80. A Bad Idea

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Althea look right at the tall figure that towered her. intimidated and tacit, simply gawking and ogling at the man, who caged her in between her arms, entrapping her in a very cunning manner. Althea’s lips slightly parted as the name slipped out of her mouth. “Nicholas…” The man, who was just called out, smirking deviously, knowing that he had won the game of wits. He had been watching Althea from the window of his office and noticed that she stood in the balcony, anxious looking at the hallway and waiting for Nicholas to show up. But he wanted to play with her a bit more and tease her, just like he planned on doing in the morning, before the whole debacle took place. So, he decided to work back on his plan and continued from where he had left. First point of action was to not to show up at the terrace and he left Althea anxious and wondering. Only he knew, how hard it was for him to control on the chronic habit that he had developed of being cajoled to wherever he would find Althea to be. The alacrity that his body had developed, to hear Althea’s life and to see her smile and radiate. He had become the moth to the flame that she was holding matches to and he didn’t mind that either. It was like, as if his own body craved for that attraction. His own body demanded for him to be attracted towards someone or something. And at first, he thought that it was a mere dependency of his health and well being for the delicious food that she made but suddenly, he started to be interested in knowing whether the brain, that was the master behind the entire functioning and dominating of the preparation process was just as intriguing as the food. And he turned out to be right. He had never seen someone as resilient and yet tangibly optimistic about life. She had certain rules and criterion, that she had built, that had protected her so far in life and had brought her to the point, where she believed that she was living her dream. Something that she had always looked forward to happening. She stood by her principles and believed in her diligent self and to her innocent little mind, she was living the dream that she had worked hard for and risked her everything for. Nicholas was off-course with Althea and believed that she was someone from a lower class, trying to catch up in the bigger class but the moment he found out that she had been working in her uncle’s restaurant to pay off for her sister’s college tuition and not just that, she cooked and exceled her skills, all the while in the hiding, since her cousin and uncle, proscribed her from ever cooking in the kitchen and deliberately, forced her to be out in the restaurant, since she was beautiful and brought in many customers, also because they wanted to punish her in a way, while extracting their revenge out of her mother and father, who had eloped together, leaving the Romano family in ignominy. Or at least that was what the Romanos believed and thence, when Monique came back to the town, to ask for help, they gave her a small cottage in between the fields to live on and she had to work hard, losing all of her privilege in her family. And not even for once, Althea ever broke down and instead, became her mother’s strength and was the man of their house. In fact, she was a complete woman in every essence. Someone, who remained feminine, spirited and made sure to always stay true to her own self. Perhaps, all of that attracted Nicholas towards Althea and that’s why when she had abruptly left him hanging in thin air, he decided to break her down and make her succumb to confessing her feelings for him. He waited and waited, patiently inside his office. Once the sun was down and he noticed Althea move, he immediately turned the lights of his room off and hoped and prayed that she would at least once, come inside to check up on him and the moment, he heard the knock, his heart jumped out of his chest, almost threatening to break his rib cage as he felt full of enthusiasm and happiness, that Althea was finally there, knocking at his door. He closed his eyes and prayed a little too hard, watching how all of his wishes were getting heard by every passing second. The door to the office opened up slightly at first. He made sure to rest right next to it and pressed his body hard against the wall. Then he felt and saw a shadow move in through the light that fell from outside the moment Althea and just completely stepped inside the office, he knew that it was his turn to take chare of things. Pulling her inside, he pushed her against the wall and immediately turned the lights on, making Althea’s eyes go wide. Her breath was hitched and her nerves were shaky, as she looked at Nicholas with wide eyes. Nicholas on the contrary, looked confident and unshaken, since things had worked out just the way he wanted them to be. “Looking for me?’ he asked, resting his hand next to Althea’s head and grinned viciously. Althea took a breath of relief, liberated from the anxiousness that it wasn’t a ghost or a serial killer who had held her hand, when she had stepped in the dark. “You look quite relieved, seeing me.” Nicholas c****d even further and Althea immediately straightened up, holding a firm