Surviving Elite High: Loving James

Surviving Elite High: Loving James


Surviving a normal high school is hard enough. Surviving Elite High? Close to impossible! Not until you learn the difference between love and obsession…

Sixteen year old James Gordon has it all. He’s rich, studious, and bears quite a strong resemblance to Justin Bieber. So, what’s stopping him from being a normal kid in high school? The deadly jocks. They torment anyone who’s gay or possibly closeted, even though Nick Wild Hawk, star of the football team and the love of his life, John, came out to the whole school in previous years and made being gay at Elite High just another walk of life.

However, even though the jocks have bullied James nonstop and made his life a living hell, he can’t help but fantasize about the king of the jocks, Nathan Parker. Nathan is rugged, straight and the most popular guy in school. When fate intercepts and places James and Nathan under the same roof, James’ torture really begins. And yet, through it all, James hopes that that his steadfast love for Nathan will change the jock into a lover rather than an abuser. Unless a certain hot, loyal, guy in the background can find a way to show James he is really, truly loved, and has been for a long time. Before it’s too late…

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Chapter 1
Chapter One   “I’m getting married.” Those were the first words out of my dad’s mouth as he parked our Escalade in front of Elite High. I immediately turned to him. Now I knew why he’d had that apprehensive look on his face all week. Why he found it hard to look me in the eyes without seeming like he was about to cry. “What? I didn’t even know you were dating!” He combed a shaky hand through his short brown hair. He looked so much like me, or I looked like him. He had always been so proud that I was his spitting image. “I know. I didn’t want to say anything until I knew it was serious.” His honey brown eyes looked weary. I immediately searched them for the truth since they had never lied to me before. For a few seconds I found them hard to read, but when I did, they confirmed that he had found someone new. He was moving on and leaving my mother’s memory behind. Soon, there would be nothing left of her in our house and our hearts. A stranger sneaked in in the middle of the night and took her place without my consent. That usurper meant nothing good for us. “James—” “Who is she?” I wanted to know the name of the woman I was going to loathe for the rest of my life. When he remained silent, I asked again. “Who is she?” “Olivia Jones, my secretary.” “How cliché.” I stormed out of the car and ran toward the main entrance of Elite High. “James!” I heard Dad call. I ignored him. All I wanted was to forget what he had just told me. I took a deep breath and looked around for my best friend, Madeline, but she was nowhere to be found. The hallway was bustling with students, heading to class or standing around in tiny cliques, gossiping about last year’s prom. My former tutor, John Ames, and his boyfriend, Nick Hawking, aka Nick Wild Hawk, had made that night unforgettable for everyone who had attended that night. And even those who hadn’t, for that matter. They went to prom as the first openly gay couple ever and Nick proposed to John by reenacting the day they met in front of everyone who was present. How romantic and thrilling that must have been for John! I would have died in Nick’s arms and got lost in them. Nick made that night legendary not only for everyone at Elite High, but especially for John, Nick’s great love. Nick. Just thinking about him made me drool and my legs wobbly. The man was perfection to the extreme. I envied my ex-tutor, John, for having a man like him at his side, someone to love, cherish and protect him. Hell, everyone wanted Nick, but he only had eyes for John. They had left their mark in Elite High and a huge void in my heart. This school wouldn’t be the same if not for those two. Thanks to Nick’s crusading for equal rights at Elite High, and to his open, passionate love for John, being gay was actually acceptable now. Well, with most people. There’s always the homophobic asshole. Or assholes. “Hey, fag!” someone shouted the moment I stopped in front of my locker. Like I said… “Don’t ignore me, punk!” My heart immediately began to pound hard against my chest, trying his best to set himself free from my captivity and runaway as far as possible. I wanted to run with him too, but my feet felt glued to the ground. I knew exactly who was calling me. Nathan Parker. He had become the most feared bully in school. For awhile after the deadly rampage of Matthew Ward who’d tried to shoot Nick and John and who’d killed a teacher and four students the year before last, bullying had basically stopped. Nick and his gang’s defense presence also kept bullying to a minimum. But, since Nick and his friends had graduated and we were now unprotected, bullying was on the rise again. I quickly glanced at Nathan, trying my best not to tremble. He was standing with his posse a few feet away from me. Aaron Evans, Daniel Murray, and Louis Goodwill rounded out his little gang. They were snickering behind him. “b***h! You want this, don’t you?” Nathan grabbed his crotch. “I’d rather die, you crazy f**k!” Aaron and Daniel’s mouth fell open while Louis turned to Nathan to see what he was going to do next. Nathan looked stupefied, like he couldn’t believe I’d had the courage to stand up to him. I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess