2256 Words

CASSANDRA's POV I was lying on my bed while looking at the ceiling, remembering what happened earlier. I can't forget it. But I want to forget it because the more I remember it, the more I get annoyed. Annoyed for the reason that I assumed that he was referring to me. It's kind of funny. Why did I assume that I was the reason why he joined soccer? It's funny. Really! Whatever. I shoved my face on my pillow and close my eyes. Suddenly, my phone vibrates. I quickly get up and took my phone on the top of the drawer and look at the phone screen to see who texted me, but it was just a chain message. "Argh!" I muttered in annoyance and put my phone back in the drawer. Who the hell invented that chain message? It's annoying. Closing my eyes again, in just a minute, I fell asleep. The

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