Leading an Unknown Tribe

1132 Words
Sena's POV We have been fighting for years; yes, fighting for our right to be recognized as citizens in this kingdom. Our ancestors were never acknowledged as a tribe until the day they died, and they passed to us this struggle of being acknowledged as a tribe in Ekron kingdom.   “Sena!”   I turned my head to look at the one who called my name. Ah, Abraham my good friend. I smiled.   “What’s up, bro? You seem preoccupied today. You didn’t respond until my fourth call,” Abraham said, grinning as usual.   “Huh? Did I?” I frowned.   “Are you thinking of someone, my friend?” Abraham asked, his teeth showing as usual. “This is the first time I saw you smiling all by yourself.”    I frowned. Thinking of someone? That’s ridi-   “It’s fun to watch you smiling while looking so far, my friend…” Abraham said and rubbed my back softly. “I’ll leave you to your imaginations…”   I shook my head as I heard him chuckle before leaving. My friend is such a joker, but he is the best. I let out a sigh as I turned my head back to the view before me. Wait, he is right. I have been thinking of that young lady that I encountered last night.  For some reasons I can’t explain, she seems to exude an aura similar to mine. A lot of people criticized me for being so cold and straightforward. However, that lady didn’t even criticize me for being so open about what I thought about that palace last night. She just listened to me talk about my displeasure as regards the suffocating atmosphere.   Come to think of it, that palace has always been weird for me. Ever since I went there for the first time years back when I was still a young man, I have been feeling uncomfortable. Other people have been singing praises for the perfectness of the palace and the royal family, but I can’t get myself to say the same. I can see the reality with my bare eyes. Even without words, I can see that the lifestyle shown by the king, his queen, and the princess is nothing but a show. Their eyes reveal emptiness that cannot be hidden by shiny jewelry and expensive robes. Their family looks like an empty shell to me.   But who is she? Who is that girl who looked so lonely in the palace garden? I am not a party animal, so I went out to get some fresh air. To my surprise, I saw someone who prefers to stay alone instead of spending her time inside the luxurious palace. Her identity is questionable though. Only the royal family’s close friends and high-ranking officials in the kingdom were invited to attend the precious princess Elizabeth’s birthday last night so that means that she belongs to any of those ranks. However, why did she look so lonely last night to the point that she preferred staying outside the palace all by herself? Then that means that she’s not someone close to the royal family. Does that mean that she is a high-ranking official or a member of their families? Ah, why did I not even ask her name last night?   “Brother!”   That voice made my head turn around.   “Faith!” I said and smiled at her. My little sister has grown up to be a pretty lady.   “Brother, I came here to ask for your help…” she said as she looked at me with pleading eyes.   “Ah, not with those eyes!” I complained. I cannot refuse her once she looks like this.   “Hahaha!” she laughed loudly. “It works all the time, right?”   “What do you need?” I asked instead.   “I received a letter to participate in the competition for the position of a lady officer. The king himself asked for me specifically.”   “What?!” I exclaimed. This is so surprising. The king literally asked for her to join the competition? This has never happened before. Our tribe was never acknowledged as a people in this kingdom so why would he do that?   “Just like how you were asked by him to represent our people’s interest, I was asked to participate in this competition. Don’t you think that’s a good development? I mean, if the king did this, that only means that he is beginning to recognize us as a people.”   I smirked. Really? If that’s real, then I should not have received that kind of treatment at the party last night.   “Brother, please,” she pleaded. “I know that you are worried about me, but you know how I want to become a part of that palace. You know that it is my dream since young.”   I bit my lower lip and closed my eyes. How can I deny my sister’s dream? I am not that cruel to do that. However, she is too innocent in the ways on how the palace works. She doesn’t know that it is full of schemers who want to overthrow those who are occupying significant positions so that they could take over. That palace ruled by a cruel family is full of snakes, hyenas, foxes, and jackals. I fear that her innocence would make her the prey for these kinds of wicked people. For a few years of being there and encountering the people inside, I have been exposed to many different characters and schemes. I only survived because I was tough enough to handle relationship issues properly. However, I honestly doubt that my innocent little sister could do it. I swallowed hard as I imagined her becoming the victim of cruelty.   “I can’t possibly allow that…” I said and shook my head slowly.   “How… how…” she said and stopped.   At this point, I don’t want to look at her. Hearing her voice alone, I can imagine how she looks like. She must have some tears wetting her cheeks now. Looking at her could possibly shake my resolve.   “You’re the worst!” she said and ran away from me.   Helplessly, I turned my head and followed her back. I let out a heavy sigh. My heart feels heavy. I love my little sister and I want to help her fulfill her dreams except for this dream of working in that palace full of untrustworthy people. 
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