Chapter 12: Confused

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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental “Wait here, “ Mr.Calixtro ordered Fernand and walked towards the receptionist. Fernand sight as he could only followed Mr.Calixtro’s words. “Geez. what a day.” he whispered and yawned. He was still feeling exhausted due to the scene he was in a while ago. He looked at his phone and luckily, it was not damaged when Mr.Calixtro was being ganged by his enemies. He opened his phone and went to his message, “tss,” he hissed when he found no message from Kier. “No calls either,” he mumbled and kept scrolling to his phone calls. He had this feeling that it was the sampaguita who attacked them. But if it was them, should kier tell me?. He thought and looked for Kier’s number. He didn’t hesitate and dialled the number. He waited for it to take his call yet it hung up before he could talk to him. “ Seriously?” he sighs. He annoyingly put his phone back and looked around. The hotel is quiet. big. He was also amazed by the designs and chandelier hanging on top of him. He smiled and continued to look around. His eyes found Mr.Calixtro talking to a receptionist. He couldn't stop smiling as his eyes glued to the beautiful yet tired face of Mr.Calixtro. His face turned red when mr. Calixtro brushed his hair. Fernand couldn’t help but to look away as he felt a tingling sensation in his whole body. “ Why the f*$k he do that?” he asked himself with a giggle that he hid. He looked back but something seemed wrong, he didn't think twice and stood up. He walked towards them and asked, “What happened?” It turns out that it was only about the room. He shrugged in dismay and kept the room offered by the receptionist. The receptionist called the male hotel staff “Fritz, please show them their room.” . The staff nodded and smiled, “ this way sir,” he said. Fernand looked at Mr.Calixtro, waiting for him to come over. “ You go first, I have to make a call,” Mr.Calixtro said. Since Fernand felt exhausted, he nodded and followed the male staff. They entered the elevator and the staff pressed the 11th-floor button. Fernand was tired and bored at the same time. He looked around but his eyes landed on the staff’s handsome face. He felt that the guy was somehow familiar, so he looked at him and observed. He focuses his observation on its face; brown-colored hair, a pointed nose and smooth red lips. Handsome in other words. Can’t deny he has the face of a young man. his eyes go down to his muscular arms yet his slimmed waist. “Fritz?” he unconsciously said. His forehead frowned as he tried to remember someone with the name Fritz. He gulped when he finally remembered him. “Fritz Macabuhay?” he asked slowly. The staff suddenly smirks and turns to him. “I thought you wouldn’t remember me.” he said smiling. Fernand was stunned to see his old acquaintance standing beside him. How stupid I am, he thought. “Oh, Nandie. Don’t be scared, I'm just here to help you..” Fritz said and walked closer to him. Fritz Macabuhay is one of Sampaguita’s bases heads. He’s well-known for his great skills but lack of brains. He was in charge of base 2, where the Sampaguita men are trained to kill. His base is also where the bodyguards of politicians, celebrities or any known person is under them. He met Fernand when he handled the gangs that Marco is in. He’s the first person to give him an offer but Fernand rejected him and went to Kier. Though the past is past, this doesn’t mean that Fritz has already forgotten how Fernand rejected him and made him lose his face in front of Kier. “I don’t need help” Fernand strongly refused. Fritz suddenly laughed, “ You don’t need help?” He mocked him. “I heard it’s been months but the jerk is still alive, can you really do that?” a broad malicious smile broadened on his face. “I already told Kier that it needs time-” Fernand replied. He knew that Kier probably called him. “That's the reason, Nandie, he is impatient. You should have known better.” Fernand clenched his fist. He knew that he needed to finish his mission as soon as possible for his sister to be able to come back. But something inside him was trying to stop him from doing his job. “We can't, “ he muttered. Fritz looked at him with confusion written all over his face. “Why?” Fernand got silent. He bowed his head down trying to get an answer. Why?. he asked himself. Why can’t he? There’s a lot of chances that were thrown by him. He lives with his target but he can’t even lift a knife towards him, he sat beside Calixtro but still. Fernand shook his head as he realised that the more he works with Calixtro, the harder his mission gets. He let out a long sigh and faced Fritz. “We just can’t right now” he said and raised his head. “We need a plan.” “A Plan??!!” Fritz exclaimed in disbelief. The elevator door suddenly opened. A small opening shows a girl looking at her phone. She switches his gaze when he hears the sound of the elevator's door opening. Fritz smiled and said, “ sorry ma’am. Please take the next one”. He immediately closed the door, leaving the girl curled his forehead. Fritz walked to Fernand with his face turned to a completely annoyed one. “Do you think I f*#king stupid ?” Fritz faced Fernand and held his collar. “I’m not Kier, I don’t fall for your lousy plan!” he said and pushed Fernand. “Do you think, Kier didn't told us how long you have been planning, huh?!Sh*thead?” Fernand’s back ached due to the impact of Fritz pushing, “ You don’t understand,” he said and tried his best to get up. “If you kill him now, how can you look for the