he Light at the Heart of the Galaxy-1

2079 Words

3. The Light at the Heart of the GalaxyCramping pains in her upper right arm and across her shoulders roused Selene from her unconsciousness. She opened her eyes to see, not the white cell aboard Kane's ship, but a larger, wedge-shaped space of which she had no recollection. The hard edges of reality blurred around her, and it took a few moments to make sense of what was going on. She was suspended by her arms, ropes biting into her wrists, incapacitating her. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble to adjust the length of the ropes very carefully so that the tips of her toes just touched the floor. If she balanced herself, she could support her own weight and take the strain off her arm and back muscles, but it was impossible to maintain the position for more than a few moments. Repeatedly,

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