78. Creating Trouble

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76: Martha stormed right in to her bedroom, reaching out for the bed, where she pummeled down and low on the mattress and breathed in exhaustion, bewildered and definitely consternated by the Serena’s audacious and deleterious words. She couldn’t believe that even after all the love and respect that the Santiago name, put in its ordeals and gave to their house help, she still had to carry the label of being a slave maker. She herself was the daughter of someone who once worked for Alejandro’s father and not even for once in her life was she ever made feel that she is the daughter of a regular employee to the family and thence, when Serena said those words, Martha couldn’t control her angst and burst out. There was a little regret to what and how far she had ended up spitting the truth on Serena’s face but at the same time, Martha needed to vent her hurt out as well. Anthony came after his wife and gently touched her shoulder. “It’s fine! Serena said hurtful and mean things out of anger and despise and you ended up saying some to her out of hurt. And what she did needed to be put in to place and she was required to be reminded that if we give power to someone, we can take that power back from them as well.” He told his wife and then sat next to her, as she placed her head on his shoulder and he soother her out gently. On the other hand, Serena dashed inside her room, pacing back and forth, agitating and humiliated. She was piqued and angry at someone, in dire need to venting out her frustration, due to the insult that Martha had slapped right over on her face and had even gotten away with it because Nicholas also didn’t say a word to defy Martha or to justify Serena’s statements and instead, once Martha was done humiliating her, he dismissed them, like meagre peasants, who didn’t deserve any respect. Or at least, that was how Serena felt. It was about time that she showed who she really was and with that determination, she pulled out her phone out of her closet, the second one that she had been using in hiding, after she had surrendered her first one to Salva, just like everyone else. She had kept it, in order to continue watching seasons of her favorite series, late at night, when she had trouble sleeping or simply wanted to do something during her pastime. Taking that phone out, she dialed in a number, of the one person, who was the weakest point of Martha and Anthony. As Serena stood plotting her own nefarious revenge, right outside her room, Salva walked passed to get inside his room and the first thing he did, right after entering his room, was to dash right into his closet, where he picked out his bag and began packing one for a short trip out of the island, that he realized had become a necessity. As Salva packed, worried because of what happened in the office and how Garry reacted and resented, it made him realize that he needed to incorporate his father’s ideals in this situation and collude with him on how he must take care of things in a much more vigorous manner. Where Salva was worried about Garry, the man in question, sat on his bed, clenching his fist tightly. Everything that happened with him in the past hour recapitulated within his mind, playing in a reverse manner, from how Nicholas dismissed him, to everything that Martha said. From how Nicholas humiliated him and his brother, by ostentatiously invigorating lectures of their great rules and regulations while in Garry’s point of view Nicholas was a hypocrite since he had slapped his own employee for the sake of an uncontracted chef, who was there just to please him. All of this didn’t sit right with Garry, who felt that his deference was estranged and hurt. And Nicholas and Althea weren’t the only ones to play part in it. Instead, he blamed Fiona and Andrew equally for the iniquitous fiasco that he had ended up creating with his own hands. Instead of ever considering self reflection, the guy opted for retribution and that also in the most distasteful manner. And now he was going to look for the right opportunity to attack and weaken those who had hurt him. As Garry stood up from his single bed, passing through the other one, that belonged to his roommate, one of the contestants, that was fake fired from the competition and sent to the safe house in the island. Garry reached for the window and looked out of it, finding his brother Gigi walking towards the security surveillance room. If anything, Garry blamed his brother for being such a weakling, who had grown so soft and obeying to the Santiagos, that they had decided to walk all over him and not just Gigi himself, but Garry believed that his older brother had sold both of their souls and there was no way, Garry was going to turn that soft in front of the Santiagos and let them walk all over him, like his brother. Garry cursed his brother, unaware of the fact that Gigi had walked in to the surveillance room and finding it entirely empty, he didn’t bother to get ferocious, like he normally would. Instead, he rejoiced and felt happy, because the void of any guard inside the surveillance room, gave him the liberty to perform the unscrupulous action, that he was about to do. He looked at his laptop, with its screen have gone black, he turned it on. And first thing that popped up on his screen was the message from his mole that he had left in Gragnano, who informed him everything about the police and their progress on Althea’s case. He had received an E-mail, from the very mole of his, that had a very hostile and internecine tone, setting the point straight and concise. Subject: Althea’s disappearance! Update! Jacob is on to you! He had gotten the essence that the person who brought the recordings of the show, containing footage of Althea cooking and taking part in the said, ‘Secret Chef Hunters’, annual cooking competition. He had found out that the man who brought the footage is some local paid actor. Under the charges of fraudulent and involvement in a k********g he had him locked up. Luckily, the man is a recorded and proven medically. inebriated organism, which nullifies his testimony and actions. But Jacob is trying to track any money he could find on the man. So far, he had not received the approval from court to search the man’s bank account so you are safe for now. But I am warning you, Jacob is on to you and he might get the approval from court any time to track the man’s bank records. So, if you have left any trace, cover them before it’s too late and if you didn’t leave any trace of your name or your boss’s then there’s nothing much to worry about. But, here I would like to add a new piece of information for you. Irene, the girl’s sister! She had been visiting Jacob a lot lately in his office. The two can not be having a conjugal affair, since Jacob is clearly and still lousily in love with Monique, her mother, whom he was betrothed to before she ran with Althea and Irene’s father, Romeo. So, the two are not having an affair but I believe that just like Jacob, the girl must also have some insight about Althea and her disappearance. Because she was always careless towards her sister and family and now she has broken up her engagement with a rich dude and moved back in with her mother. Something, doesn’t add up here. I am trying my best to look in to the situation but I would recommend you to look in to it, keenly as well. As the email ended, with Gigi reading it the second time during the day, the first he read when he went to give the grotesque news to Salva and Nicholas but then, reading it the second time, after what Nicholas and everyone else did to him, he didn’t feel like being the family’s caretaker anymore and instead, opening up one of the files of the raw and unedited video of the competition that contained, clips of Marth and Anthony, talking and discussing the competition, behind the contestant’s back, with Salva and Serena also discussing why they were controlling the entire place and faking a competition, an evidence that Giga had taken away from Carl, making sure that it never got out of anybody’s hand but little did he know that he would be the one to send that very evidence attached in the email to his very mold that he had set up in Gragnano to act as his eagle and his eye in the city of Althea’s home. As he composed the email, attaching the evident, he wrote the subject of the email in bold letters. Subject: SHOW THIS TO JACOB AND IRENE! --------------------------- Whoa! Things got pretty intense, didn't they? :D Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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