documents?” Fritz frowned, “Documents were useless when he died.” “Are you sure?” Fernand smiled playfully. Ofcourse, the documents are very important to the group. Even though Fernand has no clue of what the documents are, just looking at how Kier looks when he found out that Lisa was the thief. He knew right away that it’s not an ordinary Document. *ting* The sound of the elevator opening its door distracted both of them. Fernand immediately shook off dirt from his shirt and got up, while Fritz looked at the other side. A woman aged 50+ entered the elevator with a smile. “Good day ma'am.” Fritz greeted the woman like a normal staff member. “What floor are you?” he asked. The woman replied, “12, please.” Fritz nodded and headed to the elevators button. He pressed the 12 button. The three of them stand there quietly while waiting for their designated floor. The elevator opened once again, but this time it’s the floor where Fernand will stay. “This way sir,” Fritz acted.He also bid his goodbye to the woman. While walking in the hallway, Fritz suddenly stops and looks around. When he saw a corner he pushed Fernand on it and held its collar. “Look,” he said while looking around. When he thinks there’s no person walking around he turns his head to Fernand. “ Kier is being suspicious of you, if you still want your sister to come back without any scratch. We have to do this.” Fritz let go of him and fixed his clothes. “Now, I'll get you and that bastard out of here alive. But, we will meet at base 5, to discuss your plan.” he said and released a sigh. “BUT…If you F*&king bailed us…” Fritz threatens him while looking straight to his eyes. “I guarantee you that your sister won’t have a scratch, cause she will be dead before that happens.” Fernand gulped as he felt the fear crawling on his body. “Y-yes.” he nervously replied. His hands are shaking so badly that he hid it inside his spongebob pants. Fritz looked at him with straight eyes before turning his back at him . “Sir, here’s your room.” Fritz suddenly changed his attitude, he smiled at him while giving his room card. This creeps Fernand away but he still accepts the card. He pulled the card from Fritz's hand yet, all of the sudden, Fritz tightened his hold to the card with creepy smiles visible to his face. That would last for a long time if only a couple didn’t come up from their room. “Have a safe sleep sir,” Fritz said sarcastically before leaving him alone. Fernand , at last can breathe. He used his hand to cool himself before he opened the room. He was stunned by the beauty of the rooms. The theme is a mixture of colour white and gold that really pleased his eyes. There’s two beds that have white sheets and golden yellow pillows with a thick blanket. He groped one of the beds that’s beside the window. It was smooth and kinda felt like a cloud. He smiled and lay his back on the bed. For a second he forgot what just happened. He was about to close his eyes when he heard a sudden ring on his phone. It was a message from Mr.Calixtro. “Hey, what room are we again?” He laughed as he read the message. For someone old like him, maybe it’s normal to forget. He thought and giggled. “Room 1166. Stup*d.?” he replied. He put his phone on his side and continued his sleep. He was awakened by the opening of the door. He opened his eyes and looked for his phone. When he saw that he just got a napped, he looked around. His eyes got blinded by the morning light from the window. He brushed his eyes to see clearly. He was surprised to find a muscular man standing in front of the window. “You're awake. ``It greets him. The voices are low but Fernand can clearly hear what the man just said. “Good morning?” Fernand greeted him back. The man looked at him straight to his eyes. They both got stunned when their eyes met. “Uhm…”Fernand's blood suddenly rushed to his ears. “Shall we eat,Jamie?” he asked. Mr.Calixtro couldn't contain his smile. “Yes,” he said and offered Fernand a way. When they got out of the room, they bumped into Fritz. “Going home sir?” he asked them. Mr.Calixtro nodded, Fritz then guided them to the elevator up to the reception hall. “Please come back again, sir.” Fritz said while looking straight to Fernand. “Have a safe trip,” he added. Fernand felt goosebumps around his body, he felt that the safe trip Fritz was pertaining to wasn't safe at all. He prayed to all Gods that he could at least have someone to help them when Fritz suddenly made his move. They both get out of the hotel and, gladly, Fritz lets them out alive. Fernand Then could breathe normally. “What a day,” he muttered. Mr.Calixtro, who was driving the car heard his words. He felt guilty for making Fernand experience those things. But apparently, he needs to know that. He thought and continued to drive. They passed a fast food chain and ordered in the drive-thru. Fernand got rice and viand, while Mr.Calixtro only had a burger and coffee. It’s afternoon when they arrived home. Fernand stretches his body as soon as he gets out of the car. Mr.Calixtro does the same. When they entered the house, Fernand was aghast by the numerous people inside the hall. They almost occupied the whole hall as they stood up and gave respect to Mr.Calixtro. It was his first time seeing people from Phoenix hive gathered and it was not just anyone, some of them are really well-known. Fernand knew some of them, like Paulo Chen, the owner and CEO of the food and beverages company called ‘octazero’, Harold Mendez, one of the underground dealers in Pampanga.