CHAPTER 73 Dinner Invitation

999 Words

  Love   I wasn't going to let her leave after she insulted and threatened my children.   I grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her back roughly.   I wasn't one to cause a scene, but this b***h asked for it.   "What the f**k did you call my kids?" I growled.   My eyes changed from blue to gold.   "You heard me," she snarled, trying to escape my grip.   'b***h threatened our pups!' Vee growled.   Using my inhumane strength, I hurdled her into the nearest wall. Charlotte pushed me and threw a weak punch at me. I scoffed at how feeble she was.    I thought being with Ellis for five years, he'd teach her how to throw a proper punch.   I slapped her hard across her cheek, a sickening sound came from her, and blood splattered from her nose to the white stainless floor.   

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