Chapter 3

1470 Words
It’s been three months since I was captured and brought here. I have a routine going that seems to please Helga as she has rewarded me each Saturday evening with a book. When I finish reading a book, I return it to the bookshelf in the library to not take my rewards for granted. I have managed to get the laundry done in a timely manner and have a system where I wash four beds worth of sheets two days in a row to ensure they are all completed before the children return from school. “Girl, I need you to change the sheets and dust a room for my oldest. He’s finally coming home next week from boot camp and I want his room ready for him.” Helga states. “You have a week to wash the sheets, dust, clean, and organize his room. I also want his bathroom cleaned along with the windows, understand?” “Yes, Ma’am. Which room?” I ask not knowing where any other bedroom is. She walks me down towards my room, then opens a door to go upstairs. There’s an entire apartment up here. “He also will not want to hear the machines running late at night, so you’ll have to think of something to avoid disturbing him.” “Yes, ma’am.” “And don’t even think about seducing him. Serge will kill you before you can even blink if you cross that line.” Helga stated. “I wouldn’t dare,” I whisper feeling my anxiety bubbling. “Good, now carry on.” Helga turns and walks away. I return to my cleaning of the other children’s rooms and switching over the laundry to put away. I need to figure out how to change my routine around within the week to ensure I don’t piss off their eldest son. I guess I know my answer to where her ninth child is. He has his own apartment in the wing where I’m being kept. I hope he doesn’t bring women home and is a quiet walker. The last thing I need is to have my sleep disturbed and cause me to oversleep. I have gone out of my way to make sure I don’t upset Helga or her husband, I’d hate to end this month of servitude finding out what kind of punishments I’ll endure. ************* As the kids return, I finish making Masey’s bed and scurry back to the laundry room to pull out the bedding for the last bed I have to make and hurriedly make it. I’m not allowed to speak to the kids, yet every time Masey sees me she feels the need to interrogate me and try to get me to speak to her. I swear she is a menacing little girl who is unruly. “Finish quickly,” Serge hisses coming into the bedroom I’m in. “Sir, I just need to straighten this comforter. Is there something else I need to do?” “Yes, you need to go to your room and remain there until later. I will bring you your dinner late tonight.” Serge stated. “Did I do something wrong?” “No, I just don’t want you out of your room, understand? No sound, no exiting your room. If you do, I won’t bring you dinner at all, understood?” “Yes sir,” I bow and scurry to my room as fast as I can. I’m not sure why I’m being told to hide in here. There’s still so much I can be doing, but instead, I’m sitting in my room reading a book. At least I have two books to read while I wait for permission to leave my room. I just hope their eldest hasn’t arrived yet. His apartment still needs to be finished. I’ve been working on that room every evening after my dinner to ensure it doesn’t interfere with my routine. I beginning to fall asleep when my bedroom door opens and Serge enters with a plate of food. “Thank you, you will be rewarded. Helga will tell you your reward in the morning.” Serge states as he sets the plate of food on the table, then leaves my room. I force myself out of bed, eat my dinner, and then go to sleep trying to understand what happened this afternoon. Not to mention why Helga is the one in charge of my rewards. I’m not a damn dog, I feel like they are rewarding me as a training method here. ****************************************** The next morning I’m up at seven and begin the day by cleaning the kitchen as usual. “Girl, come here for a moment,” Helga calls. I hate being called girl, but I bite my tongue and go to the room where she’s sitting in a chair nursing the infant. “Yes, ma’am,” I answer. “I need to reward you for last night, though I’m not sure how to except to explain.” Helga sighs. “I learned yesterday that my husband broke the law. He defied our Alpha and brought you here.” “Ma’am?” “He was ordered to leave no one from your pack breathing. I was unaware of how you were acquired but having you here has helped me. I understand why my husband brought you to me, though I’m not sure I understand why he defied our Alpha. Thankfully, you listened and did as you were asked and remained quiet and unseen while our Alpha was here discussing plans for more work. Serge has instructed me to reward you as I see fit, only problem is, I’m not sure how to reward you given the gravity of the situation. Had our Alpha discovered that you were here and inquired where you came from, he would have found out my husband defied his orders.” Helga explained. What she’s not saying is that by having me here, every single one of her children is in danger if the Alpha discovers I am from the Bloodmoon pack. “Allowing me the evening off was more than enough reward, ma’am. I do not wish for more.” I answer honestly. I spent the entire afternoon reading and relaxing for the first time since I was captured. “Very well, you may go back to your work,” Helga stated as she burped her child. I finish cleaning the bedrooms and head to the laundry room just as all the children return home for the day. Four in the afternoon, like clockwork. Now I just need to finish the laundry before seven, to allow me time to work in the apartment as I feel the deadline approaching to have it finished. I bring the last basket of folded clothes to the child’s bedroom and freeze when I see Helga follow a child out of that room. He’s a cute little boy with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. “Hurry up, he needs to brush his teeth before bed.” Helga snaps at me when she sees me in the hallway. I nod and rush into the room to put the laundry away and leave as quickly as I can before they return. I’m walking down the corridor when I see Serge walking towards me with a plate of food. “Cutting it close, girl.” He comments as he hands me the plate. “Sorry sir.” “It’s done, Helga isn’t angry so no harm.” He stated. “What’s the status of the room for my eldest son? Helga said she tasked you with getting it ready.” “Yes, sir. It’s almost finished. I have a couple more things to do, but it’ll be done by Saturday evening.” I inform him. “It needs to be done by Friday morning. My son will be home Friday afternoon.” “Understood sir.” I bow and scurry off to my room to eat my dinner. It would have been done by Friday if I hadn’t spent last night in my room reading because I wasn’t allowed out of my room. As soon as I’m done eating, I return to the apartment and finish dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning the bathroom. I plan to clean the bedding tomorrow as I have completed the wash for everything else today. Hopefully, the other children won’t wet the bed tonight, but it’ll be my luck I’ll have extra laundry to do. I drag myself downstairs and go to bed. Everything is spinning in my head. If I’m not supposed to be here, then why would Serge allow me to live? Having me here taking care of the household chores is making Helga happy, but is it worth putting his entire family at risk?
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