Destroyed Heart

1032 Words
"Princess Amelia?" The question left my mouth as both girls screamed. I had forgotten that blinking places could startle people. "I didn't mean to frighten you." I held my hands up in surrender. "Who are you?" One of the chestnut-haired women stood. "Athens," I spoke softly not wanting to create a bigger mess than I needed. Bowing with flare to show them I wasn't a threat. "What do you want?" The other chestnut-haired girl who had not gotten up asked. "I need a moment of Princess Amelia's time." Giving a weak smile. "Whatever you wish to say you can say to my sister as well." The woman sitting gave me thought it was Amelia. "I have come to ask if Amelia would return to my brood mate's home. He is in dire need of her. His heart is breaking with her absence." The words a literal play on it but I figured Alec might have gotten attached. I mean his heart couldn't be completely soulless right? "I will not go back." The one who jumped ran next to her sister who was seated. "It was only a question," raising my hands to show I was not a threat. "Alec is a bloodthirsty monster!" The standing one quaked in fear. I noticed it then, the lock of missing hair. "He was crying holding your lock of hair when you left, Princess." I softened my voice. "I think he cares a great deal for you." "No, never!" She screamed as she ran away into another room. The other Princess stood, straightening her skirts she walked up to me. "Your friend kidnapped and fed off her. She watched him kill her guards and feed off them." I watched her green eyes look deep in my soul. "I am Myra, I understand you were sent and that Shaman has bound you to your word." She reached out to touch my hand. I saw pictures and things of Amelia's capture. I understood her fear of Alec. Soon pictures of Alec surfaced in my mind of when I left him. "His heart will be broken." She nodded letting go of my hand. "I cannot know what he will become." I wasn't even sure what I was yet. "You and he are nothing alike." She waved a hand as if it was final. "He will become dark and soulless do not let him take you with." Myra turned and walked to where Amelia had left. "I have a feeling I will see you again." She raised a chestnut brow. I nodded, "Agreed." I turned to blink out. "Question who was the one to cover Amelia's tracks?" I asked. "Velito," She spoke there was something in the way she said it that had me worried just like she sounded. *********** "What do you mean you gave her a choice!" Alec roared at me. "I was bound by Shaman's magic in Lyica. I cannot do anything he does not let me." I shrugged. "She was my only love!" Roared Alec as his heart shattered into a million pieces. His head in his hands as he fell apart. "You mean your mate?" I questioned. "Not the same," Tears stained his cheeks red, "We are different in who we connect to." He continued to hold his head. "But she made my heartbeat for her and her alone. Alec crumpled into nothing but a sad pile of tears. I took my leave then. Blinking back home, I grabbed a snack, laying down on the mattress I went back through the day's events. Did we have soul mates? I had no idea what this would progress to. If I had I would have tried to do things differently than go on about my life. Alec lost it the rest of the way. Feeding and killing with abandon. He found witches to do his magic work for him instead of me. I didn't mind, as it gave me more time to work on my powers themselves. ************ "Athens my child," I heard one night as I was strolling the hallways of my castle. My eyes followed the sound of the voice. I found Lilith's form near the moonlight of a window. "Lilith," Bowing low to her respect. "I need you to learn fighting in all its forms," She spoke solemnly. "Fighting?" I asked. "Yes, there will come a time when a battle will happen. I need you at your strongest and wisest." She stepped toward me. Touching my shoulder she hummed. "You are my golden boy make sure you follow my request." She dropped a massive amount of power into me. I was giddy with it. Lilith was gone and I was left standing in the middle of nothing but an empty hallway. "Fighting." Repeating to myself. I knew in the east there were great fighters with skills that could be just as deadly as those of any supernatural. I headed that way first. If Lilith said there was a great battle to be faced. I would be as ready as I could be. I spent the next thousand years doing just that. Learning the ins and outs of battle, from strategy to actual combat and weapons. I added horses because I loved them. Being a daywalker I could hide in plain sight. At night I fed and slept. My feeding began to morph into evil humans, and people that took advantage of others. I was getting into my groove. Realizing just how much awesome I had. Alec on the other hand went into a spiral. of chaos. Killing and maiming were his pleasure. His castle had walls in the dungeon lined with the blood of innocents and evil alike. Tatiana went missing and we both looked for her. None of us cod find her. It was when our connection as brood mates broke that we knew she was gone. Who had killed her? Why had they killed her? *********** Greetings Readers! Sorry for the delay. Here is a double update! Had a tech issue and lost a few of the chapters that were written. Hope you enjoy it! We are getting back on schedule with this one! yay!! Much Thanks and Love! M. Merrill ************
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