expression, deciding to not to show much care and adoration to the man in front of her. “Yeah, well I was looking for you.” She admitted, amusing Nicholas even more. He felt excited on the inside, wondering if Althea had become bold enough to actually confess her feelings right to his face. “Really? I wonder why you were looking for me? Do you perhaps, by any chance, wish to continue from where we left off earlier in the morning?” Althea’s eyes slightly widened, as the crimson color became evident on her cheeks and even her ear began burning with embarrassment. Nicholas on the other hand, enjoyed observing the shift of colors and expressions in Althea’s face. He liked how the color on her face drained and how she became stiff for a second, looking at Nicholas with nothing but sheer surprise written on her face. “Okay! Now, tell me, do you want to continue…?” he asked, lingering the question, as he leaned down and Althea’s entire body began squirming. She pushed her head back, trying to dissolve it in the wall behind her, wishing that she had stayed out of the office room, because now things had started to get cumbersome for her. She gulped hard, as Nicholas continued leaning further, lowering his voice, bringing his lips closer to Althea, who held her hand out, grasping control over her loudly beating heat and her shaky breath. Nicholas paused, as he felt Althea’s palm touching his chest, which he took as a sign that perhaps she was soliciting him, to hold back. He felt confused, as he looked up at Althea, whose eyes were still glued and plastered down at Nicholas’s lips, another thing that weltered Nicholas. At one end, her physically gestured showed that Althea wanted him to stop and on the other hand, her gestured and gaze showed something else. Her body language showed that she was eager to feel his touch, while her hand gestures showed that she simply wanted Nicholas off her. “I… I don’t get it…” he spoke softly, as he pulled slightly back and Althea took a breather, finally feeling air pumping in to her lungs. She bit her lip, as she ran a hand through her hair, showing how jittery and anxious she felt. She closed her eyes at once and recapitulated through the entire commotion that occurred between her and Nicholas. Her body yearned for it and her heart was beyond any limits. The magniloquent feeling that Nicholas’s presence and touch brought to her, was beyond any questioning. She definitely wanted him in a way but the rational part of her told her, that it was immoral and unethical for her to be involved with the director of the Society. It not only put her position as a contestant in an deleterious spot but personally, she would be getting her feelings involved for a man that she did not even know if she had any chances of being with, beyond the boundaries of that island. Nicholas on the other hand, felt stinged and exhausted. He couldn’t not comprehend what exactly Althea wanted. At one end, she clearly showed that she was interested in him and on the other hand, she showed that she didn’t want to be on the same level of affection as him. It all just manipulated and played with his head, something that he didn’t enjoy at all. Girls had always been easy for him. Either they simply complied in – mostly did so. Or they would simply not be interested and he was never the one to be involved in the act of chasing a girl. But Altea, was laboring him out. She was not only exhausting him physically but because of her mixed signals, she was wearing him off mentally as well. And his patience, that had become non existence already, was thinning off as well with every passing second. Althea finally shook her head and postulated the words that she was going to say in her defense and tell Nicholas what she truly felt and thought of their situation but the very moment she turned around, Nicholas didn’t give her even a second to act out. He grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm behind her back, making her scrunch in pain and at the same time, he pulled her forward, submerging her body in to hers. Althea felt frightened for a moment but just as she looked up and noticed Nicholas’s stern, yet strangely calm expressions, she began quivering with worry. “Nicholas, let go…” She pressed, but Nicholas only tightened his hold around her wrists and pulled her more harshly in to her, looking down at her with nothing but a stiff expression. His hold on her wrist became belligerent and Althea only hissed in pain, as the skin on her forearm felt twisted and turned. “It’s hurting…” She shifted her head to look back at her arm but Nicholas didn’t give her the time to do, he pushed her hand up her back and jolted her up a bit, making her turn to look back at Nicholas, with sheer bewilderment. “What are you doing? Let go off me!” This time, she used a bit stern tone and Nicholas only kept her gaze lower on her face, something he had to do, to intimidate her and to tell her that he wasn’t playing around anymore. “Listen Althea and listen to me very closely, I am in no mood to joke around.” Nicholas grunted in a low hiss, freezing Althea’s entire being. “I like you and I want you.” He said those words bluntly and nonchalantly, making Althea’s eyes go wide. “But…” she fumbled with