Chapter 2

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Claire I was searching the cafeteria when I saw those bright green eyes staring at me. I nodded at him and he nodded back. We had this unspoken agreement to not mingle at school. I thought it was trash, but he always ignores me whenever we’re in class. I saw Levi sitting with our group of friends. Levi had dark brown hair and eyes. He was tall and very muscular. I took a seat next to him. “Hey there baby,” Levi kissed my cheek. “Hey. So what’s going on?” “Same as always. We’re thinking about throwing a party at Katie’s house. “My parents are planning a trip so I figured when they leave we could party,” Katie smiled. “You down for it?” Levi asked. “I don’t know. I still have track” “Come one girl! You never party with us,” Anna pouted. It was true. Anytime they wanted to party I never went. I always made up some excuse to leave early or not go at all. I didn’t like how drunk they all got. I’ve had a few drinks, but never really liked the way they made me feel. “Just give it some thought. It’s still a while away,” Levi squeezed my shoulder. “I’ll think about” “You’re coming to the mall today. Right?” “I can’t. I have family dinner tonight” “Of course you do. Look out Levi. Little Vinny might be taking our angel away from you,” Brandon said as he stole one of my strawberries. I felt Levi’s grip tighten on me. “His name is Vincent,” I corrected him. “Oh so sorry. I forgot you two are pretty close” “They’re not,” Levi started to become defensive. I couldn’t help but look over at Vincent. He looked happy. He was always smiling when his friends were around. He had such a contagious smile. He was tall and well built. He wasn’t in any sports, but he works out quite a bit. His dark brown hair made his eyes pop. He had bright green emerald eyes and if you were lucky enough he’d let you get close enough to see the blue streak in his left eye. I used to think that we’d be together forever, but he changed. I’d hear something from Levi about him and when I’d ask him about it he wouldn’t deny it. We returned to our usual conversations till the bell rang. I had two classes with Levi and it was always hard to focus when he was in there only because he’d try to get my attention. Vincent was in almost all of my classes except the last one. I was glad when school was over. I was feeling overly exhausted today. I was standing next to Levi’s truck with him, waiting for Vincent. I was glad to see him when he pulled up. I said bye to our group and turned to head to the car when I felt someone pull me back. Levi pulled me in hard and kissed me. It was a lot more aggressive than usual and I started to panic when I felt his hand go down my back. I quickly pushed off of him and got in Vincent’s car. Turning on the radio and finally relaxing.. *** We got back to my house before anyone else which was usual since Leon takes the bus and mom and dad are normally at work. I went up to my room to change out of my school uniform, pulling on some black leggings and a white tank top. I went into my closet and grabbed my favorite sweater. When Vincent and I turned thirteen we decided to make each other gifts. He was starting to distance himself and I thought that having a gift I made would show him how much I care about him. It was an old dark green sweater. The first one I ever made. I was so embarrassed that I ended up asking Aunt Ellie to say she made it for him and I ended up making him chocolates and a card. He loved this sweater and would never take it off. It had holes and a few stains, but I felt like that’s what gave it character. When he said it was about time to toss it I decided to play a game of basketball to win it from him. I walked to the livingroom and slumped on the couch and put on my favorite classic, Young Frankenstein. I felt the couch dip when Vincent hopped over, handing me a water bottle. “Thanks” Not long after Leon came bursting through the door with his friends. He jumped over the couch and nearly knocked Vincent and I off when I heard a tearing noise. “Leon!” I shouted. His bag snagged the sweater, tearing it again. “Sorry sis,” he looked at his bag, “the zipper must have caught it” “It’s okay,” I sighed and ruffled his hair. I went back to my room and started digging for a sewing kit. Mom and dad bought me a sewing machine a few years back when I started showing talent for designing clothes. With this sweater though it was more like a tradition to fix it with a hand stitch. My head was beginning to feel foggy. I gave up on my search for my kit and decided to lay in bed for a minute. The next thing I knew my mom was calling for me to help set the table. I looked at the clock on my nightstand and realized I had fallen asleep. I looked at my phone and saw I had a few missed calls from Levi and a couple of texts. I opened them and saw Levi’s school gym locker had been trashed. I gave him a quick call and it took him a minute to answer. “Hey, are you okay?” He asked. “Yeah. I just woke up from a nap. I’m not feeling all that great” “Do you want me to come over?” “No. We’re still having dinner tonight. What happened to your locker?” “I don’t know, but they stole the bracelet you got me for my birthday” His birthday was a little before mine. He actually has the same birthday as Vincent. Normally I’d go celebrate with him for a bit before the party we’d have for Vincent. He’d always get upset when I would leave, but I’ve celebrated Vincent’s Birthday with him every year and I couldn’t change that. “Do you have any idea who could’ve done it?” I asked. “I have a few ideas” “It wasn’t Vincent. He’s been here the whole time” “How do you know? I thought you said you just woke up?” “I did, but I know he’s been playing games with Leon,” It was quiet on his end, “I have to go set the table. I’ll talk to you tomorrow” “Sorry. Just get some rest please. I don’t want you getting sick” “I will. I see you tomorrow” “Bye” I hung up the phone and slipped it into my pocket. He tried saying I love you on a couple of different occasions, but I just never felt the same. My mom always told me her heart would begin to beat uncontrollably when she would just look at my dad. She’d tell me to never feel obligated to say it back if I didn’t feel it. I love her, but sometimes I felt like she was making it up. It was hard to believe that her and dad have loved each other since they were kids. It was something out of a fairytale. I walked to the dining room where Vincent was already setting up. “How have you been trouble?” I asked, continuing my task. “What does that mean?” I didn’t see the point in beating around the bush. “Someone trashed the football players locker room. They seemed to target Levi’s locker the most. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about it would you?” “Listen here sweetheart, just because I don’t like your little boy toy doesn’t mean I’m his only enemy” I wasn’t going to get anything out of him so I finished with the plates and went to the living room. Pulling my legs to my chest, playing with my anklet. “Why are you so bothered by this?” He sat down next to me. “They took the bracelet I gave him for his birthday” “Why wasn’t he wearing it?” “Most people don’t wear their jewelry 24/7” I felt his hand gently graze mine as he grabbed my right ankle and pulled it out from under me. “Hey!” “I guess you’re not most people,” He chuckled and gently ran his finger over the anklet. “I just know what it would feel like if someone stole something that meant a lot to me” I felt my heartbeat speed up. I could see the hurt in his eyes. Has somebody stolen something from him? The thought made me angry. I don’t like it when people mess with the ones I love. “You have no idea,” he slowly lowered my leg and got up. We were all seated at the table. Everyone enjoyed each other’s company and conversation. I wasn’t feeling that hungry and just wanted to go back to my room. I kept rubbing my anklet. “Are you okay princess?” My dad asked. He was the one who started calling me that when I was younger. He said that used to be mom’s nickname before they started dating and that I now get to hold that title. Only him and my uncles get to call me that. “What? Oh yeah. I’m fine. Just tired. Coach pulled us aside in physical ed to do different exercises” “Do you want me to go running with you tonight?” “That’s okay. I think I’m just going to go to bed” I excused myself from the table, cleaned up my place and went upstairs. I felt a little bad for turning down my dad's offer. I really did enjoy our runs but I wasn’t lying when I said I was tired. I opened up my desk drawer to get my book when I found my needle and thread. I was feeling warm so I took off the sweater and thought I would start trying to patch up the newly made hole in it. Only problem was when I placed my head down on my desk I could feel my eyes becoming heavier. ‘Maybe I am sick’ was the last thing I thought of before falling asleep.
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