I was still agitated after my dad’s revelation a few minutes earlier. When I looked around, I realized that the hallway was empty. I shouldn’t have been so careless. I was dead meat. Unfortunately, Nathan got his wits back. “What did you say, homo?” He stalked over to me, his goons behind him. The four of them quickly walled me against the locker. “Answer me, b***h!” “Is something wrong, James?” Mrs. Carter, my new English teacher, poked her head out of a nearby classroom. She had been John’s favorite teacher last year. Nathan’s posse backed off. “Nothing, Mrs. Carter,” Aaron mumbled. “We were just asking James if he could help us with our homework since he’s really smart.” “I wasn’t asking you,” she said. “Is everything okay, James?” “Yes, ma’am. They were asking me for help.” Mrs. Carter raised a suspicious eyebrow. “I don’t understand why four seniors would ask a sophomore for help, but if James says nothing’s wrong, then get to class. You’re all really late.” At once, we scattered into every direction. Nathan and I headed down the same corridor but on opposite sides. At the doorway to his class, he bumped into me. “Thanks,” he murmured under his breath. I froze. Nathan Parker had just thanked me for not ratting him out. If not for the fact that I’d heard him with my own ears, I would have never believed it. The sound of a door closing snapped me back into reality, and I turned around and ran to science class. Mr. Cox gave me a tardy slip as soon as I stepped inside. “Have a seat, Mr. Gordon,” he said. Heading down the first aisle, I spotted Madeline, who was waving to get my attention, and sat down at the desk in front of her. Madeline had a round face like the full moon and always dressed in black to look thinner. However, she was the heaviest person I’d ever met and the shortest as a matter of fact, but she was my best friend and confidant and I absolutely loved her. She leaned forward and whispered into my ear, “Why are you so late?” “My dad had to talk to me before I got out of the car, and then Nathan and his posse kept me back.” “I’ve told you a million times to report them.” “And I told you a million times that if I do, I’m dead meat.” “Fine, have it your way. Anyway, did you bring my forbidden fruit?”  “Yes, I brought your chocolate bars.” I felt a little guilty bringing her chocolates since she was overweight and probably on the verge of a stroke. But, I hated the way she would cry for a delicious treat. Madeline loved junk food, and her parents abruptly cut every sweet from her diet. The girl was an addict, and you can’t do that to her. You give her less each day until she, herself, does not ask for more. “Pay attention, guys.” Mr. Cox told us. We stopped chitchatting and focused on his lecture instead. Well, I tried to focus, but throughout Mr. Cox’s class, I couldn’t stop thinking about Nathan and his single act of kindness. There was something about that one sentence—thank you—that made me see him in a new light. Made him more… Hmm. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all. He certainly wasn’t ugly. Six feet tall with light gray eyes and blond hair. All of his muscles were toned and well-developed. I started to get aroused just remembering him in his basketball shorts. Truth be told, Aaron, Daniel and Louis were incredibly hot and sexy as well. Aaron was a redhead with an amazing wrestler’s body while Daniel and Louis, the soccer stars of Elite High, had black hair and striking blue eyes. They weren’t built like Nathan was since he was one fine ass specimen of a man. Nathan was the school’s new star athlete and resident heartthrob. In reality, any one of them could fill the spot that Nick had left behind if only they weren’t such jerks. Nathan was in line to take Nick’s place, but his bad reputation had caught up with him. Nathan Parker. James Parker. It sounded a million times cooler than Gordon. Could Nathan Parker be my Nick Wild Hawk? I remember the day I set foot in Elite High like it was yesterday. A couple of my friends from middle school were huddled together and talking about Nick Hawking and John Ames. At first, I had no idea who they were, but after they filled me in on their love story, I was left baffled. They hottest jock in school fell for the biggest nerd in school? No way! I felt so jealous of John that day. I also wanted a hot jock like Nick for myself. Then, when destiny kicked in and made John my tutor, I found out a little more about them and what they’d been through together, the trials they’d had to face and how their love had triumphed. I promised myself that day that I would find a jock like Nick someday and be happy like John. Maybe, that day was today. Maybe, Nathan Parker was my sexy and ridiculously good-looking jock. I needed to give it a try and find out. * * * * * “There you are!” Madeline shouted. I hadn’t seen her since first period. It was lunchtime and the cafeteria was buzzing with students chitchatting and socializing. She sat her big ass in front of me, placed her lunch tray on our usual table and fixed me with a look. “Where is it?” I sighed and retrieved a box of chocolates from my schoolbag. “I love you!” She snatched the box from my hands and hugged it tenderly. “You’re supposed to be on a diet.” “You’re supposed to mind your own business.” The first candy bar didn’t stand a chance against Madeline’s piranha mouth. She swallowed it down and quickly began to unwrap another one. When she tried to open the third one, I stopped her. She curled her lip and glared at me. “You said