her words. “I know, I know there are reservations from both of our ends and your might be bigger than mine.” He admitted, making Althea’s mouth run dry on words. She didn’t say much and remained quiet, letting Nicholas continue with his chants. “I know you are scared that we both might not have a story beyond this island but isn’t that the point of giving things a try?” “It is still risky.” Althea admitted and Nicholas squinted her gaze at her. She immediately looked down at her feet, which made Nicholas lift her chin up with his forefinger and made her look right in to his eyes. “Look at me, as you speak. I want you to look in to my eyes and tell me what you really and truly feel. I want you to be honest with me and tell me, exactly what are you afraid of me? Is it me? Am I being too much?” Althea looked at Nicholas with perplexity, realizing that she might have inadvertently, triggered some sort of insecurity in the man’s mind. She immediately shook her head/ “No! you are too much, in fact you are just enough and right and that’s the gloomiest part.” “How?” Nicholas’s heart fell full of fretful thoughts, that made him wonder, that the risk that his heart had become so brave to take, might end up breaking him in a manner worse than he had never imagined. “You are also my director Nicholas! You are the head of the Secret Chef Hunter’s Society and I am a participant here. If I am getting involved with the director than it would not only put me but you as well in a very hostile condition. Have you forgotten about what happened to the contestant, a few year back who was involved with one of the judges? It was your own organization that banished her from the competition and …” Nicholas placed his palm over Althea’s mouth and sighed in relief that her concerns, even though rational in her point of view, simply didn’t imply on their situation. What she was worried about was not even real and the reality was that, she was brought on the island only to appease to Nicholas’s taste buds and then, he had started craving something else. Not just the chef’s food but the chef herself, was what had beginning to placate to Nicholas’s taste buds. “I am the director of this society, do you really think, I would be reckless?” he c****d, masking his words in a very meticulous manner. He actually meant to tell her that he was the owner of not just that island but many others and one of the most powerful companies in the world but there was a literation and a limitation to how much he was allowed to say under the circumstances that he was in with Althea. He wanted to reiterate the entire truth and tell her everything but he also knew that he would be risking the prolonged gap of togetherness that already existed between him and Althea. And he simply wanted to be with her, kiss her, hold her and touch her in every way possible. Althea shook her head, which made Nicholas lift his hand off her mouth, so that she could speak up. “But I would become a liability to your position and…” Nicholas sighed, not finding the right way in which he could make Althea understand that he was not the director and in fact, a regular businessman and the things that Althea worried about didn’t even apply on their situation but at the same time, he had to be careful. He had to tread lightly and very carefully, making sure to not to scare Althea away. “Althea, I am the director of this society, I have an invincible hold on this place and society and whatever we do, would have no effect on your place in the competition. Trust me. I am not doing this, so that you would benefit off me, or to extricate some sort of favor out of you, in return for something else. When I look at you, this place and the situation that we are in, is the last thing that comes in my mind.” “So, what do you think of when you look at me?” she asked with teetering faith. And Nicholas simply smiled as he gently ran his hand through Althea’s hair, moving a single strand of her hair away from her face. “I think of simplicity, beauty, prowess and obviously of ghosts.” “Ghosts?” she asked with a soft scoff. “Yeah! Isn’t that what you declared me when you first saw me?” Althea laughed out gently, as she ran her finger through Nicholas’s jawline. Her gentlest touch, made Nicholas close his eyes and groan in growing erogenous tendencies that felt ignited due to Althea’s touch. “Your face was full of hair and I saw in the dark, what else was I supposed to think?” She brought her thumb very carefully in front of his lips and Nicholas looked in to her eyes at first and then back and down to where her thumb was. “Tell me Althea, do you like me as well?” he asked and Althea nodded her head. “Then what is stopping you?” He leaned in grasping her neck and pulled her face closer to his. “I want you to be mine, in your entirety. What is holding you back?” “A lot of concerns. I still don’t think this is a good idea.” She breathed with glum but Nicholas was not the one to give up so easily. He scoffed gently and within one single push, he enclosed the space between her and Althea and rubbed his lips over hers, hovering his mouth on top hers and blowing hit air on to her soft lips, that made her breath hitch in her lungs. “This is a bad idea, I know and that’s the fun