Chapter 9: The Laguna trip (part 1)

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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental Bright light from the window wakes Fernand’s sleeping soul. As he opens his eyes, his head starts to spin. He thought it may be because of the tears he shed during the past few days or the headaches he received from Mr.Calixtro. Whatever it was, he decided to stretch his arms and start to get out of his bed. After ensuring that he fixes his bed, he opens the door and yawns outside his room. “Good morning,” a deep voice suddenly heard.. Fernand turned his head to the left and was not shocked to see a man wearing summer shorts and fitted white sleeveless, walking towards him. It’s been a week since the man promised to bring his sister back yet he was still unsure if it will happen. “Good morning, Jamie,” he greeted. Just before that day end when his sister left him a letter, Mr.Calixtro asked Fernand to call him Jamie instead.Confused Fernand didn’t ask why, since he was still in midst of emotional breakdown. Mr.Calixtro stopped in front of him and asked.“Have you slept well?” Fernand nodded and smiled. These past few days, Mr.Calixtro seems to care a lot about how he has been or so, it makes him uncomfortable yet he feels nice.But along with those sweet and caring questions, Mr.Calixtro’s character changes in just a snap, “Then move faster and we’ll go in 50 minutes.” Mr.Calixtro exclaimed. “Damn, I'm gonna go late waiting for you.” The smile on Fernand's face faded as soon as Mr. Calixtro turned around and walked out. Even though he stayed for more than a month in Mr.Calixtro’s mansion, he was still not adjusted on how his boss acted. He rolled his eyes and dragged his feets back to his room. He won’t not eat here today for sure. He thought. He picked his school uniform and went to the bathroom to take a quick showwer. As the water flows on his body, he touches the scar on his left abdomen.It doesn’t hurt anymore, yet his heart still aches. His eyes start to feel wet but before he gets more emotional, he immediately rubs soap on his entire body and rinses after. He walked out his shower room and wore his uniform then left his room after he fixed his hair. When he came downstairs a maid with blonde hair approached him “Sir, “ it said. Fernand stops and looks at the maid. He raised his eyebrows and smiled, “yup?” The maid got flustered with his smile, she turned her head down and bit her lips. Fernand seemed confused and held the maids shoulder, “are you okay?” he asked. The maid immediately realised her distance to him and moved a bit to remove Fernand’s hands on her shoulder. “U-uhm_ the maid stuttered. Fernand tried to understand the maid yet his time was ticking. Since he forgot the maid’s name, he’s hesitating to talk to her. Good thing as he looks at the maid it wears its id. “Mary, right?” he said as soon as he read its name. The maid blushed and looked away, “yes sir,” it said with a tiny voice. “Look, I don't have much time. Can we talk…maybe later?” he said and tapped the maids shoulder. He leaves the maid and walks out the main entrance door. “B-but sir!” The maid stops him but she’s too late, Fernand has already left the room. “Oh no,” she said and slammed her face with her hand. Fernand went straight to the mansion’s parking lot. He looked for Mr.Calixtro and found him inside the red Ferrari car parked at the edge of the parking lot.. “Good day Manong Freddie,” he greeted the driver. The driver greeted him back. The two got into a small talk as Fernand asked Freddie about his son. “How do you know I have a son?” Freddie asks. Fernand is suddenly stunned as he realises that every staff member has their information that only Mr.Calixtro and his right hand knows. The staff are forbidden to talk about their personal life except if they are talking only about each other like how they are doing and such, excluding the families and address. “Fernand?” Freddie asks while waving his hand in front of Fernand. Fernand blink his eyes and smiles at Freddie, “uhm.. I heard you..” he said and pointed his index finger at the mansion. “I-in your r-room.. Yeah room yesterday.” he continued. Freddie seemed suspicious as he raised one of his eyebrows. “You did?” he asked Fernand. Last week he promised Kier to kill the Leader of Phoenix Hive, but since it was not easy to kill a powerful man alone, he did some investigation inside the mansion, the whole week he tried to get more information about the phoenix hive. He sneaks into the other house staff’s room hoping that even one of them is just like his sister but he got nothing. Luckily, Mr.Calixtro had a sudden business trip, so he use that time to sneak at Mr.Calixtro’s room. At first he lost hope as it seems that every detail and information about the group has been hidden, he tried to move every book, everything at Mr.Calixtro’s bookshelves but nothing leads to a secret room. He tried to touch every wall but still nothing was open until he discovered an usual pen in Mr.Calixtro’s desk. When he moved the pen, the book shelves immediately moved like a sliding door. As Fernand walked toward it, he found a small yet full of files. He started to dig into files and found some information about the staff. But what's more interesting was that file containing the car accident last 2006, he’s about to read when a car honks. Fernand licked his lips and said, ”yeah, you're talking to him thru phone, right?, I-I just heard. I’m sorry,” Freddie's eyes got bigger , “you mean, you heard me.?” Fernand nodded and looked away,Freedie on the other hand became anxious, he rubbed his hands and swallowed his saliva multiple times. Fernand feels nervousness from the guy he’s talking with, he looks back at him and gets confused about it’s action, he touches Freddies arm and asks,”why?” The man seemed confused about Fernand’s question, his forehead frowned and looking at Fernand, “why?” he asked sarcastically. “You don’t know, don’t you?” Fernand shook his head. Freddie looks at him and whispers “your own information must be kept confidential or else you might be in Danger.” Fernand frowned and asked, “why is that?”