Darkness is Coming

290 Words
Unknown POV "Preparations have been made as you've ordered them." My servant explains. I dismiss him with a wave of my hand as I stare at a computer screen. My scouts have been scouring the area since the girl was first discovered. I must have her. She is the key to securing my legacy. She is the one who is spoken of in the prophecy. She is the last Carpathian. I get up frustrated and pour myself a drink. I down it as quick as I poured it. The sting feels good. It's pissing me off that my scouts haven't found her yet. I hear a sharp knock at the door. "Enter." My servant comes back and hands me some papers and leaves again. It's a map of the area she was spotted in. I look on in horror as I realize what area it is. The princes' castle is in that area somewhere, though shrouded by a veil. "Dammit." I throw my glass against the wall and watch it shatter. I buzz for the leader of my scouts on the intercom. He knocks once and enters. "Yes?" He asks me. "I want your scouts to focus on this area. Look for any trace of veiling magic. I believe that our target might be at the princes' castle. We must find her at all costs. She is crucial to my plan." "At once, I will get my scouts right on it and employ that witch to try and detect any veiling magic." I nod and he heads out the door. I walk to the balcony and stare up at the moon. "I will find you little Carpathian. I will find you Serena, one way or another. You will be mine."

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