(he only knew him since Miko always had an eye to his product), and Atty. Victor Manduque, the vice-mayor of manila. While some are just bar and casino owners who got protection from the phoenix hive. Mr.Calixtro waved his hand and everyone took their seats. “You all are early,” he said and chuckled. He looked at Fernand and asked him to change his clothes and take a rest. Fernand just nodded and went upstairs. Rather than getting his way to his bedroom, Fernand hid himself in a corner of the hallway where he could hear them talking. It’s not clear, but he knew that their topic was the incident yesterday. “Sir, it may be the Sampaguita. sir,” the one said. “Not a maybe,” Mr.Calixtro paused. His sigh can be heard even in Fernand’s place. “I saw their pin, It surely is the sampaguita.” he added. Fernand frowned as he remembered the incidents. Was that what Kier means of ‘keep safe’? He thought. But before he got his answer to himself, Calixtro’s men suddenly talked. “I’m sure they’re after that document Lisa handed in,” the one man stated with confidence. “But where’s Lisa by the way?” Hearing his sister’s name, Fernand got more interested. But instead of hearing the answers, Mr.Calixtro changes the topic from Lisa to Sampaguita’s possible plan. Fernand frowned as he did not hear anything about his sister. Should he know where my sister is?. He asked himself. Even though he was disappointed in Calixtro, he took a deep breath and continued to hear them. Whatever, if I know what their plan will be. I can save my sister either way. He continued to listen to the group, but due to his boredom, his eyes were slowly closing. He rested his head on the wall and yawned. Before he knew it he had already fallen asleep. “You may go,” Calixtro said and waved his hand to dismiss his men. The men stood up and excused themselves. One by one they were gone. He walked upstairs, stretching his arms and ready to have a rest when he got tripped by something. His body hit the floor but luckily he covered his head fast enough before it hit the floor. He looked at the thing that tripped him and was stunned to see Fernand on the floor. “Sh*t.” he cursed. He immediately stood up and shook Fernand’s body while calling his name. “Hey, Fernand,” he said multiple times. Fernand’s eyes gradually opened, “Jamie?” he asked. Mr.Calixtro released a deep sigh. “I thought something happened to you.” “Uhm…” Fernand was out of excuses. Damn, why did I fall asleep? “Why are you here? Did you lose consciousness? Are you okay? Do you feel hurt?” Mr.Calixtro asked him continuously. Fernand frowned and pushed him away. “I’m fine, I just found the floor good for sleeping,” he said and stood up. Mr.Calixtro raised his eyebrows. “Uhm… I’ll go take a nap in my bed,” Fernand said. Before he walked out, Mr.Calixtro held his arms. “Tomorrow, you have to prepare yourself,” he said and stood up as well. He moved closer to Fernand, making Fernand bump his back to the wall. He put his face close to Fernand and smirked. Fernand gulped and tried not to look at Mr.Calixtro’s eyes. “ Rest well,” he whispered. Fernand felt a tingling feeling around his neck when Mr.Calixtro suddenly sniffed him. “Nice cologne,”Mr.Calixtro commented and walked out, leaving poor Fernand dumbfounded. The next morning, Fernand woke up later than usual. He took a bath and brushed his teeth before he got to the house kitchen. “Morning,” he greeted the servants. Yesterday was a failure. He tried to get information but then he fell asleep. He got some apples from the refrigerator and was ready to leave the house when a man stood in front of him. “Lisa’s brother?” it asked. Fernand raised his eyebrows and looked at the guy. It wears a black polo that fits on its bulk body and jogger pants. His hair was not a mess but it didn’t look like he had been given the time to do his hair. “Hi?” Fernand replied. “Oh, Winson.” a familiar voice suddenly rose from Fernand’s back. He was startled but composed himself immediately. “Can you not appear from nowhere?” Fernand murmured. Mr.Calixtro scrunched his face and looked at Fernand, “Fernand, where are you going?” he asked when he saw that Fernand was wearing a uniform. “School?” Fernand answered. “You're not, go change.” Mr. Calixtro said and slightly pushed him. “Huh? Why?”Fernand frowned. “You have to train,” Mr.Calixtro said and opened the ref. “You should be able to protect yourself,” he added, and bit on the apple he got from the ref. Fernand's face was full of confusion, “I can do that,” he protested. “And also my midterms are almost up.” “You came here to be your sister’s substitute.” Mr.Calixtro told him with a straight face. “I told you, Lisa was not just a Servant. She works with me, she Protects me,” he said while opening the ref once again to get bottled water. “If you can protect yourself, then protect me.” Fernand clenched his fist. “Now get change and don’t argue any further.” Mr.Calixtro commanded Fernand and waved his hand. Fernand bit his lips and turned around. What a jerk. He thought and went upstairs to change. Mr.Calixtro looked at him until he disappeared from his sight. “Winson wants some.” He offered Winson water. The man immediately shook his head and thanked him. “He’s Lisa’s brother?” Winson asked. Mr.Calixto nodded as an answer. “Train him to use a gun, I guess he can do better than his sister.” Mr.Calixtro said and put his water bottle on the sink. “He should be able to protect himself or else… I don’t know what will happen to me.” he continued. “Wait for him at the mansion’s training court, I'll fetch him for you.” Mr.Calixtro instructed him. Winson then nodded and left him.
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