Roman- The Wait is Over

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Eight years and three months. That’s how long it took to get a solid lead on my Garmoniya. When Chess told me he had found her, I couldn’t believe it. Every prospect of a clue about her had been a dead-end. Anyone who could talk ended up dead or missing. So, when he told me he was able to crack into some computer firewall and hack her, I didn’t buy it. But he put the laptop in front of me and I could see her. It’s a live surveillance feed of her in a black sports bra with the new Nik-Amora brand logo on it. Her hair is different. Instead of the long locs she sported before, she now rocked a tight curl-afro combo in a tight ponytail. She no longer has that soft baby-like face, her face is sharper, womanlier. I watched her bite her lower lip and scrunch her nose. I remember that look. She was concentrating and annoyed. I can’t see what she is doing but I catch her throwing glances at the camera lenses, and she would smile every now and then. I wonder if she ever looked at me like that, would she ever smile at me like that? I find myself getting pissed off the more I look at her. She seems so content, she has gained weight over the years and, even though she’s sitting down, I know that it’s all in the right places. Eight years and three months, I’ve been drowning without her, but she looks like she’s happy to be out of my grasps. I don’t know when I typed “I’ll find you soon, my Garmoniya” but I did and by the time Chess yanked the laptop in my hand, a notification popped up. I jumped at the sound, ready to snatch the laptop from Chess, but before I could, he handed me back the laptop. “Mozhet byt" The laptop went blank after that, before overheating. Chess and I shared a look. “How?” “Ya ne Znayu” “What do you mean, you don’t know? How did you find her? Where is she? What the f**k just happened to the laptop?” I started shouting out questions. None of them were towards Chess. He had already explained how they hacked her laptop. Supposedly, her firewall had a weak spot only small enough to get into her laptop camera. Everything else was blocked. I know how the laptop died because she caused it. And because of her response, over the years, we figured out that she understood but we didn’t know she spoke or could write our language. Now she's boldly telling me that maybe I'll find her. Does she not know who I am or what I am capable of? I will burn this whole world to ashes if it means I get to find her and bring her back to me. I can’t say I’m surprised, just more pissed off. Every time I think I’m close to finding her, she slips out of my grip and every time that happens, I find out something new about her. More and more I came to realize that I never really knew her. My wife, my Garmoniya. The boys and I worked nonstop trying to find her, but no matter what they said, I knew they were only trying to find her so that they could find the other two. Just like me, they’ve been suffering for eight years and three months. Just like me, they left that same night. Just like me, they said “I do” thinking that their respective partner was going to be home waiting for them, only to be met with an empty bed and worrying staff. We spent a month researching before we got our next clue. I remembered the brand she was wearing and talked the boys into looking at the company. Knowing what I know of my Garmoniya, she doesn’t wear named brands. If there’s a logo, she will not touch it. She preferred local mom-and-pop brands or high-class brands that don’t require a publicized logo. She’s never one to follow trends unless she personally knows the owner. So, that’s how we find out that one of the affiliates and sponsors for Nik-Amora is Cajoles investment firm. Even though the frontman is Calvin Dupont, the mastermind is no other than Julius Pierre Louis, Harper’s brother. We had to pull some major strings to get this information. Even though Julius isn’t hiding, he doesn’t make it easy to find him. We find out that he has been living in Japan since the murder of his parents and hasn’t left since. We also found his go-to spot and came up with a plan to find them there. By the end of the month, we made a handful of plans for different scenarios. We can never be too careful. We already have our men ready and casing out the locations we received earlier. While our men handle that, the boys and I decided we would make a trip to Japan at the end of next month. Not sure we’ll last that long, but there’s a lot we need to arrange and settle down before taking off. Vlad had brought some things to my attention that needed attending to. He was finally able to locate doctor Nikita, and if the information he received from her about Harper is correct, I have made a grave mistake. I'm desperately hoping that what she told him is a lie because if it comes out true, there's no way I can make amends for what I've done. What's more, the men I placed among the Reapers have discovered something that won't only break my brother but also my Garmoniya. I can't rush into this like I'm used to doing. I can't make any sudden moves or assumptions, because if I f**k this up and speak about this before I properly investigate, at least one of my brothers will turn on me, not to mention the possibility of losing my wife before I even get the chance to get her back.
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