She Looks Happy

1649 Words

Outside of The Moonlight Lounge the crowd has finally died down to a trickle. When I see Mia’s young driver friend step out to join the old man at the door I jump at the opportunity. I really hate to take advantage of someone that is still learning the ropes, but that’s how it has to be this time. The cool night air hits the back of my neck as I step out onto the sidewalk. It feels good after being in my stuffy car, sweating over my next move and worrying over Amelia’s reaction. Here we go, let’s see if this old trick works the same in every city? I cross the street and head directly towards my target waving my fake reporter badge in the air with a notebook obviously out in my other hand. “Hey, Hey! I haven’t missed the show yet, have I? I’m here to see and interview this woman every

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