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"You're here!" Steph beams as I enter the living room. She just came out from the dining area, bringing a bowl that has chips. "Um. Have you eaten? You didn't wait for me again." I say, throwing myself on the sofa. "I'm sorry. I need to practice for tomorrow. Don't worry, I cooked your favorite food. Go eat, and rest after. Okay?" "Okay. Practice well. Goodnight." I say. "Uh, wait." She stopped walking up the stairs. "How was your practice?" She asks, but I wasn't able to answer her right away. I don't know what should I answer because I cannot tell if it was okay or not. Except that I didn't memorize the dance steps, I also didn't like what Khai did. I don't understand why is he doing this to me? It is because he wants my forgiveness, or he wants me back? Jeez. I am thinking nonsense. Why would he want me back? Crazy. He has someone already, and I don't care about him anymore. "Hey, Cass! You're out of the world again. What are you thinking, huh?" Steph asks. "Nothing. I'm just hungry." I say and got up from lying on the sofa, then I walk to the dining room without looking at her to avoid her suspicion's look. "So, how was your practice?" She asks again. "It was good. We just choose basic dance steps. I'm going to eat." I say before entering the dining. "Okay. Eat well. I'm going upstairs! Good night!" She shouted from the lounge area. After eating my dinner, I instantly go to my room, take a bath, and go to my bed. However, I didn't go to sleep right away because what happened earlier is still running in my mind. It sounds annoying, but I could still see his face, hear his voice, and even feel his touch. Moreover, what he had said to me is still echoing in my ears. No. I must forget about it. I must. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes until I fell asleep. ~*~ STEPH's POV I didn't practice, instead, I watched series. I'm lazy to practice. Besides dance class is only a minor subject. I won't be needing it in the future in applying for a job. I close my laptop and got up from my bed, then I exit my room and went downstairs. I need to put this bowl in the kitchen and get warm water. As I got into the living room, I saw Cass's phone place on the sofa. She forgot it again. I took it and suddenly it beeps. A message pops up from the unknown number. Who is this? I click to open the message. FROM: unknown number /"Are you already sleeping?"/ Hmm. Who might be this, huh? Why I didn't know that this friend of mine has a flirtation? I need to meet this guy to find out if he is handsome and has clear intentions towards my friend. *giggles* Another message pops up from the same number causing my eyebrows to raise tensely. Seriously? ~*~ THE NEXT MORNING. CASSANDRA's POV Professor Sally dismisses us early because she has something important thing to do. One hour before our dance class will start. Presently, I am heading now to the rooftop to meet Khai for our rehearsal. I don't need to rehearse. I can go with the flow, but he asked me to because he aims to get a perfect score in our dance activity. It was weird. He was never that so obsessed with his grades before. Well, maybe because we're in college now. Anyway, I don't mind. As I enter the rooftop, I immediately saw him. He is sitting on the floor while singing. So instead of approaching him, I listen to what he is singing. /How would you feel, if I told you I loved you? It's just something that I want to do I'll be taking my time, spending my life Falling deeper in love with you So tell me that you love me too/ That song makes me nailed and speechless while listening to him. Just then, a memory from the past sank in my mind. ~*~ "Okay, class, you are dismissed!" Teacher Krissa announces and left the room. I gathered my things and put them inside my bag, and so suddenly, someone took my bag. It was Khai. "Wanna go somewhere?" He asks while smiling. I chuckled, and lift my head to look at him. "Are you planning to escape our next class, huh?" I ask. "No," he firmly shakes his head. "Then, why are you asking me to go out?" I ask, looking at him in suspicion. "Because we don't have the next class. I heard that Teacher Nam isn't around." "Really?" "Maybe," he shrugged, unsure, but he holds my hand. "Trust me. Let's go!" He winks and before I could react he pulled me to stand up and we left the classroom. "Hey, Khai. Where are we going?" I ask him while he is dragging me away. Students who are passing by in the hallway are looking at me sharply. That is because Khai is holding my hands. Yeah, Khai is quite popular here. Besides having a handsome face, he is also smart at everything which is every girl's dream. And I must say, I'm lucky to be close to him. I didn't expect it either. "You will know when we got there." He answers while smiling broadly causing his white teeth to be exposed. Gosh, why did he smile like that? He's crazy. But it is crazier because we are here in the backyard of the school. Since we are high school students, we are prohibited to go out of campus until the class hours are not finished. So, Khai thought of a way out. We need to climb the fence for us to get out of the campus. "Are you serious?" I ask him, raising my eyebrows. He positioned himself so I can climb the