31. And Begins The Fun Part

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30: “Oh! It’s time.” Martha told Anthony as the two turned towards the large clock on the dining room wall and saw that the cook off time was over. It was time for them to enter the kitchen and for the sake of the fake cameras and the fake video recordings, they were going to go through the contestants dishes and pretend to examine it for sensory evaluation. Something that Salva had taught them and begged them to remember to do. The two sighed, entering the kitchen but stopped and gasped silently, the moment their eyes landed on Nicholas standing in the kitchen, right in front of Althea’s station. He pulled Althea’s plate closer to him and took a whiff of the contents present on the plate. He c****d as he looked at Althea and then back at the colorfully presented dish. He would be lying if he said that he wasn’t amused with what was present in front of him. The colors, the aroma, the swirling heat waves that blew off the plate. All enticed him. If he could give numbers on a dish, he would definitely give it a fifteen out of ten, by just looking at what Althea had prepared. Grabbing a fork, he punctured through a piece of pasta and cut himself some of the smoked salmon, preparing the bite, nicely dipped in the sauce. He took it inside his mouth and something inside him made him burst with joy. He held back a groan, that erupted out of his system with enjoyment, as he felt the taste of the dish. He closed his eyes, feeling the beautiful taste of glutton, protein and a perfect blend of smoke and spices dancing on top of his tongue. He wanted to scream and moan in pleasure but he held himself back. He opened up his eyes at once and realized that everyone inside the kitchen was looking at him. Martha and Anthony looked at Gigi, who gestured at them to stay quiet. The two were about to move back inside the dining hall when he shook his head at them, telling them that it was okay for them to stay back, since Nicholas found out everything. Well almost everything, he still had a lot of discover and he still needed to know why the housemates were lying to Althea, and going to such an extent of pretending to be a some cooking competition host, instead of simply hiring her as a chef. He sensed that if he stayed there and gave too much reaction, he might as well gave off the fact that he was lustrous towards Althea’s food. Nicholas simply kept his fork down and pushed the plate away. He pretended to see the other plates for a second but then turned and left without saying a word. Althea’s breath was hitched inside her throat throughout the whole time. She only wondered what Nicholas was up to. She was worried about why she showed up so suddenly and randomly and only picked out her dish and tasted it. Just as he left, Salva and Serena also rushed behind him and Gigi decided to take care of everything and asked the contestants to leave. Althea walked towards her room but Fiona paced close by, behind her, making sure to follow Serena’s order and to follow Althea and keep an eye on her, in situations when Serena couldn’t do the task. Althea was about to enter inside her room, when she paused and Fiona noticed that as well. Althea turned to walk back towards the staircase but gasped, finding Fiona standing right in front of her. “Going somewhere?” she asked and Althea nodded. “Yes!” “Where?” “I am leaving.” **************** Inside Nicholas’s office, the man stood, looking out from the rectangular window, with his hands tied behind his back. He felt like he was in a puddle. He was brought by his fate in a very difficult state and position. He was put in a situation where he had to decided. Either to be honest and be the right person, who always does the right thing. Or be selfish. He looked out of the window, at the dark grey sky. The ocean waves, flying high, like foaming clouds, floating in dark, reaching for the moon and then hitting down on the shiny sparkling grey sand and wetting it, drenching it but the sand made sure to keep itself dry. Nicholas could feel the slight gushes and wooshes of the wind, coming in from the slightly opened window and touching his face. He sighed, shaking his head in disappointment, feeling dejected and mortified. It was the moment when he was going to make a tough decision, a decision that he himself didn’t stand up for. The door to his office opened up and Serena and Salva entered inside. The other door, exactly north to his desk also opened up and finally Anthony and Martha also revealed themselves. Nicholas didn’t bother to turn around or say a single word. He knew, he could sense, who was there in the room. And even if everyone that he expected was not there, it was enough for even a single person to know his decision. “Nicholas, you need to listen to us as well.” Salva tried to put forth his argument. “You need to understand why we did, everything and…” “There is nothing to explain.” Nicholas sighed and turned to look at everyone who stood looking at him with confusion. “The answer is simple, we are selfish people.” He sighed, throwing his head down and shaking it with nothing but utter and sheer disappointment. “I want a pizza for lunch tomorrow.” "What?" Serena asked, her eyebrows knitted together with confusion. "I want a pizza, an artisan pizza for lunch tomorrow. Isn't that enough for you to tell what my decision is? Continue with whatever you guys are doing." ------------------------------------------- Well, this is fun, right? :D Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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