. “Everyone here knows what type of man Mr.CAlixtro is, do you?” Freddie ask Fernand swallowed his saliva and answered, “of course” with a smile. He was not ready to know that everyone except him knows the truth about the mafia Mr.Calixtro was handling. Freddie releases a sight and taps Fernand's shoulder, “the business world is too wide that his competitors are willing to kill ordinary people working under him.” “What?” Fernand asked. His thought got scrambled as he realised that Freddie refers to the business side of Mr.Calixtro. He thought that Mr.Calixtro was being transparent to his maids and mansion staff for their safety, but it looks like it wasn’t. “Mr.Calixtro is a businessman, we all know that,” Freddie said. Fernand suddenly burst into laughter as his thoughts were wrong. “HEY!!” A shout stunned the two from talking to each other. It turns out that Mr.Calixtro was impatiently waiting for them for 10 minutes already. He was looking for them as if they would stop as they noticed or felt his gazed. “Are you going to talk all day or what?Damn,” He complain. Freddie immediately left Fernand without a word, walks towards the car and apologises to Mr.Calixtro. Mr.Calixtro rolled his eyes and sight. Freddie then enters the car and starts the engine. “How about you? Are you just gonna stand in there?” Mr.Calixtro said to Fernand that was standing and looking at them. Fernand shrugged his shoulders and said, “maybe?”. Mr.Calixtro grinds his teeth and looks at Fernand from head to toe. “School uniform? Really?” Mr.Calixtro asked. Fernand raised his right eyebrow and answered, “ What do you want me to wear at university? Boxer shorts?” Mr.Calixtro starts to feel annoyed, “Didn’t the maid tell you to change?” he asked with his eyes slanted. Fernand's face scrunched, he looks up and remembers the maid with blonde hair, “you mean Mary? The blonde one?” he asked. Mr.Calixtro turned his back and whispered “I don’t even know her name,”Fernand frowned when he didn’t hear what Mr.Calixtro said, he crossed his arm and looked at Mr.Calixtro. “Hop in, we’ll buy you clothes,” Mr.Calixtro said and turned his sight to the driver. “What for?” Fernand asked with his eyebrows raised in confusion. “Just hop in,” Fernand shrugged his head and said, “nope.” Mr.Calixtro looked at him and raised his eyebrows, he sighed while crossing his arms and rested his back to the seat. “Then run,” Mr.Calixtro said and signalled Freddie to start the car. The car moved and Fernand was left standing with crossed arms, his eyes widened as he realised what just MR.Calixtro meant. “Tss. that guy, is he for real?” he said and looked at his watch. His jaw drops as soon as he sees that he is one hour late in his first class. He walked towards the gate and was about to call a cab when he notice Mr.Calixtro’s car parked in the front. His eyes brightened as Mr.Calixtro looked at him. Fernand smiled at Mr.Calixtro and ran towards the car. He joked, “I know you’re a good boss.” but it seems not funny with Mr.Calixtro as he looked at him with a straight face. “I’m not,” he said to Fernand. The two look at each other’s eyes like both of them have words to tell. Freddie felt the awkwardness seeing the two looking at each other, he coughed that caught the attention of the two. Mr.Calixtro blinked and looked away, “hop in.” he said. Fernand shrugged his shoulders and opened the car's passenger seat’s door. The three silently sat on their seats, while a song was played in the background. A sudden call alerts the people inside the car, the three of them immediately search their pockets. “It’s mine,” Fernand casually said. The two nod and go back to their business. Fernand answered the call without looking at the registered number. “Hello,” he said. “Hi babe,” Fernand looked at Mr.Calixtro as soon as he realised the man who called him. He put his hand under his phone and lips then turned his body in front,”What?” he asked quietly. “Won’t you greet me? Like `` hello kier how are you doing?”” it chuckled Fernand frowned, “what do you need?” “Nah, I'm just gonna update you that your sister is safe. That’s all. Keep safe.” The call immediately hung, Fernand was shocked and a bit distressed. What does he mean by safe?. He thought. Lost in his thoughts, Fernand kept silent until Mr.Calixtro ordered to stop the car. “Hey Fernand,” Mr.Calixtro tapped Fernand's shoulder. Fernand flinched when he felt a warm muscular hand holding his shoulder, he looked around and found out that the car stopped but they were not in the university nor the office, they were in a branded cloth shop. “Why are we here?” Fernand asked. Mr.Calixtro didn’t answer him, instead he opened the car’s door and went outside. Fernand followed him and went outside the car as well. They entered the store and the staff