fence. This is really ridiculous! "Yeah. Trust me. Come on. I will lift you." He says. "Wait, I don't this is not a good idea," I say, shaking my head, but he just chuckled, and he motioned me to step on his hand. "Come on, before we will get caught." He says. "Are you really serious about this?" He nods his head, "yeah. Come on, chubs." "Hey, don't call me that way," I warned. "Okay. Come on, Cali." He smiles. "This is crazy, really." I laugh a little and walk towards him. Then I step on his hands and he lifts me for me to climb the fence. When I already outside of the campus, he followed me. Luckily, no one saw us. "Let's go?" He asks as he offers his hand to me. "Well, is there anything I can do?" I laugh and give my hand to him. Then, we run away. "Wow! Where is this place?" I ask Khai in amazement after he removes his hand that is covering my face. I was really amazed to see the city from right here on the top of the mountain. It was also very refreshing because of the fresh air that blew into our bodies. We sat down on the grass. "I don't know either, but I used to go here when I want to be alone." He says and breath out. I look at him, "so, you mean... You want to be alone right now?" "Yeah." He looks at me, "with you." He smiles, but I think he is just making fun of me so I laugh. "Crazy," I say. He laughs. "Ah, Khai, can you do me a favor?" I ask him. "Sure. What is it?" He asks without skepticism as if he is really willing to do it. "Um... Can you sing a song for me?" I ask awkwardly. He looks at me while smiling, "that's not a problem." "Really? Will you sing for me?" "Yeah, sure. Why not?" He smiles, and I smile back at him. "Okay," I'm excited to hear him sing again. When he first sang to me, I couldn't get over it. His voice was really so good. "What song do you want me to sing?" He asks me. "Hmmm... You decide. Everything is fine to me." I say. He nods his head, and then he starts to sing. /You are the one girl And you know that it's true I'm feeling younger Every time that I'm alone with you/ My eyes stock in his eyes. Oh my god. Why does his voice sound so good? /We were sitting in a parked car Stealing kisses in the front yard We got questions we should not ask but.../ /How would you feel, if I told you I love you? It's just something that I want to do. I'll be taking my time, spending my life Falling deeper in love with you So tell me that you love me too/ My heart pounded that I couldn't hear anything but the beat of my heart. Khai just keeps on singing while remains looking at my eyes. What is this? Why my heart is beating so fast? Could it be... I'm in love with him? ~*~ /In the summer, as the lilacs bloom Love flows deeper than the river Every moment that I spend with you We were sat upon our best friend's roof I had both of my arms around you Watching the sunrise replace the moon/ /How would..../ he wasn't able to continue singing because I call him. I don't want to hear him singing. I don't want to hear things that are related to the past. He turns his head around. "Hey," he calls and stood up. I walk towards him. "Hey," I greeted. "When did you come?" He asks. "Just now. Um. So, shall we start?" I ask. I want to end this as soon as possible. "Sure. Let's start." I give him my hands and then we start to practice. After a half hour, we decided to go back to our classroom and waited for Professor Jen's time. "Where have you been?" Steph asked me as I sat on my seat, next to her. Her facial expression seems so strange. I can't tell if she's annoyed or angry. "I went to the comfort room," I say while smiling. I hope I am not that obvious in lying. "Oh, is that so?" "Yeah." I remain my smile to stay in my lips. After a few minutes of waiting, we are called to go to the school gym to begin our dance activity. Luckily, all of us did well, although I felt a little bit uncomfortable, Khai helps me to overcome it. He really leads me to the right flow of steps. Well, yeah thanks to him. After we perform, Professor Jen gives us a short discussion, and then she dismisses us after. Currently, Steph and I are walking to the school cafeteria. Just then, Sab and Von approach us. "Hey! Going to the cafeteria?" Sab ask energetically. She is holding Von's arms. Oh, are they a couple? "Yep. Wanna join?" Steph asks her. "Hell, yeah!" Sab giggles. "Wait, are you guys a couple?" I ask them both. "I'll let Von answer you, Cass." Sab winks, then she looks at Von. "Hey, say something." "Come on, girl. It's obvious." Von chuckles. "Oh my god, really? It's not obvious. You don't even flirt in the classroom." Steph's commented. "Because the classroom is not for flirting. If we want to flirt with each other, we do it outside of the campus." Sab says, giggling. "Oww!" Steph and I teased. Sab's face turns to pink, while Von just laughs a little. "You guys look so good together. Stay strong and in love." I say. "Thank you, Cass!" Sab says. "Hey, Von. Don't you dare make her cry, okay?" Steph warned Von. "That will never gonna happen," Von says and kissed Sab's head. Oh my, they're so sweet! I can't help to smile. "Good," Steph laughs. We occupied a seat when we got to the cafeteria, just then Khai enter. I was shocked when Von called him. No way. ---
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