three a day! I want the third one.” “That was last week, Madeline. This week is two a day.” I carefully retrieved the box from her since she could easily break me into two if she wanted. Madeline was upset, but I wasn’t going to let her eat her way to a certain death. I picked up my spoon and continued eating my chow mein and fried chicken. “Why do you get to eat that while I have to eat this crap?” Madeline pouted and pushed her plate of steamed vegetables away. “Because I’m not overweight or knocking on death’s door. And I love you too much to see you inside a brown wooden box and six feet under the earth.” “All right.” Madeline sighed and speared a baby carrot with her fork. We proceeded with a quiet lunch until she spoke up a few minutes later. “So? What happened with your dad and Nathan and his bitches?” “He wants to get married.” Madeline’s eyes widened. “Your dad was dating?” “Apparently, yes.” “Who?” “His secretary.” “That sounds like a match made in heaven.” I laughed. I loved her unique sense of humor. Madeline turned to me with a huge smile. Then I saw her gaze fall on the forbidden chocolates. I felt so bad for her. She was my best friend and had always been there for me. Now it was my turn to give up the fight. I pulled out another chocolate and put it in front of her. “Three. Just for today.” “I love you, my little gay friend!” Madeline and her big mouth! I immediately looked around to see if anyone had heard her comment, but everyone was minding their own business. My attention quickly fell on Nathan’s table. I wanted him so bad. Yes, I was afraid him, but I still couldn’t deny the fact that I have always wanted every inch of him. I would submit to his every wish and command, never even flinching. After all, he did have a nice side, right? He’d thanked me for not squealing on him. Besides, how did John get a jock like Nick and I couldn’t? Nick Wild Hawk. I had m*********d to fantasies of him so many times that I already pictured every inch of him naked. Nathan looked so much like him. They could be like twins or cousins. I wanted him. I needed him. Nathan Parker was going to be mine one way or the other! I was going to have a jock like John. “Earth to James!” Madeline waved her hand in front of me. “Sorry.” I quickly turned to my lunch.  “Were you having s*x in your mind with Nathan and his bitches again?” “What? Hell no!” “Sorry. It must have been Nick then.” “Still wrong.” “If you say so.” She smiled. I felt my cheeks get hotter as I tried to swallow my food. I should have never told Madeline last year about my secret dreams and fantasies. But, I needed to talk to someone about my homosexuality and my secret s****l fantasies about guys. After I told her the truth, I felt relief, at ease and at peace with myself. Like the entire earth was lifted off my shoulders. It sounds cliché, but that is exactly how I felt. I felt happier and more comfortable with myself and with her. Out of the blue, Madeline interrupted my thoughts again. “By the way, Nick and John’s child was born last week. Everyone is talking about it.” “Yes, Nick’s baby girl, Lily Rose.” I smiled. Lily Rose Hawking-Ames was born after Nick was drugged and basically raped by an obsessive childhood friend of his. Emily, Lily’s mother, was injured to the point of death, but kept in a medical coma until Lily could be born a few months later. So John adopted her and was raising her with Nick. Madeline interrupted my thoughts yet again after seeing me quivering with joy at the sound of Nick’s name. “Look, James, Nick was one of kind, okay? He was rugged and straight looking. There’re no more guys like him.” “You sure about that? I just have to really look for one like him.” “Whatever you’re thinking, don’t do it. It could be dangerous.” I passed her chocolate number four, just ‘cause. “Have I told you how much I love you?” Madeline popped another chocolate into her mouth. I grinned, focusing my attention on Nathan Parker. I just couldn’t stop thinking about his only act of kindness. Maybe there was a human being hiding beneath all that ego and cockiness. That simple and unique act made him human and real. Madeline was wrong. There was a guy like Nick still at Elite High. I just needed to shape him into a man and guide him to the right path. I mean, Nick had been a player before he met John. With John’s love, he changed into the mature, honorable man he was today. Just maybe I could change Nathan into someone like Nick. I desperately needed someone to protect and love me for who I was, especially now that my dad had a new woman and would forget about me for sure, just the way he was forgetting about my mom. Nathan could be that guy for me. He could fill the void in my heart that my mother left when she died. I was going to have my happy ending and dream come true. Nathan and James’s legacy would overshadow Nick and John’s legacy at Elite High. * * * * * When I got home later and opened the front door, I heard noises coming from the living room. I immediately ran to the stairs. No way was I going to join whoever was there. I was halfway up them when I heard my father’s voice. I turned around and saw him standing in the living room doorway, a bottle of wine in one hand. “James? Is that you?” “Yes.” I sulked. “I’m glad you’re home. We’re having a family dinner tonight.” “I’d rather eat in my room.” “No. Olivia and her boy are coming down for dinner. And you’ll be courteous to both of them. We’ll be a happy family again. I promise.” “That woman has a child?” “That woman will be my future wife, and