Chapter 11 Captain Smith-1

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CHAPTER 11 Captain SmithCaptain Smith was considered by Powhatan’s people to be a very powerful man, not easily deceived, quick to revenge a wrong. More importantly, however, he was believed by many of them to have certain spiritual powers that enabled him to see into other men’s hearts. It was believed that his power could ward off arrows and other blows. He had been attacked many times by large parties of Indians, all shooting their arrows at him, and yet not one struck him; though, at times, they were as thick as hail. Did he not defeat the giant werowance of Pospaheagh, single handedly, without receiving the smallest wound? “In two days’ time,” the Captain was saying, “there will hardly be one man alive at the falls and, though it pains me to say it, they will deserve their fate. The

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