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CHAPTER SIXTEEN "How have you kept your friends over so many years?" Angie asked her mother as the shoe salesman disappeared into the storeroom. After getting her newly cleaned car back—the blood hadn't 'set' so the detailers were able to get it off in a little over an hour, Angie decided she could use the comfort of a visit with her mother. Unfortunately, Serefina was just leaving the house to go to a shoe sale and insisted that Angie join her. "My friends? How should I know?" Serefina said dismissively. "Now, when are you thinking about having a baby? You aren't getting any younger." "Not yet. But tell me about your friends." "You'd rather talk about my friends than bambini?" "Yes." Serefina frowned, but dropped her new favorite subject. "Me and my friends, we keep up with each oth

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