Wolf Heart

Wolf Heart


Carson, the adoptive son of the pack alpha, has grown up hating humans. His father suddenly decides that Carson will attend public human school for his last high school year, no matter how many protests Carson put up. His "guide" assigned to him by his father, the principal of the school, was a small shy human girl, whose job it was to help Carson graduate at the end of the year. Though Carson didn't know it, this girl would completely change his life as he knew it

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Chapter 1
   Carson was overwhelmed by the smell of human in the air. It's been years since he has been near so many of these creatures all in one place. Why his father was forcing him to visit this high school he was unsure, but he was not hesitant to show his distaste of the place on his face as they trudged through the halls. Even though his father has been the principal of this high school, Riversedge High, for years, he has never made Carson attend public school ever since he adopted him 6 years ago, and boy was Carson grateful for that.     Until now.     "What do you mean I'm enrolled?" Carson repeated his father’s words as they entered his office, though he still couldn't believe his ears.     "Starting today you are officially a Senior here, and I expect you to graduate at the end of year, young man." His father insisted. Carson was dumbfounded.      "You expect me to spend a whole year surrounded by human teenagers? You really are starting to go mad old man." Carson laughed. "How can you even stand to come here every day? The stench is unbearable."     "Your young wolf nose is much stronger than mine. Besides, it’s not like you've never been to a human school before, stop acting like an omega." The smirk on his face told Carson he said that on purpose just to piss him off more.      "I'd happily be an omega before a student here Mr. Fagen." Carson sneered, reading his father’s shiny name plate sitting on his desk. This whole office was appalling to Carson. Everything about it screamed human, which was not how he envisioned his alpha fathers work space to appear.      Principal awards hung on the walls, along with pictures of Fagen with different students and staff. On his desk, picture frames held pictures of Fagen with his wife and son, his real son. Two people no longer in his life. Piles of paperwork were stacked on filing cabinets behind Fagen. This image was all wrong to Carson.     There was a knock on the door and Fagen answered "Come in."     A short girl with glasses and very straight, light blond hair entered, clearly nervous about the situation she was walking into.      "Ah, Aria, perfect timing. Aria this is Carson, my son. You remember the deal we had before school ended in June right?" Fagen asked her. Carson was laughing in his mind at the timid little human girl. What was Fagen referring to about a deal?      "Um, yes Mr. Fagen. Hello." She spared a shy greeting for Carson, which he didn't return, clearly making her more nervous than she already was. Carson could smell the fear coming from her. This girl was amusing, for a human.      Fagen handed Carson a paper with subjects, times and room numbers on it. "This is your new class schedule. It's an exact copy of Aria's here, and she is going to be your guide for the year until you graduate."     "WHAT?" Both Carson and Aria exclaimed. They made eye contact upon the simultaneous outburst. Aria's cheeks flushed pink and Carson no longer found her amusing, she was now an enemy.      "Both of you get something out of this, so just get through the year, graduate, and before you know it high school will be over for the both of you." Fagen said, clearly not willing to listen to either of their protests.     "Mr. Fagen sir, I know I said I'd help a new student but he's gonna be in ALL my classes? Can he even handle them all?" said Aria.     "What's that supposed to mean, huh?" Carson snapped at her, upset at the comment. Was she calling him stupid or something?      Aria cowered back, clearly intimidated by Carson. Good, stay that way. Carson thought.     "The teachers are aware of Carson's unique situation Aria, don't worry too much about him being behind, I'm fully aware of your tough course load. Also, don't let his rough attitude scare you, he's really a sweet puppy dog on the inside."     Carson shot him a classic disapproval-of-a-parents-comment look that every child masters at some point in their life. Carson got that look down before he could even talk.      "Wait, what exactly do I get out of this old man?" Carson asked, not recalling any kind of deal he made with Fagen recently.      "We will discuss that at home later. For now, go with Aria and tour your classes. It's orientation day, so official classes start Monday. Get to know the campus so you don't get lost." Fagen said, his tone hinting that he would not be discussing this topic any further.      With a huge, very audible sigh, Carson left the office, trailed by a scurrying Aria. Once they were out of the main office building Carson could still sense the human following him at a distance.      He suddenly stopped and turned to face the girl, she looked so vulnerable in Carson's eyes. Just like the prey he hunted.      "How do I get out of this place?" He asked her, she made no effort to contain the shock on her face.     "But your dad said-"     "You seriously think I'm gonna do what he says just cause he's my dad? What a joke."      Now Carson couldn't tell what kind of expression Aria wore, though she was clearly thinking something through. When she suddenly grabbed his hand without warning, he couldn't protest in time before she started leading him in a new direction.      "Wh-wh-what are you doing?" Carson exclaimed, yanking his hand away from her grasp. Aria turned to face him.     "Look, I don't know what you are getting out of this arrangement, but I need this deal. Can you just cooperate here?" Aria said with fierceness Carson wasn't expecting from her. Where did all her fear go from just a few seconds ago?     "Why should I care? I can't stand the smell of this place I just need to get outside. Where is the exit?"     With a huff, Aria pointed down the hall to two big metal doors. "Thanks, shrimp. See ya around, or not."       "Don't call me shrimp, you jerk!" Aria called after him. He held up a hand over his shoulder to wave her off. Once Carson was outside the human adolescent prison, he vowed to never return.

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