2088 Words

KHAI's POV Without knocking on the door, I enter the clinic. Khim, the nurse was a bit startled. "Hey, do you not know how to knock before entering, huh? What are you doing here by the way? Don't you have a class?" She asks while raising her brows slightly. By the way, she is Khim, my half-sister in father's side. I walk straight towards the medical bed and lie down. "Don't talk to me. I need to rest. I'm sleepy." I say as I close my eyes. "What happened?" She inquires, and I heard her footsteps coming near me. "Why is your wound swollen? Did you fight again?" She asks and I grunt in pain when she touched my face. "No. I didn't." I lied. If she knows, she might call mum. Khim is close to my mother because even if she is my father's daughter with another woman, my mother treats her

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