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10. AugurySelene operated grabs to lift the device from the seabed and bring it on board. Dead-eyed fish swam in and out of the tiny arc of light. She dropped the orb into a hopper and left it there. She certainly wasn't going to touch it for fear of activating it. Malleus had said he had to place his hands on his ship's Augury to make it connect to Omn. That was a conversation she definitely wasn't ready for. “These Auguries are tough,” she said over the comms. “I can only see tiny fragments of the rest of the ship.” The conversation was awkward at the Dragon's three light-second distance. Each time as she waited, she had the worrying thought Ondo wasn't going to reply; that up there beyond the moon Concordance had arrived and the Dragon had been destroyed or had jumped away. But each t

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