Her thick thighs, squirmed as she tried to keep her posture and stood up in an erect manner, feeling her skin turning red, due to embarrassment. She was always conscious of her small belly pouch and wondered if it decreased her beauty but Althea only looked at her with her mouth open in utter awe. “You are f*****g hot! I wonder if I am straight?” She questioned herself, making Fiona blush even harder. “Stop! I am already embarrassed.” She stated and Althea simply pushed her leg, pushing her to get down and on the beach. “Go! You need to live your best. With a body like that, you can score sugar daddies! Now enjoy.” She chuckled, making Fiona shook her head, who ran towards the cold water and closed her eyes at once, taking in the moment that she was living her biggest fear but without think much, she simply jumped forward in to the water and began swimming along with the waves, unaware and honestly, careless of what other around her did. She didn’t care if somebody looked at her or not and she was right to do so, because had she cared, she wouldn’t have felt so free and omnipotent of her own life in that water, as she did. Because everyone did looked at her with sheer surprise, written all over their faces. Andrew was simply stunned but happy to see Fiona living her best because that was exactly what she deserved and on the other hand, whilst all the girls felt envious of Fiona’s confidence and the body that she had to flex, Garry stood stunned, as he stood inside the water, closer to the shore, watching Fiona float in the water, flexing her body to everybody else. He had never even seen her in a dress above her knees and seeing her float in such a skimpy swim costume, did things to him. Things to his heart and mind, that he had never experienced before. It did things to his body, the way he felt his pant tightened around his crotch, there was something definitely tantalizingly alluring about Fiona that his heart had started feeling. Andrew and Althea both shared a mischievous look from afar, smirking at each other, understanding that they had successfully achieved their secret little mission. Garry was definitely gawking Fiona and was obviously swayed away by her beauty and it was just the beginning. As Althea felt accomplished of helping Fiona win back at Garry, she was ascertain of the fact that Fiona wasn’t the only one who was being touched by her words. It was someone else, who stood a few feet behind her and had heard her analogy on self love. A deeply satisfying smile rested on Nicholas’s lips as he realized that many of things that Althea said were true. Hardships are there to make one realize about how beautiful life could get by just enjoying simple things and his mission in life was going to be just that. He was going to enjoy the simple things, things like Althea’s presence. ----------------------------------- Well, good things are definitely coming to you guys :D Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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