Chapter 8 Monacans-3

1061 Words

After this was done, we settled down quickly. The men were near complete exhaustion. We mixed raw cornmeal to a thick paste with water and chewed endlessly on our dried beef. The Lieutenant busied himself with writing in his notebook, noting his observations of the changing land: its flora and fauna, its fertility, its minerals. By nightfall we fell asleep like men who had suddenly and quietly died. Indeed, I remember nothing until awakened about two o’clock. It was my turn to stand guard. I crawled to my feet with the greatest reluctance and walked to my post, in a groggy stupor, with the other men. I stumbled halfway down the hill, and so did not need to identify myself to the man I was to relieve. In fact, he seemed most perturbed at the noise I was making. After standing guard for no

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