Red Giant

2424 Words

13. Red Giant“Oh, come on,” said Selene. “This has to be a trap. That's completely obvious. We can't even think about going to find this Heliolith. Concordance even thoughtfully provided the coordinates. What sort of divine entity provides galactic positioning data?” Selene, Ondo and Lilith stood on the cartography deck, a three-dimensional representation of the system in question filling the room around them. Lilith was clearly captivated, sweeping her hand repeatedly through the sun then studying her fingers as if she expected some of the star to have come off on her. Once again, Ondo did the annoying thing where he regarded Selene with disapproval over the top of his multiglasses. “This comes down to whether we believe there is any truth to the Omn story. If there's only Concordance a

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