2332 Words

CASSANDRA's POV The day ended quickly. In our whole classes in the afternoon, Khai did not attend. Probably because of what happened. To be honest, I feel guilty for what I did to him and for what I said, but, yeah he cannot blame me. As much as I wanted not to get angry with him, I cannot. Because every time I remember what he did to me in the past, it makes me want to beat him, in that way I can make him feel what he made me feel before. Particularly when I found out his reasons after three years — why he choose her over. I was even angrier with him. It's really funny. "Have you chose a song yet?" Steph raises a question as she sits on the sofa, placing the bowl that has a chip, then she took the remote to turn on the TV. We are in the lounge area, and I am searching for the song th

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