2005 Words

[FAST FORWARD] "Cass, are you okay?" I go back to my senses when Steph raised a question at me. Our class for this day has ended and we are currently walking to the school parking lot. Sab, on the other hand, goes to the soccer field to watch Von's practice, also to wait for Von so they can go home together. Khai? I won't mention him. After what happened to us earlier, no, after what he did to me earlier, I am angry with him. Totally angry with him. He kissed me. What was that for? Why did he do that? Is he crazy? He is in a relationship. How could he do that? Those are some of the questions that are bothering my mind right from earlier until now. Moreover, what he did to me confused me a lot. And I really hate him. "Nothing," I respond to Steph, sighing. "You are not." She insist

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