greeted them both. “Choose your style,” Mr.Calixtro said and pointed his hand to the clothes. “Are you for real?” Fernand asked. Mr.Calixtro nodded as an answer, “what got into you?” Fernand asked. Mr.Calixtro wink, “we’re going to Laguna.” he said. Fernand's face turns bright , “Really?” he asked. Mr.Calixtro nodded. Fernand smiled and went to the clothes, the sales lady immediately helped him choose. He was in the middle of choosing his shirt when his phone rang again. This time he looked at the number. “Hey miks,” he greeted with a joyful tone. “Are you okay? I heard you’ve been in the hospital.” Miko asked. “Hospital?” Fernand asked. Fernand’s question immediately caught Mr.Calixtro’s attention. He frowned and walked towards Fernand. “Yeah, you didn’t come to school and Anne said you’ve been in hospital.” “Anna? We never talk-” Fernand didn’t finish his words as Mr.Calixtro suddenly snatched his phone. “Don’t call him , he's still in bed.” Mr.Calixtro said. “Huh? Who-” The call hangs up before Miko finishes his words. Fernand looked at Mr.Calixtro with a scrunchy face,” what the heck? I almost forgot my school. H-how did you?” Fernand said with his lost mind. Mr.Calixtro once again didn’t answer him, instead he told the staff to wrap everything that Fernand touches. The staff without a doubt immediately wrapped everything and gave it to Mr.Calixtro. Mr.Calixtro asked Freddie to get the bag, he just randomly got one and turned to Fernand. “Here,” Mr.Calixtro said to Fernand who's still standing beside him dumbfounded.he threw a paper bag to Fernand and said again, “wear this.”. Fernand, still in midst of confusion, successfully catches the bag. “You want me to wear this without knowing the clothes inside?” Fernand asked. Mr.Calixtro shrugged and whispered, “ you will still look good in everything.” “What??” Fernand said in annoyance. “Nothing, just change your clothes quickly, we’ll be late.” Mr.Calixtro said and pushed Fernand to change the clothes area. With his brain drained due the sudden things that happened, Fernand just followed Mr.Calistro’s advice and changed his clothes. When he entered the room he was surprised by the clothes Mr.Calixtro gave. He smiled and giggled as he got the clothes out the bag. “I never knew he had this side,” he said, wearing a whited colored shirt and spongebob jogger pants. He laughed as he saw himself in the mirror. “Yo, Spongebob.” he said and giggled again. After he got tired of himself, he folded his uniform and left the room. He’s surprised as he sees Mr.Calixtro waiting from him at the side of the room holding a pair of white rubber shoes. Mr.Calixtro moved towards him and gave him the shoes, “you can’t go with black shoes, hurry up” he said and walked out. Fernand raised his eyebrows as Mr.Calixtro suddenly changed, he thought, tss. He’ll surely be curmudgeonly. He changed his shoes and walked towards the car. “Thank you “ he said after he sat in the passenger seat. He looked at the mirror and saw Mr.Calixtro secretly smile. Freddie drives for four hours and a half , and they finally reach Laguna.Fernand fell asleep during their trip so Freddie had to wake him up. “We’re here,” he said. Fernand opened his eyes and was astounded by the view of nature. “Pansanjan?” he asked. Fernand opened the car’s door and immediately felt the cold yet fresh breeze. He stood beside the car and hugged himself. He can smell the freshness of the falls. “You liked it?” Mr. Calixtro sudden question. He stood beside Fernand and looked at him. Fernand turned to him and smiled, he replied to him with a question, “why are we here by the way.” “What do you think?” Mr.Calixtro asked. Fernand's ears got red. He bowed down like a little boy waiting for his mom to say yes. “Of course, I have business here, I need you to do something.” Mr.Calixtro said bluntly. Smile at Fernand’s face faded once again. “What?” he asked. Mr.Calixtro looked at him and said, “you know? You’re sister was not a maid,” Fernand is not shocked however he needs to act as one, or else Mr.Calixtro will be suspicious of him. He tried to widen his eyes and said, “w-what do you mean?” Mr.Calixtro walked towards the wooden chair and sat there, he tapped the space behind him and said in a loud voice,” come here boy, I’ll tell you a story.” Fernand frowned and shouted, “I’m not a boy, for pete sake.” he rolled his eyes and walked towards the space Mr.Calixtro offers. “Tell me now!” he exclaimed. Mr.Calixtro giggled and messed his hair, “what an impatient kid,” Fernand looked at him with slanted eyes and curled forehead. “Lisa was my right hand. She did serve me like a maid but she’s more than it.” Mr.Calixtro said. “Is she your girlfriend? Oh no, I don't like you as my broth-” Fernand was interrupted by the gaze of Mr.Calixtro. “Do we look like a thing to each other?tss.” Mr.Calixtro said. “ I won’t like her,” he continued. Fernand got confused and curious at the same time. “Why?” he asked “I like men.” Mr.Calixtro said without hesitation. In a snap, things got awkward for Fernand. Both of them sit there silently waiting for each other to speak up. Fernand took a deep look and said “ I under-” he didn’t finish his words as Mr.Calixtro suddenly turned around. Fernand bit his lip from embarrassment, he likes to say sorry but it feels wrong, “you asked me multiple times where your sister is right?” Mr.Calixtro said, breaking the silence between them. “Let me tell you.”
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