An Old Friend Or A Loose End

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Despite the cold, I am feeling warm inside. It takes a moment for me to register that I have walked back into the club. I make it all the way to the bar before I am snapped out of it by my friend. “Hey Romeo, what are you doing back so soon? Don’t you have a meeting uptown?” The sarcasm in Drew’s voice was laced with something bitter. “Stop that Drew. I intend to treat Raine professionally and with respect. As should you. I walked her out to make sure she accepted the company car.” I try to sound sure of myself, because that is why I walked her out. Right? His attitude does not really surprise me. He goes doll dizzy for half the broads that walk in here. Usually I just let it run its course as long as it does not interfere with business, but this time it seems different for me. The emotional wall I built up to keep out distractions wants to come crumbling down at the very thought of Raine. This sudden realization triggers a response in me. Even if she is incredibly talented, beautiful, and sexy.. I have known her for less than a day. I have known Frankie for my entire life and I still can not figure that woman out. Up goes the wall again. No distractions. Strictly business. “Alright Benny, you don’t have to explain yourself to me. If you’re interested in her, just say it. We won’t have to make it into a competition.” I can’t tell if the son of a b***h is joking or if he is seriously trying to claim her already. If he wants to make a fool out of himself he can go right ahead. “I’m not interested in her. Okay? Yea, she’s beautiful and she is going to be perfect for the club, which is good for business. How about she is off limits if we want her to keep working here?” I raise an eyebrow while I wait for him to agree. He rubs the back of his neck like the very suggestion is weighing him down. “Come on, pour us each a shot and ride uptown to Russo’s with me. It’ll be just like old times.” He knows what I am trying to do. Smooth things over. “Okay Benny. No point in lettin’ some dame come between us.” Drew fills two shot glasses to the rim. “Though I am kinda sore still about you stealin’ Susie Sullivan from me.” He says with a devilish grin. I slam my empty glass on the bar. “Here we go again! That was twenty years ago!” I throw my arm over Drew’s shoulder and we laugh and reminisce the whole way uptown. *** Ben’s car pulls up to the Grand Regency Hotel just before one o’clock in the morning. We put our jokes aside as we go through the revolving front door and walk up to the reception desk. Linda has met us a dozen times or so and is also expecting us, so she greets us with a big smile even at such a late hour of the night. Her bubbly personality makes her perfect for this job. “Aren’t you boys a sight for sore eyes! Mr. Russo will see you in his penthouse tonight instead of the conference room.” She exclaims as she sends us on our way. Ben and I exchange a glance before replying politely and start heading towards the elevator. Charlie “The Shark” Russo did not get to where he is by being an honest business man. He earned the nickname The Shark years ago. He put the word out that he was looking to hand out loans to any person or business that was in need. It turns out he was just looking for blood in the water. All the struggling businesses signed a contract granting him sixty percent ownership if the loan contributed to their success and one hundred percent ownership if the business crashed and they were unable to pay back their debt. Most of the men who were willing to take out loans for their families ended up handing over everything they owned. A few skipped town and some were never heard from again. Russo goes way back with us, back to our days as misguided youths. We all started together, running errands for some of the fat cats and making trouble in the streets. Russo figured out quickly it was a dog eat dog world and the only way to get to the top required some risky dirty work. In his case, he used blackmail on Eddie Malrooney, until Eddie handed over everything and eventually crumbled under the stress and committed suicide, leaving Russo to take over. Not Benny and I, we played it safe and never went for the big bucks, but instead worked hard. Always trying to turn a few bucks into more. We were successful too. But you know, to each their own. We have always been close and careful not to step on each other’s toes or territory. He and Ben had made an agreement to allow Russo temporary access to store his property in some of the warehouses in our district. Ben would collect a sizable fee during the agreed amount of time and had made it clear to Russo he would be selling the warehouses to move on to other business opportunities. It was no secret that Ben had closed on the hotel property and was going around tying up loose ends. Most people in our business do not care who goes straight as long as they do not rat anybody out. However, there is the exceptional asshole that thinks the ones who go straight, feel like they are better than the rest. We have recently been getting the impression our friend Russo is the latter. The elevator opens up directly into the center of a lavish penthouse with a modern feel. White marble floors meet ivory walls with white furnishings throughout while red rugs, pillows, and vases are used as dramatic accents. There are several abstract paintings on the walls around us to match the theme. I hate it. Russo has always been an over achieving i***t. Always aiming for the wrong target. “Hello boys! Come on in and take a seat.” Charlie “The Shark” Russo was dressed from his fedora to his shoes in black and white while he is standing over his desk focused on writing something. “Sorry, I’m tryin’ to finish up. A got a plane to catch in a few hours. I’m takin’ my honey somewhere warm, but anyways that’s why I wanted to see you tonight before I leave town for a while.” He says with his classic smile, flashing a shiny gold tooth. “You know I can always make time for a friend.” Ben says as cool as ever. “What is it you needed to see me about so urgently?” “I didn’t like the way we ended things the last time we spoke. I thought about what you said and I know how much it means for you to get out. Have a chance at the life we didn’t, maybe settle down, eh?” He stops writing to look up at the both of us. There is a look on his face that almost looks like concern, but he is going to have to try a little harder if he wants it to be a believable performance. “Yea, well I could start with not having to look over my shoulder every minute of the day. In a few years though I might get one of those picket fences and a dog.” We all give a little laugh. Ben always knew how to do that. “I have the contract you wanted me to sign legalizing our agreement on the warehouses.” Russo places a folder on the white marble desk in front of Ben and grabs three shot glasses out of a drawer. “Now how about a drink between old friends and new competitors?” “A little competition never hurt. May the best hotel win!” Ben is playing along. I am probably the only person that would be able to tell. After this he is done. It is not worth hurting Russo’s precious ego. We all stand up and finish our drinks in swift gulps before slamming them onto the desk. “You fellas walk yourselves out. I have a few more things to do. We’ll get together at your penthouse next time, eh Benny.” He laughs at his own joke and then without waiting for our response he resumes writing different things down. “We’ll be seein’ you around, Charlie.” Ben grabs the folder of off Russo’s desk and is already walking back towards the elevator with myself right behind him. Once we are in the elevator Ben leans against the wall and pushes the main floor button. Then he checks his watch and starts to look over the contents of the folder. As the doors are closing I happen to look up and see Johnny Johnson walking out of a room in the penthouse to join Russo at his desk. That is interesting, though I am not exactly sure what it means. I look over at Ben and decide not to say anything.
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