part, my lady.” With that he captured her lips with his and Althea felt losing all the remaining resistance in her body. She became defenseless, as she broke down all of her defense systems and finally caved in. Her arms wrapped around Nicholas’s neck, as she kissed him back with just as much energy as he kissed her with. Althea brought her hands right on to Nicholas’s face and held him firmly, whilst his traveled down to her waist, pulling her more in to his body. Just the feeling of their bodies colliding, with her soft breasts pressing up against his hard chest, was enough to ignite the spark and variousness inside Nicholas’s mind, that told him that he would not be satisfied with just a simple kiss. Just their bodies pressing up with each other wasn’t enough for him. He wanted all and he wanted everything. His hands snaked underneath Althea’s shirt and the moment his cold palms touched her naked back, Althea moaned with a slight stinging sensation but soon her body accustomed to his temperature and as his hand traveled up, her back arched slowly. She parted her lips a little, allowing Nicholas to dart his tongue in to her mouth and he did just so. But his focus remained to one singular mission. As soon as his hands found the back of Althea’s bralette, he immediately unhooked it and removed his hands from behind her back. He pushed her up against the wall, supporting his weight through his one hand on the wall, while his other encircled around Althea’s neck. Using his thumb, he pushed her chin up and kissed her mightily. Althea felt dizzy, as her the excitement that filled her body, began to exceed her limit of endurance. She held on to Nicholas’s shoulder, saving herself from falling down, as her knees felt weak. Nicholas moved his hand from her neck to the back of her head, grabbing a chunk full of her hair and lifted her head up. It was like, he was a small little puppet in her hands, that didn’t know much and lacked the necessary art of seduction but Nicholas on the other hand, knew just when and where to touch and kiss that would ignite his passion even more. Somehow, having to crave the moves and teach Althea all the right things, boasted Nicholas’s attraction towards her even more. His other hand found its way underneath Althea’s shirt, this time sneaking in front the front. Althea closed her eyes tightly, as Nicholas’s hand and mouth wasn’t where she supposed it would be. His mouth was now tracing her neck, placing sloppy kisses on the length of her jawline, down to her shoulder bones, whilst his hand reached out for her breast, gently pressing on to her bosom from up and front over the bra but surely that wasn’t just going to be enough for a guy like Nicholas, who had been hungry and dormant for the past six months and now he got to touch the most exquisite woman, he might have ever been with. His hand slowly traced the side of her waist, gently feelings the deep perfection that her curve was. Then yet again, he brought his hand closer to her breast, this time, moving past the covering of her bralette and immediately reached out for her bosom, pressing it firmly. A moan of cry and agitation, escaped Althea’s lips. What was that feeling that she was experiencing? It felt occult and mystical. It was something that she had never felt or experienced before. Moan after moan vibrated out of her body, as Nicholas pressed and squeezed on to her bosom, in different motions, at time soft and at times firm. His mouth kissed her collar bone, before he found a spot on her neck, where he kissed and bit. Althea’s traced her fingers through Nicholas’s hair, gesturing him to remain and stay where his focus was. He continued latching on to her neck, leaving the mark of his bites and adore that he felt towards Althea, whilst his hand pressed her bosom. A loud knock on the door startled the two, acting as an alarm for them, making them realize what they were doing and where they were doing it. Althea’s eyes opened wide, as she sensed that someone was at the door and Nicholas was still lost in his own paradise, when he felt an exhorting push on his chest. He had still not recovered from the euphoria that he was in, when the push came to him as big surprise and before he could’ve even had the time to gather himself, Althea’s immense force, pushed him back, making him lose balance. Althea also opened up her eyes, her condition disheveled but that was the last thing that she was concerned about, since her eyes met with the view of Nicholas, falling back and down on his back. Althea gasped out loud, placing her hands over her mouth her eyes widening, as right in front of her, she saw the distorting and disturbing scene of Nicholas, flailing his hands in the air, asking for help but Althea didn’t do anything and simply became a spectator. Watching as Nicholas fell down on the ground, right over his back and at the very same time, the door to the room opened up and right in to the room, barged Salva. Well, at least it proved Althea right! The two, Althea and Nicholas being together, was indeed a very bad idea. ---------------------------------- Whoa! Excited for what might happen next? :D Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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