Damien & Elijah

1765 Words
After that rompous session with Caleb, I make my way to the dining hall. I walk in and am greeted by Adam as I walk in. "Good morning darling. Did you sleep well? You're kind of late for breakfast, what kept you?" I freeze up and my eyes go as wide as dinner plates before I blush heavily. "I was distracted by an ambush this morning." I hear Caleb chuckle quietly at the other end of the table. Adam looks over at Caleb with a death glare. "What the f*ck did you do Caleb?" The next thing I know, I see Adam jump up and fly over the table at Caleb. Adam grabs Caleb by his throat and slams him against the wall. "If you f*cking hurt her, I will kill you." Caleb holds his hands up in surrender and Adam drops him. He coughs and shoves Adam away. "Chill man, I didn't hurt her, at least not in a bad way anyways." I blush ten shades of red. And Balthazar starts hysterically laughing. "You went from hating her to f*cking her? That's a big 180 if I ever saw one. What changed Caleb?" As he continued chuckling. "Well I did want to hate Serena and I did try to punish her for being here, but soon realized that she enjoyed my flavor of punishment. So I punished her good. Hence why she can barely walk right now." He grinned at me cheekily and my face got hot from that grin. Adam shakes his head and walks away from Caleb. Adam walks up to me. "Serena, may I look you over to make sure that Caleb didn't leave any lasting damage?" I nod at him and he leads me into a side room. "I need you to undress love so I can look." I undress from my blouse and skirt and he checks me over professionally. Finally he lifts my leg and checks my outer vaginal area. He drops my leg and he nods. "Good. I'm glad he didn't leave lasting damage." I look down sheepishly at the floor in embarrassment. I can't believe that one of the guys I f*cked is checking me over for injuries from another guy I f*cked in the same household. Brothers no less. The guilt I was feeling over being with so many of them was kind of eating at me. That's when Adam lifted my chin and looked and smiled at me. "I don't even have to be a mind reader to know what you're thinking. You feel guilty, I can see that. Don't be. It's alright. We're not jealous creatures and we don't think any less of you for being attracted to all of us. We kind of expected it to happen this way." I feel better after he says that. "Are you sure? I've never done this. Ever." His eyes go wide. "Serena, before me and you...? Were you....a virgin?" I look down again and blush. "Oh wow! I... don't know what to say. I feel honored that you would share something that precious with me." I blush again. "Thank you Serena." Then he touched my arms gently and gave me a super gentle kiss on the lips. We walk back out into the dining hall and I go and sit down at the table and start grabbing food to fill up my plate. I burp loudly and Balthazar chuckles when I do. I stand up and start walking to the door. "I'm going to head back to my room for now. I'm a little tired." I say to no one in particular. I go back up the stairs and head back to my room. I lay down and fall asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. The first dream I have, I can see a pair of silver eyes looking at me. They look so familiar like I recognize them from a dream within a dream. I hear a melodic voice start speaking. "You do know me child and I know you. I will reveal myself soon so you can see me but the time is not right yet. Wait for me sweet girl." And the dream fades. The next dream is much more heated and explicit. It's a dream where I am being f*cked in every delicious hole by all of the brothers. I feel myself orgasm exquisitely when they all bite down on me at the same time. I explode in my dream. And then I'm awake. It's completely dark outside now. Holy s**t, I slept the whole day. I must have been really tired. I get up to use the bathroom and then put on a very sexy nightie with a silk robe. I open my door carefully because I have an overwhelming urge to explore. It's when I start to hear some music. It's faint at first so I follow it. The music gets louder as I get closer and I realize it is a flute and a piano being played. I finally find the door where the music is playing and I sit and listen to the haunting tune being played. I press my ear to the door as I listen and sway to the tune. Then the music suddenly stops. I stop to listen and then the door flies open and I fall partially into the room. The twins look down at me with ponderous expressions on their faces. "Are you alright Serena?" I stand up and straighten my nightie and gown. "Yes, I'm alright. I just heard the music like it was calling to me and I wanted to listen. It was beautiful. Did you two write it?" They both cast forlorn glances at each other. "Yes we wrote it as a duet piece. We wrote it for Luna, a long time ago." Now I understand the look on their faces. I find a comfy chair and sit down. "Do you have any other songs you can play? You both make such beautiful music together and I would really love to hear more." I look up at them hopefully. They both look at each other. The long haired one heads to the piano while the spiky haired one picks up his flute. They start to play a beautiful upbeat melody that feels like it ignites my soul to dance. Without even thinking, I stand up and start dancing. Swaying to the tune they are playing. When the music stops and I stop dancing, I realize that both of them are just staring at me. "What are your names?" The long haired one stands up and bows. "I'm Damien and this is my twin brother Elijah." I smile at both of them and walk up to them. I can't stop whatever has me spellbound and I reach out and touch them. I watch them both close their eyes and then they pop open at the same time and they grab me. They take me over to a chaise lounge and lay me down on it. They rip my nightie and gown off of me and Damien starts kissing me. I can feel Elijah down near my hot center as he runs his tongue up my thigh. His tongue barely flicks over my s*x before he starts licking and sucking down there like he's starving. I feel Damien pull away right as I'm about to c*m. I arch my back and my mouth pops open and then I feel Damien's c**k slide into my mouth. Elijah keeps licking and sucking and occasionally biting my clit as Damien f***s my face with his c**k. Finally, right as I c*m, I feel Damien c*m in my mouth at the exact same time. I lay there not moving before I'm picked up by Elijah off the chaise so he can lay down on it. He turns me so that my ass is lined up with his c**k. And then Damien gets on top and lines his c**k up with my p***y. And again at the exact same time, I feel both of them push themselves into me. The feeling of fullness is overwhelming. They start slow and gentle but then get faster and rougher as I loosen up down there. It's to the point that I'm seeing stars as they both blindly f*ck me into oblivion. My orgasm explodes out of me right as they both move my hair and bite down on both sides of my shoulders. I feel them explode inside me at the same as well. Damien falls off of me and lands on the floor and he just lays there naked with a big smile on his face. Elijah gently lifts me off of him and handles me like I'm a precious breakable thing. He lays me down gently on the chaise and proceeds to get up and grab his shirt. He walks over to me and hands me the shirt to put on. Then he grabs his boxers and hands those to me as well. I put them on carefully. I try to stand up and immediately fall back down on the chaise. Elijah chuckles and walks over and picks me up. Damien stands up right as Elijah does that. They both walk out of the room, Elijah carrying me with Damien right next to him, playing with my hair. They walk for a while until they stop at my bedroom door. Elijah looks down at me with a look while Damien opens the door. They walk inside and Elijah takes me over to my bed while Damien walks into my bathroom. Damien comes back out with a wet washcloth and hands it to me and I clean myself up. Elijah pulls the blanket back so I can climb in. As I do so, Damien and Elijah both climb in with me. I'm a little surprised at both of them climbing in. Elijah pricks his finger and runs them over the bite marks and they heal instantly. Damien gets in front and curls up facing me and Elijah gets behind me and curls up to my back. I feel them both clasp my hand in theirs and just as soon as that happened, we were all asleep. I dream again of those silver eyes and I hear the melodic voice again. "Almost there my sweet child, soon I'll be there to answer all of your questions, my heart." I puzzle over it and the dream fades as I finally fall into oblivion and don't dream after that. Whoo boy! This just gets better and better.
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