34. A Rude Step

1007 Words
Althea stood right outside the office, not daring to take a single step inside the room. She froze entirely when her eyes landed on the dish placed on the coffee table in front of Nicholas, who was the only one sitting amongst the rest of the organizers and even the judges. She sensed that something suspicious might be going around. She remembered that Nicholas even tried her dish earlier and seeing him eat her prepared dish once again, somehow made her feel concerned. Everyone else inside the room, looked at her stunned and confused expressions and their own paranoia and integrity settled in, making them wonder, if Althea had heard their conversation earlier and found out that they weren’t the real society and just a bunch of random rich people, going beyond their strengths, just to make her cook for Nicholas. Fiona stood a step ahead of Althea, being the one who had rudely opened up the door. She took a step inside the room and chimed at everyone. “Althea came in here to apologize to Director Nicholas. She wanted to talk to him.” She gestured at everyone, silently shutting her eyes softly and let everyone know that things were fine and Althea hadn’t heard anything. They all sighed in relaxation and Serena also placed her hand over chest, and sat down on the couch, trying to calm her nerves down. She was a step ahead of Althea, when they walked towards the door and she could hear the group of people murmuring inside the office and she could already tell what their topic of discussion might be. Afraid that, if they talked a little loud and Althea might heard them, Fiona acted quickly and opened up the door, before Althea could even tell her to at least knock, Fiona acted on her instincts and immediately opened up the door, to let everyone know that Althea was standing right outside the office. Althea stepped inside the office, right after Fiona, slightly embarrassed about how Fiona had opened up the door and made her face everyone. She had barely mentally prepared herself to even talk to Nicholas, because every interaction that she had with him, was quite awkward and actually offensive towards the man. She was already mortified to talk to him but then, there she was, having to talk to him in front of the entire hierarchy of the organization. This made her wonder, if that could be her last day on the island and in that competition, since the next morning, they were going to announce the next eliminated contestant. She gulped hard, scratching the back of her neck, as she followed Fiona and walked to stand in front of the sofa chairs, placed right in the middle of the office. “Well…” Fiona gestured at Althea to speak up and the girl cleared her throat, feeling heat rising up on her cheeks as everyone looked at her with gawking eyes. Nicholas on the other hand, slid back on his chair, pulling one leg on top of the other and c****d an eyebrow, radiating the same masculine energy that he always does. Playing his best as being unbothered and coy. Something that always intimidated people and boy was it working with Althea as well. Seeing how daunting and dominating the man’s entire domineer was, she could feel he might make a simple apology difficult for her, with his usual rude and dry tone but Althea had noticed that deep down, the guy had a soft spot, one that made him human being after all and keeping that in her mind, she cleared her throat finally mustered up the strength to talk to Nicholas. Her eyes once again landed on her plate on the coffee table and she gently asked, looking up at Salva. “Is that my dish?” Everyone went silent for a moment, wondering if Althea knew that they were feeding Nicholas her food. “Why is that a bother to you? Did you come here to check that? Did you notice someone bringing your dish to my office?” Nicholas spoke up, cutting Althea off rudely, making her look at him with utter surprise. “No! I mean, I just saw and asked and…” “The organization has a policy, whereby before every elimination, I am brought the best and the worst dish.” Nicholas smirked, acting quite confidently prudent towards Althea, making her eyes go wide. “So, is mine in best or…” “That’s for me to know.” Nicholas once again cut Althea off, not letting her finish a single sentence. “What were you here for, again?” Nicholas c****d, making Althea look at him with a swollen face. “I came to apologize.” She mumbled lowly. “And yet, I don’t hear you say sorry.” Althea was taken aback by how rudely Nicholas handled her. She scoffed a bit, placing a hand over her hip. “Just because I was wrong and I am here to apologize, it does not mean that…” “It only means that you should be saying sorry. That’s what all that matters and if you don’t say that, you should definitely leave my room for now, instead of interrogating why a director is tasting a participant’s dish.” Althea’s face opened wide with Nicholas’s audacious words. She couldn’t believe how drastically cruel he was being towards her. She was definitely not amazed by his attitude but by his tone and his mannerism as well. She always assumed him to be highly mannered and a well educated guy but the way he spoke to her definitely clicked a nerve in Althea’s mind. She came there with the mind and heart to apologize to Nicholas but seeing the way he acted, she just couldn't stand his rude behavior and before she knew, she lost her cool. ---------------------------------- Welps! What do you think Nicholas is trying to do? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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