you’ll show some respect!” “Yes, sir.” I bowed my head, wanting to cry. A loud sigh escaped from my father. “I know that this must be hard for you, but your mom died five years ago. I’m still young and need a woman by my side. Please understand, son. You’re the most important person in my life, and I want you to get along with them. She can be the mother you need right now. She can never replace your mom, but at least, let her try to fill that void.” Yeah, I’m so damn important that he never even told me he was dating someone. “May I be excused, sir?” “James, please don’t make this harder than it should be. I love you, son. And stop referring to me as sir. You know I don’t like that.” “May I be excused, sir?” My dad sighed again and nodded. I turned around and ran the rest of the way up the stairs to my room. After I shut the door, I threw myself onto my bed and cursed at my pillow. The fact that my dad had already forgotten my mom pissed me off. We were a family once. Now, two strangers were going to destroy and completely erase and replace her. I hated them so much. As I punched my pillow, tears escaped my eyes. I wanted the worst for my mother-to-be and her son. I wanted my family back. I wanted my life back! A knock on the door caught my attention. I sat up, drying my eyes. No one was going to see me cry. I was not going to give my enemies the pleasure of seeing me broken into tiny pieces. I was going to lift my head up high and be valiant and strong. “Come in.” I threw my pillow to the other side of the bed. Margaret, our housemaid, came in with a silver tray. She was a Hispanic woman with long black hair and in her mid forties. She had been a close friend to my mom when she was alive. “I brought you your favorite cookies and a glass of warm milk.” “Thank you, Mar,” I murmured, taking the tray and setting it on my bed. “My dad’s getting married. He’s having my future family over for dinner tonight.” She smiled, lovingly. “I know. I’m preparing the meal. I started fixing the room next door for her son since the wedding is soon.” “How soon?” “I don’t know.” I sighed loudly. “Be strong, James,” Margaret told me, sitting down and holding my hand. “I know this is hard for you, but you need to be happy for yourself and your dad. He’s still young and needs someone by his side. He needs someone to grow old with.” “I know.” Tears welled up. “Mrs. Gordon would have wanted for you two to be happy. She was an angel sent from above for a brief time on earth. Her aura still illuminates this entire house. She may have passed away, but she’ll never be forgotten. Her memory will live in our hearts forever.” She carefully dried my eyes with the corner of her apron. “I’ll do my best to be happy for him, but those two better not mess with my mom’s memory because they’ll be sorry. I won’t allow them to overshadow her.” “No one will ever replace her, James.” She smiled again. “They better not.” “Take a long bath, relax and put on your best smile for tonight.” Margaret patted my cheek and stood up. “See you in a little while,” she said then left. She was right. I needed to put my best smile on and be excited for my dad since he was the only family I had left. He deserved to be happy and have a second chance at love. Those two strangers could go to hell for all I cared, but my dad needed to be happy again. I undressed and went to the bathroom for a long and relaxing shower. * * * * * It was a quarter to eight and my heart was pounding against my chest. Anticipation caused my stomach to flip all over and my hands to sweat. Having dinner with two complete strangers who were about to become family was extremely nerve wracking, to say the least. I paced around my room until I heard the door bell. I immediately knew that our guests had arrived since my dad’s happy voice quickly echoed throughout the house. I reexamined my black suit and fixed my red shirt and black tie. When I was satisfied, I left my room. I met Margaret halfway down the stairs. “Your father is calling you.” I nodded and went to the living room where I found my dad standing next to a tall, slim woman, with black hair curled up into a sleek bunch at the crown of her head, with pasty skin. Her sultry brown eyes under long lashes were perfectly round and bold. A guy, no doubt Olivia’s son, was standing near the fireplace, his back to me as he examined my family pictures. He did not look my way even after I cleared my throat. “There he is,” Dad said. “James, this is Olivia.” She shook my hand. “Nice to meet you, James. Your father has told me so much about you.” “I wish I could say the same.” “James,” my Dad murmured, giving me the “behave yourself or else” look. But Olivia patted his arm and smiled at me. “It’s okay, sweetheart. He must feel like I’m invading his personal life. I understand. He’s very handsome, William. The spitting image of his father.” “Thanks,” I said quietly, though my cheeks were no doubt red by now. I hated to admit it, but she actually was kind of pretty, and nice in an annoying way. She smiled and turned to her son. “Sweetie, please come and meet your new little brother.” Her son, hands dug into his jacket pockets, turned around slowly. My heart dropped. A knot developed in my stomach, and I felt as if someone had squeezed my windpipe shut. His light gray eyes and blond hair had always been a huge part of my wet dreams, secret fantasies and nightmares. This couldn’t be! My soon-to-be stepmother’s son was none other than Nathan Parker.

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