9 He stopped and glanced over his shoulder at her. “It was who?” She took a deep breath. “I was shot by some muggers and Death brought me back.” Her dad blinked his eyes at her. “That. . .that doesn’t make any sense.” “I know, but that’s what happened. Now I’m-well, I’m kind of undead-they call it Death Touched-and that’s why I don’t want you to get involved.” She stood and slipped between her companions and her father to press her hands on his chest. “That’s why you can’t get involved.” He arched an eyebrow. “What’s this ‘Death Touched’ mean?” “It means that sooner or later Death is going to come back for her, and when he does we’ll be waiting for him,” Jack spoke up. Tacita pursed his lips. “So you’re using my daughter as bait, is that it?” “Dad!” Nena scolded him. Jack