Harper- Where’s the Loyalty?

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Once I opened the email, I knew the clock had started. Rome finally found me, but he wasn’t aware that once I got hacked, so did he. He didn’t know that little window of opportunity was going to cost him much more than he anticipated. As soon as I responded, I was already latched on to all the systems in his company. While he was too busy trying to trace my whereabouts, I had already tanked that precious family business of theirs. I almost felt bad, almost. The precious Alexeyer company stock dropped within two days, and I personally bought every share I could get my hand on. In those few days, I became an equal shareholder as Rome. Even with Chess and Vlad holding to their combined 30 percent, Rome and I have 35 percent apiece. The previous share members and board members that were claimed to be loyal turned out not to be so loyal after all. The same ones he humiliated and cast me aside for were the first ones to sell, like his precious girlfriend Natasha Balakin. She even sent an email to thank me. I know she doesn't know it’s me, she was always on the slow side. And if she learned to say my name correctly, instead of swooning over Rome, she would have known to who exactly she was selling her livelihood. Anyways, like mama always said, “Not my monkey, not my circus.” I’ll let him deal with all that fuckery. Over the two months, we kept tabs on their movements. We knew when they were stationed in Japan, we knew every time they visited the theme park looking for us. The Alexeyer family had connections, but we discovered that our side had more. And even though Rome was able to take over or dismantle half of the Reapers my parents had founded, Jules was able to get enough of the remainder on board. I can’t say that I enjoy dealing with any of this. My parents didn’t raise me for their hidden world. Yeah, they had Jules and I trained for every fighting style they could find a trainer for, from krav maga, MMA, Judo, Capoeria, Aikido, and so forth. They had us learn everything from shooting, archery, sword, and knife fighting. We learned escape tricks, had kidnapping drills and boot camp. They trained us to be strong, to only fight when necessary, but more than that, they taught us how to love, forgive and be understanding. They didn’t teach me to be cruel, distant, and bitter. Knowing what I know now, all those training wasn’t as simple as I had once believed. We weren’t trained because our parents were rich and well known, and I wasn’t pushed more than Jules because I was a girl. No, they were training their future weapons and replacements. Part of me wishes they had told me the family secrets and mentally prepared me like they had Jules. I wish they hadn’t cast me out and left me to the wolves. No matter what was written in those letters or what they told Jules, they didn’t keep me in the dark for my protection. They did it knowing when the time came, I would never agree to let my little brother take on this burden on his own. Knowing that I would hate the situation they dragged us into but I would go through hell so my brother wouldn’t have to. I love my parents and promise to forgive them one day, but for now, I’m pissed off. Angry at how their secrets cost them their lives and turned ours upside down. Angry that my twins can’t have a fraction of the childhood that they provided me. I am angry that they’re not part of my babies’ lives, angry that their death led me to Rome. And that anger is what’s been fueling me these days. Since I can’t take it out on them, I’ll settle for the next best thing: Roman Ivar Alexeyer We’re heading to Japan tomorrow. The twins' birthday is in two days and Jules has hyped them up about this theme Park. I can’t lie, I’m hyped too. Jules and I received a private tour of the prototype, but I’ve never seen the finished theme park. s**t happens. I’m just glad I get to enjoy it with my twins. I’ve been putting all my focus on the twins, getting them prepared for Japan. After news broke out that not only the infamous Roman Alexeyer was married but had been married for eight years with than yours truly, Harper Louis. They had pictures of our wedding day, social functions, date nights, and grocery shopping. They shared information about my family and background. No stones were left unturned. I know this is Rome’s doing. He’s making sure I can’t run and honestly, I don’t plan on running. I’m drained. I want this, no I need this to end. I want a divorce. I want to give him his 45 billion, plus interest, and move on with my life. I know it’s not going to be easy, especially with the kids just learning about their father. I hated that they had to find out that way but a part of me knew that if they didn’t find out then, they would have found out eventually. I hear their conversation about their dad, heard them planning on looking for him, I heard when they asked their godmother questions about him. They crave to know him, and I get that, just hope the situation wasn’t so f****d up. They deserve better than any of this. They deserve better parents than Roman and me. I’ll be forever grateful for my kids, but I don’t deserve them. I don’t deserve their sweet, understanding, and loving personalities, not their quirky and upbeat attitudes, and I definitely don’t deserve them looking like a blended copy of their dad and myself. I promise them and myself that’ll I always do my best to protect them, to not keep secrets when they’re older, to always be open, understanding, and to love them beyond my last breath. But I also know that they are smart even to discover every hidden secret on their own before I deem them old enough and that scares the s**t out of me.
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