We Still Accomplished the Purpose

1086 Words

So, I was not wrong all along. My observation was right. I thought I was suspecting something that didn’t happen at all. I was standing near the stage on the right side when I saw Queen Mira raise her hand and saw something flew from her sleeve before she left the stage. I have to say that I was surprised that she would attack in the open but the words that Princess Aldrea spoke might have been too much for her, so she did that. I shook my head with that realization.   “So I was right all along…” I whispered.   The healer lifted up his head and looked at me meaningfully.   “It worked. My plan worked…” I continued.   The healer looked at me with questioning eyes. He pulled me slowly away from where the princess is sleeping.   “By ‘your plan worked’, what did you exactly mean?

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