2282 Words

THE NEXT MORNING. CASSANDRA's POV I was walking in the lobby, leading the way back to our room section when I met Vanessa. It's her again. "Hey, Cass!" She greets me with a bright smile. She looks so blooming today, huh? What happened? "Hey," I greet her back. "Are you going to class?" "Uh, yes. Why?" "Great! Can you give this to Khai?" She hands me a paper bag. "It's a sandwich. I made for it him. I did not catch up with him when I wake up, so, I'll give it to you to give it to him. Can you?" What did she say? She did not catch up with him when she wakes up? Is she saying that she sleepover at Khai's place? "Did you sleep at his place?" I can't help but raise a question. She chuckles, "yeah, I did. Actually, I did not want to because you know it's awkward since Khai is a

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