
1665 Words
At this time, the woman had already escaped and disappeared. The two of them, one in front and one behind, jumped from the courtyard to an open space outside the wall and started fighting again. When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous. They use all their martial arts skills and fight to a standstill. Zhou Chun saw that Mao Tai was getting more and more courageous as he fought, and he was indeed not the A Meng of the past. He was also afraid that he would release the flying sword and he would not be his opponent, so he tightened the sword in his hand in a hurry. It happened that Mao Tai used a posture of pressing down on the top of the mountain, and hit Zhou Chun on the head with a Zen stick. Zhou Chun dodged. Mao Da was not negligent, and quickly turned the end of the Zen stick and swept it towards Zhou Chun's waist. Zhou Chun saw that the attack was very fierce, so he did not dare to use the sword to block it. He stepped forward and his body jumped up more than seven or eight feet. Mao Tai was very happy when he saw this. When Zhou Chun's body was suspended and had not yet landed, he swung the Zen stick and swept Zhou Chun's feet. Zhou Chun had expected that he would do this, and he did not delay. Before Mao Tai's Zen stick arrived, he stood on his left foot with his right foot, and took advantage of the momentum to exert force. Instead of falling down, he jumped up several feet in the opposite direction. This is the skill of light body method, such as dragonfly skimming on water and swallow flying in the clouds, which is Zhou Chun's lifelong skill. Mao Tai's stick hit nothing, and because he used too much force, his body could not help but sway forward. Zhou Chun suddenly made a crane-like cloud-like move, and rushed down on Mao Tai's head with his sword. Mao Tai shouted "not good", and hurriedly exerted force on his feet, and his body jumped forward horizontally. Although he ran fast, Zhou Chun's sword tip had cut a blood groove four or five inches long on his left arm, and he became more and more angry. Zhou Chun did not allow Mao Tai to stand still, and flew over and stabbed him with a sword. Mao Tai turned around like a mad beast and fought Zhou Chun desperately. It was almost dusk. Zhou Chun had fought for half a day and knew that he could not win easily. He suddenly leaped up and swung his sword, forming a sword flower several feet long. Mao Tai suspected that he was using some special skills, and focused his attention for a moment. Zhou Chun took the opportunity to run away. Seeing that his enemy had escaped, Mao Tai was unwilling to give up, and hurriedly chased him closely. While Zhou Chun was running, he quietly took out the crossbow and held it in his hand. Mao Tai saw that Zhou Chun's steps were getting slower and he was about to leap forward. Zhou Chun suddenly turned around, raised his hand, and shouted, "Come!" A line of cold light was seen, looking straight at Mao Tai's face. Mao Tai knew it was a hidden weapon, and hurriedly lowered his head to avoid it. Who would have thought that Zhou Chun's steel crossbow could fire twelve arrows at a time, and he would not take it out easily unless it was dangerous; if he used it, no matter how great your martial arts were, it would be difficult to avoid it. Mao Tai had no idea how powerful it was. Just after dodging the first skill, the crossbow arrows shot at him one after another like locusts. Good Mao Tai, jump and catch. When the seventh arrow came, Zhou Chun suddenly fired five arrows at the same time: one for the throat, two for the abdomen, and two for the left and right arms. This is called the Five Plum Blossoms Piercing the Cloud Crossbow. No matter how good Mao Da was at dodging, he was hit by two arrows: one hit the left arm, which was not a big deal; the other hit the face. Mao Tai saw that the arrow was coming very fast and he couldn't dodge it. He wanted to catch it with his mouth, but he didn't expect that the arrow hit his left arm first, and he had to avoid the other arrow. He was so busy that he took care of the other side but not the other side. He was careless and broke two front teeth. He immediately bled profusely and the pain was unbearable. He had no choice but to turn around and run. Zhou Chun should have been proud and stopped chasing him, but when he saw Mao Tai was injured, he was happy and turned around to chase him. Mao Tai heard from Zhou Chun that he had already worshipped Master Canxia as his teacher, so he didn't dare to fight him with a flying sword. After that, the two fought for half a day, but there was no winner. They were anxious and angry, so they forgot to use swords. When Mao Tai was injured, Zhou Chun turned around and chased him, and he could not help but wake up. He thought: "Since Zhou Chun is Master Canxia's disciple, his swordsmanship is naturally better than mine. I was afraid of him, so I didn't dare to use the sword. His swordsmanship is worse than mine, why don't I dare to use it? Is there a trick? I can't fall into his trick, why don't I give him a try." Just as he was thinking, he looked back and saw that Zhou Chun was not far away. He turned around and took out the Chiyin sword given by the golden body Arhat Fayuan. When he raised his hand, a yellow light flew towards Zhou Chun. When Zhou Chun was chasing, he suddenly saw Mao Tai turning around, and he was afraid that he was going to release the sword. Just as he regretted not chasing the desperate enemy, he was too careless, and Mao Tai had already released the sword light. Zhou Chun knew that he was powerful, so he turned around and ran forward like a fly. Mao Tai saw this and knew that Zhou Chun's previous words about worshipping Canxia as his master were all false. He was fooled by his boss and became even more angry. He urged the sword light and chased after him. Zhou Chun had already run into a forest. Where the sword light passed, branches fell like rain. At this time, Zhou Chun was only about ten or two feet away from the sword light. He was in great danger. Knowing that his life was impossible to escape, he could only close his eyes and wait for death. Mao Tai was so proud of himself when he saw Zhou Chun was in a desperate situation that he could not help but laugh. At this time, the sword light was already on Zhou Chun's head. If it fell, his head would be separated from his body. At this critical moment, there was a long whistle, and a green light flew down from a tree, as fast as lightning, just blocking the yellow light head-on. In the dark sky, two sword lights, one green and one yellow, were like dragons flying in the sky, which was very beautiful. Mao Tai thought that Zhou Chun would die under his sword, but suddenly this tough opponent appeared out of nowhere, and he could not help but feel anxious and angry. Zhou Chun was about to die with his eyes closed, but suddenly there was no movement for a long time. He looked up and saw that the yellow light had left the top of his head and was in a stalemate with a green light in the sky. Knowing that a master had come to rescue him, he felt relieved. But in the dark, he could not see where the person who shot the sword to save him was. Fortunately, he had good eyesight, so he focused his attention and looked carefully at the place where the sword was placed. He saw a Taoist sitting on a big branch not far from him. He walked over quietly, thinking that he would thank him after killing Mao Tai. When he got closer, he was overjoyed. It turned out that the man was carrying a red gourd. He vaguely recognized that it was the drunk Taoist who had been obsessed with meeting him in the past few months. Just as he was about to answer, the drunk Taoist suddenly waved his hand at him, and Zhou Chun stopped talking. At this time, the yellow light in the sky became smaller and smaller, and the green light became more and more dazzling. Mao Tai, a multi-armed bear, was so anxious that he rubbed his ears and beat his chest, and was terrified. At the moment when the fight was at a standstill, Zhou Chun took out the hidden weapon, the Featherless Locust Stone, from his arms, and hit Mao Tai in the chest, hitting him right on the spot, knocking Mao Tai down. When he was distracted, the yellow light became smaller and smaller, and it looked extremely dangerous. Suddenly, three or five very thin red lines flew in the southwest sky, and there was a sound of breaking through the air in the distance. The drunk Taoist suddenly jumped down from the tree and whispered to Zhou Chun, "Come with me!" Without giving Zhou Chun a chance to say anything, he put one hand under Zhou Chun's armpit, put away the sword, lifted Zhou Chun up, and flew towards the road into the city.
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