Same Place At The Same Time

1714 Words

“For she’s a jolly good fellow, for she’s a jolly good fellow, for she’s a jolly good fellowww, which nobody can deny! Whoo!” Champagne is flying around. Everyone is celebrating for the sake of keeping the party and evening going. This is the happiest, drunkest crowd of people I have ever had the pleasure of being a part of. Somehow I was roped into drinks after the show by the ladies. Then, as expected Maria got engaged so we had to celebrate that adorable moment. She knew he was going to ask and she was still more excited than I have ever seen any woman react. Good for them. I am glad someone can find happiness on this retched occasion. I need to find the perfect moment to ditch the party while everyone is nice and distracted. Drew has been walking around with a giant idiotic smile

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