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Chapter 10 THE TREASURE-HILLTOM SAID IT HAPPENED like this. A dervish was stumping it along through the Desert, on foot, one blazing hot day, and he had come a thousand miles and was pretty poor, and hungry, and ornery and tired, and along about where we are now he run across a camel-driver with a hundred camels, and asked him for some a'ms. But the cameldriver he asked to be excused. The dervish said: "Don't you own these camels?" "Yes, they're mine." "Are you in debt?" "Who—me? No." "Well, a man that owns a hundred camels and ain't in debt is rich—and not only rich, but very rich. Ain't it so?" The camel-driver owned up that it was so. Then the dervish says: "God has made you rich, and He has made me poor. He has His reasons, and they are wise, blessed be His name. But He has w

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