Chapter 39 He Would Lose His p***s

1231 Words

Tina suddenly felt frustrated when she watched Fiona obediently walk over and experiencedly take the old lady's arm to support her. She had thought only Cara and Ellen liked and valued Fiona, but now, it turned out she had guessed wrong! Perhaps Old Madam Langford had begun to dislike her because of the news. After Old Madam Langford left, Cara had no scruples anymore, so she said coldly, "Anyway, I will never allow such an immoral woman to become the daughter-in-law of the Langfords. Samuel, wake up!" Samuel rubbed his eyebrows tiredly and said, "Mom, this is my marriage. Please stay out of it. You just need to take good care of your health!" Then, he stood up and took Tina's hand. When they were about to leave, Cara suddenly coughed violently and panted. Seeing this, Ellen panicked,

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